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The Wii Turns 1!


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To be honest, the only great games for the console are Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Resi. And Zelda and Resi are ports, so really it only has two games truly worthy of a purchase, unless of course you're a fan of a certain franchise.


*raises shield for inevitable attack of fanboys telling me excite truck is a great game*


What's your problem with excite truck?

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What's your problem with excite truck?


It's a great game (i love it to pieces) but come on, it's hardly a 9/10 game.


Everyone who's not a complete fanboy will tell you the two big wii games are Metroid and Mario galaxy (although Metroid is strictly for hardcore fans so its really just mario). Resident Evil 4 is great but it's a port, and so too is Zelda:TP (the game itself is so last gen it's crazy...pretty cool though).


Excitetruck is cool but would you HONESTLY put it alongside Resi4 and Mario galaxy as Wii greats? No. Same goes for WarioWare, Pokemon and the other good ps2 ports (like scarface).


I'm not dissing the Wii; i love it to pieces, but there are only really 2 solid games on it and a bunch of other 'good' games on it. I mean, after the big 4 (Resi, mario, zelda and metroid) there's a small gap to the next layer of games (RRR, Trauma Centre, Madden 07).

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What's your problem with excite truck?


I have no problem with excite truck. It has a problem of being an average racer, that only got any fucking attention because it used motion controls (that really added nothing to the experience) and because it was published by the supreme god of gods Nintendo.


Dunno about ExciteTruck, but if you've got friends and booze, the Wii is your gateway to walhalla: RRR, RRR2, MP8, Wario Ware, Wii Sports, Brain Training do the trick rather nicely everytime ^^


Yes, wii has a nice pool of party games, but still, none of those games are great party games. The best party game will come soon in the form of Guitar Hero.

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I'm pretty disappointed with this year despite having Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy late on it's been fairly mediocre.

Three or Four of them are must haves in my opinion (Mario, Metroid and Trauma Center and maybe RE 4) three of them are something to consider (Sonic, Excite Truck RE4/SSX Blur). Trauma Center is the best third party game this year and that was out last year in the US.


The last 4 four months of this year would of made up for things if you go back to August before some of the delays. If one or two came out this side of the year it would of been a better year since most of the titles are much better than what was released earlier this year.

I wanted Zack and Wiki or Medal of Honour Heroes 2 at the very least this Christmas.


Now if you look at the US releases this year that is what I call a pretty good year despite Smash Brothers being delayed, they still have the likes of Zack and Wiki, Battalion Wars 2, Fire Emblem, Medal of Honour, Trauma Center New Blood and NiGHTS next month besides Mario and Metroid. Four of them are quality third party games consider it three if NiGHTS flops :p.

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