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Sorry, it's best to be safe though, it's common in students so I'm always getting warnings about it. I hope you're okay...


Anyway, finally finished my chemistry... that took several hours.

Update: No need for me to worry now, the bad neck and general fatigue has cleared up now. All I needed was a good nights sleep :heh:
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I don't know know really, there's no point in letting them win by having a breakdown or whatever, I mean, thats what they want. The police told me it's my fault for staying at the school and that calling them isn't doing any good!


I got taxi into college, and I got dropped off just outside, as I walked in I got grabbed and threatened with a knife by one of them. Before they did anything I just dopped my bag and ran. Went over the nearest fence through a feild and ran back to my house, but before I got there they caught up with me and kicked me a few times on the floor and ran off. I don't mind really, I mean, now people will actually know whats going on they can watch out for these pricks and the police might finally catch them :)


The school think I'm going to have a breakdown lol. They've arranged a counciller for ,me and I have to go a see a pyschiatrist (sp) aswell. I mean, I don't see why I need to! I'm fine. Surely it should be up to me whether I want to talk to someone or not?


edit: apologies for any speling mistakes, my laptop keyboard is messing up, I can spell, really. :)


*Takes off gauntlet and throws it at the ground near Haggis*


Wait!....Wrong removal of clothing and indication.


*Picks up gauntlet and puts it back on*


*Takes hat off to you*


Thats it. :)

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Not too great, I woke up with a killer cough and sore throat and as a result decided to stay at home. Unfortunately I was meant to sort out my UCAS stuff today (which has been paid and sent off, whoot!) college-wise but I guess it'll have to wait..


Also, I have Philosophy looming over my head at the moment, bloody synoptic essay..I just can't get in to it...

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Yesterday was quite naff...


My brother decides to have cheese on toast, only to find there is no cheese in the house. So I have to go out and buy some.

I come back, and I said "I might as well have some cheese on toast now." only there was no worcester sauce left, and I didn't see the point. :blank:


Nothing happened until gone midnight.


I wanted to watch .Hack, but again.

Brother + Me = Pissed Off Me.

He wouldn't let me watch it, because he didn't want to have to watch it as well. He tells me to watch it when it's on later, although WWE Raw was on at that time, and I didn't want to keep flicking over and back again. :angry:


So I go off, in a mood, and play CoD4, decide to play it on Veteran.

Me + Bad Mood + Hard Game = Unenjoyable Gaming Experience :nono:


Thank fuck for WWE Raw. I went to bed singing Chris Jericho's theme music. :smile:

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Hhaha, Classic. Just had a call from the type of woman who would drive me mad if she was my wife.


"I opened my husbands post because hes out"


"Oh, I was mad at him because I thought he had increased it without telling me"


Made me think what a wanker she was, tone of voice and general ness. Lol. Idiot woman.

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My day was great, fairly lazy. I think I've managed to avoid maths homework tomorrow since I'm interviewing potential headteachers for a new high school.




The police in this country are incompetent Haggis, they took over an hour to get to my street when chavs were breaking into my neighbour's house.


Let's send out a joint JBA-GLA strike team to take care of the *****. :D

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Had an awesome day yesterday, went to London to see the Tutankhamen exhibition in the 02, which was bloomin lovely. All except the 3 hour bus journey in crampt seats on the way in. Met the Queen as well that day by complete accident as i was making my way to Westminister Tube Station. Said hello and congratulated her on 60 years marriage.


Finally made it to the Tube and to the 02 where i saw a variety of artifacts from all of Tutankhamen's era and before as well, spent 3 hours looking at them all in detail.


Headed back to the Tube, then to Victoria to get the Bus back home. Was greeted by a random drunk who proceeded to steal my wallet and get on the same bus as me sitting in front of my Dad. Police came on board and dragged him off the bus as he didn't pay for a ticket either, i followed and got my wallet back and he got time in jail.


Today, well it has been boring. Most exciting thing i done was get a hair cut.

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I hate you =[


Where you choose to go?


Haha, thank you, I chose to go to Kent, Kent (different course, British and American policy), UWE in Bristol, Nottingham Trent and finally Oxford Brookes. I'm planning to study Politics and International Relations, I chose courses that give me a year out in America (locations include, Indiana, New York, Washington and DC)


Welldone getting five choices at uni DomJcg.


Mucho thankyous Dante, I'm very pleased about it =D

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Go nottingham on trent ;) I applied to nottingham so you never know could see you near there :p


I have been rejected from Cambridge so far. I didn't expect to get in. But they didn't even want to interview me which was pretty rejecting.


Got offer from reading, but that was my last resort choice, if I got rejected there I would have actually cried.


In all seriousness, well done domjcq :) (I still hate you for getting all your choices though :/)

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