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Gamespot US fires Jeff Gerstmann over Kane & Lynch review


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All that and just a 8.8? Why not 9.0? Its merely psychological, but he knew the reaction it would get.


That's because back then the Gamespot rating was generate from what other parts of the score was put together. When I put my reviews up i found out this as each section added towards the final score.

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I agree, I don't see what people felt was wrong with the game.


Taking a look at the review itself, he mentions the graphics as a plus point, and then mentions it again as a negative.




He does complain that the game hasn't evolved much, but then again, wasn't this what we wanted in the first place? A traditional Zelda title? Back to basics, just some more of the good stuff. Especially after Wind Waker.



Still, I never agreed with the review, but I am a little sad he's been removed from his post because of another review. It is his own opinion at the end of the day, like my opinion is my own. At the end of the day, giving Zelda an 8.8 may seem harsh, but it's still a very good score, because it's still a very good game.


If he thought the game in question deserved a 6.0, then that's his view on it. No use whinging and sacking the guy over it.


I couldn't agree with you more. I disagreed with his 8.8, yet I never held it against him, and if he has been fired over this new review, then that is an absolute joke.

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That's because back then the Gamespot rating was generate from what other parts of the score was put together. When I put my reviews up i found out this as each section added towards the final score.


I did not know that. A bad system if you ask me, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

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The last paragraph of that review sums it up pretty well imo:


I always got the feeling TP was a game for the Zelda fans. To me, it wasn't a game Nintendo would have made if it wasn't for WW. I loved WW, and I'm sure many others did, but after seeing the spaceworld demo of Link and Ganon years ago, and getting WW, it left a lot of fans bitter. Nintendo delivered with TP. I can understand people wanting something different, but fuck, I love the game hard. Lake Hylia at dawn, with the mist and music in the background just gives me chills every single fucking time.

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They're as much the same game as Halo is going around and shooting aliens.


It's the formula for Zelda, it's essence. Remove an item from Zelda like the Master Sword, and you'll have an army of Nintendo fans asking them to put it back in. The two go together. However, Twilight Princess did put a new spin on things. The layout of the dungeons itself being a main one. As a wise man once correctly pointed out, some of the dungeons in the game don't even feel like dungeons, but rather they are locations with surprises. The fourth dungeon and the ice mansion being primary examples. There are always going to be similarities between each game, and that's what makes Zelda Zelda, it is a series after all.


Did you even play Galaxy? If not, go play it. You'll be surprised. It's being ranted about for a reason, even if it is just collecting "random stars."


I've got 43 stars on Galaxy. I think I'm playing more because everyone says its great as opposed to me actually really enjoying it. I understand it is virtually the perfect Mario game but the format isn't cutting it for me anymore. Nintendo seem to innovate on gameplay and ignore everything else.


Like you said, its Zelda with a new spin on it. Its a spin on the same old formula, its still not new. I love similar elements but when each game is essentially the same it gets tiring.


As for Halo, you are right. I have the same problem with it. Its the same repetitive crap. Halo 3 however injected the fun back into it with the online co-op and then on top of that adding skulls which completely change how you have to approach the enemy, on top of that adding another 2 levels of AI which I'm a amazed as anyone actually do make a lot of difference and then again on top of that adding an arcade scoring system and achievements.


I always got the feeling TP was a game for the Zelda fans. To me, it wasn't a game Nintendo would have made if it wasn't for WW. I loved WW, and I'm sure many others did, but after seeing the spaceworld demo of Link and Ganon years ago, and getting WW, it left a lot of fans bitter. Nintendo delivered with TP. I can understand people wanting something different, but fuck, I love the game hard. Lake Hylia at dawn, with the mist and music in the background just gives me chills every single fucking time.


I agree. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy TP because it is a good game. Like I said its the same as all the other ones but even if you look past that there is something not quite right about it. Hyrule just seems a bit soulless. I can't really explain it but I know I'm not the only one who got that feeling. Also considering they delayed the game a year to make it the best Zelda ever they cut out a hell of a lot of stuff that was in the E3 demo.

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It may have had changes, but deep down it still has that Halo feeling, which does make Halo what it is. Otherwise, it wouldn't be Halo.


It depends how you look at Twilight Princess. To me, it was a traditional Zelda. Like Mikey has pointed out, it's like an Ode to the fans. That was the way I felt about it, too. It does feature a lot of the classic Zelda items, but it does mix it up with some new ones. Overall, I think the game had its own soul, which at the same time feeling and playing like a true Zelda game. Something that I sometimes didn't feel about the Wind Waker.

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I'll be honest, I dropped WW as soon as the triforce quest started up. I think normally I would have completed it but I played over a couple months and its hard to keep interested in something like that without doing it in a solid period.


Anyway, back on topic. The 8.8 that Zelda got definitely reflected what I felt about it. 8.8 definitely isn't a bad mark anyway.

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I've never been able to pinpoint exactly why I didnt like TP. The dungeons where great. There was lots to do, but at the same time it wasn't a challenge I didnt die or infact get stuck when I played it. I think the main problems were that the sidequests where all shit and the towns where boring Kakariko village was awful compared to its OOT conterpart for example. There wasnt enough to do in Hyrule Town and whatever the forrest place you start in was called.


Its the first Zelda that when i've finished I felt no desire to go get all the hearts and items I missed out on, on my play through. Infact i've had no desire to even open the case again. It really was a game that lacked that Nintendo sparkle imo. It could have done with a couple of months extra pollish and it would have been fantastic. Instead it was mearly good, and good isn't good enough for a Zelda game in my book.

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For me the let down was the story, one momment you're running everywhere looking for the lost kids and the girl, everything is story driven, and all of a sudden nobody cares about the shit you do! Its like they dropped it in the middle!

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Gerstmann was a class A tit. I find this all quite funny for a number of reasons. It is unfair what Eidos and Gamespot have done, and I never liked Gamespot anyway, but this really shows them up. But although it is unfair, if anyone deservs the sack, it's Jeff. Happy ending all round.


Please give me an adequate reason why he deserved to be sacked, and also another reason why it is happy.

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In my view Gerstmann was more a businessman as opposed to a game entusiast working for a website. The comment about him helping to make gamespot what it is very true. I remember seeing how it changed into a business early on last generation, and wasn't a big fan of it, so pretty much stopped visiting. I think a lot of reviews were designed to pull in the readers, and it worked, and gamespot prospered. I agreed with some of what he said and some of what he didn't, but he didn't deserve to get fired. I hope someone picks him up.

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All that and just a 8.8? Why not 9.0? Its merely psychological, but he knew the reaction it would get.


Exactly. He wanted to be the first major site to give the game a sub 90 score. And he got a lot of hits for it and created a buzz.


Please give me an adequate reason why he deserved to be sacked, and also another reason why it is happy.


He deserved to be sacked because I believe he gave odd review scores to create a buzz on the net. He underrated some games, overrated others, and often contradicted himself in reviews. He got away with it, and used it to the benefit of Gamespot, and also to himself as he became an internet 'star' with the Zelda review.


He did these things and all was fine, until he underrated a game which he was being paid to advertise and was sacekd (which is wrong and I have already condemned Eidos for their actions).


I think it's a happy ended because he's finally gotten the boot. As I said earlier, it's also brutally ironic that he's given so many bizarre scores and reviews and got away with it, and then gets fired for one he actually (to all accounts although I haven't played the game) got on the mark! haha

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To stick my ore in, Zelda is starting to get old. It's history is meaning the creators can't have the freedom to do what they want to make it fun and fresh again. PH is a step in the right direction but is too easy, which is fine since it IS a My First Zelda. TP had no real soul, like someone above said, it was all story driven for the first 8 hours or so, then it just went away and nothing mattered. Also it was just sooo empty, i never felt like WW was as empty as TP probably due to the pacing of the game and me actually enjoying the map quest thing. i iz a pirate arrrrrrr!


Gerstmann is a knob because he reviewed games to generate hysteria to some extent and to get people to go to gamespot's website, rather than given honest reviews. Gamespot has no integrity at all, even less now following this sacking. GT for honest blunt reviews, 1UP for impassioned hardcore reviews and gamespot for use as internet toilet paper in emergencies.

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1up is the biggest pile of rectal discharge I have ever had the displeasure of reading. Eurogamer is the only place I'll go now since they are the most objective and always justify their score.


Plus the comments section is a bit of a laugh.

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Everyone could argue each site. Gametrailers gave Assassin's Creed 90+, I don' think so! See everyone has an opinion on things. TBH every site you visit will always rate a game you like not the score you think it should get. It just will never happen that way, because it's what people think themselves of the game when they actually play it. I'm sure people have disgreed with some of mine too. :P

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Exactly. He wanted to be the first major site to give the game a sub 90 score. And he got a lot of hits for it and created a buzz.




He deserved to be sacked because I believe he gave odd review scores to create a buzz on the net. He underrated some games, overrated others, and often contradicted himself in reviews. He got away with it, and used it to the benefit of Gamespot, and also to himself as he became an internet 'star' with the Zelda review.


He did these things and all was fine, until he underrated a game which he was being paid to advertise and was sacekd (which is wrong and I have already condemned Eidos for their actions).


I think it's a happy ended because he's finally gotten the boot. As I said earlier, it's also brutally ironic that he's given so many bizarre scores and reviews and got away with it, and then gets fired for one he actually (to all accounts although I haven't played the game) got on the mark! haha


Yeah, that and you're sore about the 8.8 score.


Come on, the guy's out of a job now, a job he's been at for 11 years, he's got no money coming in ('cept his other half).

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To stick my ore in, Zelda is starting to get old. It's history is meaning the creators can't have the freedom to do what they want to make it fun and fresh again. PH is a step in the right direction but is too easy, which is fine since it IS a My First Zelda. TP had no real soul, like someone above said, it was all story driven for the first 8 hours or so, then it just went away and nothing mattered. Also it was just sooo empty, i never felt like WW was as empty as TP probably due to the pacing of the game and me actually enjoying the map quest thing. i iz a pirate arrrrrrr!


Gerstmann is a knob because he reviewed games to generate hysteria to some extent and to get people to go to gamespot's website, rather than given honest reviews. Gamespot has no integrity at all, even less now following this sacking. GT for honest blunt reviews, 1UP for impassioned hardcore reviews and gamespot for use as internet toilet paper in emergencies.


Did you finally get round to finishing Twilight Princess then?

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Eidos interactive's Kane and Lynch: Dead Men is a fantastic game that pushes the boundaries of interactive brilliance and DON'T LISTEN IT'S A TRAP THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME OH GOD NO PLEASE N


Edit: Apple_NibdiB here. Sorry About that. I am fine. I was joking. LolEND MESSAGE

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Yeah, that and you're sore about the 8.8 score.


Come on, the guy's out of a job now, a job he's been at for 11 years, he's got no money coming in ('cept his other half).


He can easily get another one, I'm sure other sites will see that it was an unjust sacking.

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