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I've been looking for a way to speed up the network for a while and I've seen Jordan mention Homeplug a few times, just wondering what this actually entails!


A quick search on Ebuyer brings this up. So do I simply buy one of these and chuck them in the plug sockets and away I go? What happens to the old wireless set-up I've got, would I get rid of that completely and would I need anything else other than this product to get going?


Hoping the parents will buy one of these for Christmas.

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Theres some slight set up regarding your router, if it has IP filtering and such. And you can block access from certain places from recieving data.


But essentially its as simple as plugging into the router and one into your machine using short ethernet cables.

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So would I need one for each computer then (I personally would go with a wired network altogether but the folks wont have any of that)? Also would the one on my computer side also be able to connect to the 360 and Wii at the same time?

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Not for each computer.


Assuming all your devices are in the same room, you'de only need a wired ethernet switch for all your devices.



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Just felt like I'd say I got a pair of these back at the house and they dont work with every plug! I think the internet ruins through the house mains! and if your house like mine has two different circuits which supply different parts of the house then the internet cant get across.

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Yeah, thats true.


Some houses don't have a single electrical circut, instead they run in parrell off a single mains power, which means homeplug wouldn't work.


It would be a slight gamble, but generally speaking you should be okay.

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Not for each computer.


Assuming all your devices are in the same room, you'de only need a wired ethernet switch for all your devices.




But if it's on a switch then does that mean that I couldn't use the internet on the 360 and the PC at the same time?

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Well it all arrived this morning (about 10 minutes ago) so I plugged it straight in and am testing it in the study right now. I can definitely see the difference in speed, although I haven't actually ran any tests yet!


The reason I wanted to test it in the study is because its in an extension and so the electricity is on a different circuit. Aeroscap mentioned that it wouldn't work if your electricity was on different circuits, but as long as those circuits are on the same phase there shouldn't be any problems!

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Just felt like I'd say I got a pair of these back at the house and they dont work with every plug! I think the internet ruins through the house mains!

This has always been true for adsl, if you have slave phone ports then you are not supposed to use the master one, you get a garbled signal and you disconnect every few seconds. I remember having this problem when I first moved to broadband, it was quite annoying since I'd been waiting forever to move from 56k to 2mb - and I had to try and figure out what was wrong online when I was constantly getting cut off >.>

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Ok, I've moved it up to my room know and everything seems to be going al right now, although there have been a few issues.


Sometimes it will randomly cut out, for some reason the power light on the homeplug that is connected to the router would just turn off and so the connection would cut out. I have swapped them over and it seems to have solved the problem, although I'll have to wait a bit longer to see if this really is the case!






Is that a decent speed for a 2mb connection?

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Just felt like I'd say I got a pair of these back at the house and they dont work with every plug! I think the internet ruins through the house mains! and if your house like mine has two different circuits which supply different parts of the house then the internet cant get across.


Is their anyway of checking this, short of buying the devices?

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