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Time for a revamp. The joys of the Tantra. Who has experienced these? :D


hehe. mean tantric sex? i could be wrong but from my understanding there's quite a difference between "tantra" and "tantric sex" ..i mean! they're linked to the same philosophy, but it's like saying "have you tried food?" when you actually mean "have you tried chocolate covered pretzels?" :smile:

i've only tried this ..uhm... by myself *heh* ~ but the results were very intense... bluey recommends! :grin:

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hehe. mean tantric sex? i could be wrong but from my understanding there's quite a difference between "tantra" and "tantric sex" ..i mean! they're linked to the same philosophy, but it's like saying "have you tried food?" when you actually mean "have you tried chocolate covered pretzels?" :smile:

i've only tried this ..uhm... by myself *heh* ~ but the results were very intense... bluey recommends! :grin:


I thought saying "the joys" of the tantra was enough to get people there. :D


I insist you try it with someone else... it is... I don't know how to put it into words. Best. Orgasms. Ever. And we both agreed on that.

(I have never seen such squirting...)


Sometimes, slow & steady is the way to go. :D

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O_W, I don't think most people here get enough sex to have ever tried it. I don't know...maybe that's why I'm not having sex right now...say...where can I get a copy of the kama sutra?


I want to say libraries because I found a copy of it in my local library.

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Hmmm... doing this could be... well. DANGEROUS.


Bluey likes the sound of my voice a little too much anyway.




Letty finds my voice rather attractive, I personally think i sound like a normal person with a 2x4 shuved up my ass... or something. Its not "high" but my accent makes me sound alot higher pitched than i actually am.


Its so frustrating T_T

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Hmmm... doing this could be... well. DANGEROUS.


Bluey likes the sound of my voice a little too much anyway.


"rather attractive" would be a terrible understatement.







i guess that really helps when you're almost 300 miles away from each other ^_^

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Sexually explicit information inbound...


Ever since I've been deeply falling for this lady I can't find it in me to have a wank; My trusty porn has no effect on me anymore and since my mind is only focused on her my mind can't conjure up a storm of imaginative sexual activity and even though shes sexy as hell, my internal moral system somehow restricts me from 'going there'...Is this normal? (:p)...Cos I'm, thrashing all my previous records of holding out since records begin at around 12, almost one full week now. Have to say though, I do feel an extra spring to my step and a bounce in my walk without handcock action.

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Threesomes break up relationships (of any kind)*


If it's strangers that you'll never see again then score.


*All Theoretical for me :(


A friend and a fuck buddy, both of whom I've spoken to today. So its all gravy as they say.

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