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Reggie talks about Nintendo's strategy


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Ya know I got a kick out of the latest comments on the PS3 and its frame rate. It is like 3X the rate that your eye can see a difference! I mean talk about overshooting consumer needs and creating an opportunity for a disruptor to come in and say "look at this different solution."
Heh. Well said Reggie. Well said.
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Q: Is it just 1st party or will it be 3rd party as well [to download]?

A: Yes we will.


Yeah, 3rd party games too, that's great, should help the success quite a lot.



A: I don't know about a handheld device, but talk to me in May when we talk about details on the Revolution and the Virtual Console.


What is the Virtual Console, can someone please tell me or is it some secret device that will be revealed in the future?

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ya know he said exactly what ive been saying, the videogame market isnt as helathy as analysts say it is. He basically confirmed what ive been thinking too, they have the safest strategy. Nintendo understands that people are now owning more than one console so they gone to extra legnths to position themself as the only second console worth having, and a worthwhile primary system. It just all remains to be seen if their plans come to fruition on paper its solid, and like he said sony's arrogance only makes their task easier, it will be a real shame if sony still has the largest marketshare coming out of the next gen. Simply because they dont care about games or gamers.


Its interesting how all their ideas, and aims all managed to fit within a sound business plan, where as most people were saying they had their backs against the wall and were trying something desperate.


The only thing i wish hed commented on was piracies effect on the industry.

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