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A Ma... err, A Wario Christmas!


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I'm posting the final comics early! Apologies to Mokong X-C if I'm not early enough for him to add them to the site tonight. I tried my hardest!


So, here's tonight's comic:




And here's a bonus comic:




And now, A Wario Christmas concludes. Thanks to everyone for reading, as well as your your kind words throughout this month, and thanks to the N-Europe staff for putting the comic on the main site. Oh, and an additional thanks for those who voted for me for stuff in the N-Europe Forum Awards 2007 (all 3 of you, ha ha :heh:).


So with that, have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! :smile:

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it's 2:25 am on Xmas morning, i'm not too druck to to read this now, but i don't think i shoudl risk trying o post this on the main site a t this moment, so i'll wait till tomorrow.i don't wannt accidently mess up something :heh:


Merry Christmas everyone...and great comic again Sporut great way to count down o the 25th as usual

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