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Nothing beats a proper cup of hot chocolate made with some really dark chocolate, milk, whipped cream, cocoa powder, and some marshmallows. Yes it's full of sugar but it tastes a hell of a lot better than coffee and, even though I haven't had it I'm sure it does, tea.
Yeah Hot Chocolate is awesome, but give tea a go!
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My bike's been stolen, I'm fucking pissed. I went to report it to the police, but their computer system was down, so they couldn't do anything. Fucking useless bastards, now I have to go again later. HgfqS¨JHKBGVI

%DNvk,lxmBFIZEAO^gvbhjnf odqc^v nbjk,dlùm

Do you have that super awesome cool bike?? That sucks, sorry to hear. *huggage* Those scumbags...thieves and police! (I can say that, my uncle's a copper and he's the definition of scum, ha). Hope your insurance will cover it?

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Do you have that super awesome cool bike?? That sucks, sorry to hear. *huggage* Those scumbags...thieves and police! (I can say that, my uncle's a copper and he's the definition of scum, ha). Hope your insurance will cover it?


It's a pretty shoddy bike to be honest, and I can get around easily enough on foot, so I won't miss it that much. And I don't have it insured I think (not like it's worth insuring, it's a really old bike).

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It's a pretty shoddy bike to be honest, and I can get around easily enough on foot, so I won't miss it that much. And I don't have it insured I think (not like it's worth insuring, it's a really old bike).

oh lol, I had it in my head you had an expensive bike from some thread, nevermind.

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WTF Ganepark! You've never tried tea!!


I'm with FLink, it's one of the nicest drinks ever! EVAAAR!!... it's warm, and so many biscuit options!!


On the other hand, Coffee is horrible!


This man speaks the truth. Tea is THE BEST drink ever. I have so many cups a day, I love it so much.


Though..I'm one of those "wierd" people that has 3 sugars (sometimes...4 *runs*)

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Moved up to the next step of discliplinary action against me at work today, I like to see myself as the office bad boy :D


Bowling tonight should be ace.




Brilliant. Bowling would be more fun if I was less good at it, and in turn giving the girls a better chance at victory.

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Got my chest surface, wrist surface, nose bridge and lip pulled out in the crowd. I didnt even notice my chest one go! My lip got caught in some bitches hair.



dsc01345ne4.jpg (this is next day, looked better last night :D)




Still can't get the fuck over how insane it was.




Oh yeah! And the best part was they only played one song from their new album (which is a bit crap tbh)


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Got my chest surface, wrist surface, nose bridge and lip pulled out in the crowd. I didnt even notice my chest one go! My lip got caught in some bitches hair.



dsc01345ne4.jpg (this is next day, looked better last night :D)




Still can't get the fuck over how insane it was.




Oh yeah! And the best part was they only played one song from their new album (which is a bit crap tbh)



Tits or GTFO. <3


I am bored. Everyone has gone back to uni and i dont start untill next weeeeeeeeek. I also have not been here for ages. I also have spent all of my loan already so I am poor.

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@ Letty - The Dir En Grey thing you were at.... was it that Kerrang! Relentless tour thing? If so, it looked to have a pretty poor line-up apart from MSI. I haven't heard anything by Dir En Grey so can't say whether they are good or not. Has reminded me that I need to keep an eye out for Download festival announcements as I'm waiting to see who's gonna headline before I make a decision on whether to go. So annoyed that I couldn't go to see KISS headline. Will never get the chance to see them again but hopefully this year's line-up will be just as good.

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@ Letty - The Dir En Grey thing you were at.... was it that Kerrang! Relentless tour thing? If so, it looked to have a pretty poor line-up apart from MSI. I haven't heard anything by Dir En Grey so can't say whether they are good or not. Has reminded me that I need to keep an eye out for Download festival announcements as I'm waiting to see who's gonna headline before I make a decision on whether to go. So annoyed that I couldn't go to see KISS headline. Will never get the chance to see them again but hopefully this year's line-up will be just as good.


Yeah, it was the Kerrang tour!

I agree, the line up was shiiiiit - I left after dir en grey's set.


Bring me the Horizon didn't even show up!



Here's a Dir en Grey song if you're interested:


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That must have been a nice bonus


I'd never even heard of them.

Kinda glad though, Dir en Grey got more time :yay:


One thing annoys me though, these guys have been around for years, and have 7 or 8 albums out, yet they're only being discovered by Kerrang?

There's like a full 2 page interview with them in the current issue!


I actually used to quite like them, but god damn it's like scene kid drama queens.


Shame I'd have liked to have seen msi again.


MSI brought the place down :D

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I'd never even heard of them.

Kinda glad though, Dir en Grey got more time :yay:


One thing annoys me though, these guys have been around for years, and have 7 or 8 albums out, yet they're only being discovered by Kerrang?

There's like a full 2 page interview with them in the current issue!


Kerrang are slow, Rock sound is muchos better, I've found! :yay:

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Yeah, it was the Kerrang tour!

I agree, the line up was shiiiiit - I left after dir en grey's set.


Bring me the Horizon didn't even show up!



Here's a Dir en Grey song if you're interested:



I'd never even heard of them.

Kinda glad though, Dir en Grey got more time :yay:


One thing annoys me though, these guys have been around for years, and have 7 or 8 albums out, yet they're only being discovered by Kerrang?

There's like a full 2 page interview with them in the current issue!


they're terrible, horrible scene kids band.


Didn't that singer glass some girl in the face on their tourbus a while back? I haven't heard of Dir en Grey.

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With 4 sugars in each cup you're probably always *running*!! you must be hyper, lol!


I just have a little bit of sugar.


Lol, I used to me mega hyper. I had to have decaf debags, because of it (Retarded, I know). But now, it doesn't seem to affect me in the slightest. I've never met anyone else that has up to 4 in their tea...it worries me.

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Lol, I used to me mega hyper. I had to have decaf debags, because of it (Retarded, I know). But now, it doesn't seem to affect me in the slightest. I've never met anyone else that has up to 4 in their tea...it worries me.


Just you wait til you hit your twenties and your metabolism goes woooooosh, all the way down. And you get mahoosive (like me :indeed:)


Then you won't be so keen on 4 sugars :heh:


(i used to have 3/4 sugars in my coffee but in tea its way too much)

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Brilliant. Bowling would be more fun if I was less good at it, and in turn giving the girls a better chance at victory.

Made me lol. I carried you last time ReZ. Lets just say, the sisters are gonna be doing it for themselves later. Yeah? yeah. :heh: *limbers up*

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