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Mine's N-Europe.


Bet that will be the most common response here.


I could suggest for those of you who are undecided. make your own page of links to the sites you go on most and set that as your home page.


It won't take very long to load either if you don't put images on it.


Oh and I doubt this is in the right place. I think it should go in Tech, but it could also probably go in general.

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iGoogle for me too. I have so many RSS feeds on different tabs.


Tab 1: Home -Bookmarks, Calender, Gmail.


Tab 2: Gaming News 1 - Go Nintendo, N-Europe, Kotaku, Joystiq, Xbox360 fanboy, XBOX Live's Major Nelson.


Tab 3: Gaming News 2 - DS-x2, Smash Bros Dojo!, My 360 gamercard, HL Fallout, 360 Monster (now Console monster).


Tab 4: Gamespot - Gamespot News, Gamespot Reviews, Gamespot presents the Hotspot.


Tab 5: Bit Torrent - Animesuki, RSL Log, NFORCE, Mininova.


Tab 6: News - BBC News, Slashdot.


Mmm... RSS feeds.

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