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Ghostbusters Wii


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IGN AU hands-on


We really liked the visual style of the game, for instance, as it utilises a heavily stylised and cartoony look which is really quite charming. The characters in particular look great, with nice shadowing on the models, while firing up a Proton beam looks every bit as cool as you'd expect; glowing with red and orange energy, electricity sparking and pulses moving down it. We're also pleased to report that – unlike the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 game – you'll be able to play through the entire campaign mode in splitscreen co-op with up to four players!




As a result, the single player campaign will follow the same basic events as the other versions, but will deliver it in a "softer" way. In other words, there'll be less story and less dialogue. Like it or not Wii owners - Ghostbusters on Wii is being designed to skew younger than its brethren, so don't expect the adult themes from the films to make it through.






A very crude and perhaps unfair visual comparison (but still):













I'm still not sold on the Wii's artistic style. I hope they release some decent Wii-shots soon. And the above comments give me a bad feeling. Man, the gameplay of the Wii-version better be up to it... :hmm:

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I was just about the post that character art pic but you beat me to it. Here is another of the same 360 scene but presumably from the wii;




I'm not that impressed and as a huge ghostbusters fan feel I may have to buy one of the other versions for it to be done justice.


Also detest this quote;


In other words, there'll be less story and less dialogue. Like it or not Wii owners - Ghostbusters on Wii is being designed to skew younger than its brethren, so don't expect the adult themes from the films to make it through.


I don't understand why there has to be this trade off with Wii games, the PS2/Gamecube and Xbox all had epic games with plenty of dialogue and yet now we seem to get everything streamlined and simplified.

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I don't understand why there has to be this trade off with Wii games, the PS2/Gamecube and Xbox all had epic games with plenty of dialogue and yet now we seem to get everything streamlined and simplified.


Agreed. The Wii can hold more than enough data for cut scenes and audio. I don't see why, firstly, we have a "softer" visual look, when games like RE4 look so stunning, and secondly why we get a cut down mini-game-a-like. The multiplayer options are all well and good, but why comprimise the single player experience.

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I blame the developers. There really is no need to 'dumb' this game down on any console. I think many of them have a certain prejudice against the Wii/Nintendo now.


Saying that, I'm not completely convinced that the 360/PS3 version has it right either. The action in the films was quite cartoony in the first place. It was a comedy, after all.

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You see I'd accept the a Wii stylized version if it looked like the cartoon but it doesn't. The character models remind me of the main character from Herdy Gerdy for some reason. There is no reason to do this, the cube, PS2 and Xbox could handle realistic graphics and even still compete by modern standards look at God Of War!

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I'm actually somewhat happy the Wii version is different. That means I'll be picking it up + the 360 version, and I'll have two new Ghostbusters games to play!:yay:


But yeah, it's sad that one year after the console has been released some developers still follow the idiotic notion that Wii owners = kids, so the games have to be made with an younger audience in mind.

Why can't they accept that there's Wii owners older than 12, and that we also appreciate "mature" storylines and content?

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Personally, I prefer the art style of the Wii version to the 360/PS3/PC versions, since I feel that they just look too serious (almost like from a horror movie or something), and don't suit the franchise it's based on, while a cartoony style can work quite easily (See Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters).

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the Wii remote's a Proton Pack. We've gone hands-on, and it's ace: move with the analogue stick, aim with the Wii pointer, then press Z and - bssszzhhmm! - 500,000Mhz of particle accelerator beam arcs across the room, frazzling ghosts and furniture. When the beam turns blue, you can slam a trapped Slimer against the walls, Eledees-style. And, yep, you do push the Nunchuk forward to slide a Ghost Trap under a spook before guiding him in with the Remote, 'tugging' him toward you a stubborn fish. It really is Ghostbusters.

Absolutely loving the sound of that! :yay:


I was a huge Ghostbusters fan back in the day (still got a box full of the toys and action figures somewhere, all minus Proton packs though, :( God damn they broke / got lost easily. :heh:) so yeah I'm pretty excited for this game, really hope it turns out well.

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  • 11 months later...
Who's the blonde guy? I don't remember Bill's character being that... well... Aric.


Hes "Rookie" , he is based on one of the programmers or something like that , you do get to play as the others though as remeber this is 4 player co-op!

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