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Sometimes people over complicate things in their minds. Like when an old person struggles to do the most simple things on a pc. It's often because they've said to themselves, "this will be too hard and I won't be able to do it." So they've mentally blocked themselves from learning. Try explaining it to her in a different way. Try to show her that it's really simple.


"old people are people to, they just think they have closed the window for ever when they go to another page"


Or something like that.


I love the Peep Show! :heh:


nah, I think I over complicated things! :p I'll try and make it more simple thanks. :)


What I want to say works in my mind but comes out wrong. It takes me time to make my posts on here to as I keep changing the way I want to say it! :D

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What's your position? Will you get any contact with the animals, or are you going to be cloistered away in an office or behind a counter?


Well... I'll mainly be sweeping the grounds :heh: but also kind of helping out in the shops because I've worked in retail. But because of the course I've switched too in September, I told the guy who hired me and he said that I can speak to the guys who are responsible for that and possibly even helping them out from time to time :D (as it's not like I'll have to be constantly sweeping from 8-5)!

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Well... I'll mainly be sweeping the grounds :heh: but also kind of helping out in the shops because I've worked in retail. But because of the course I've switched too in September, I told the guy who hired me and he said that I can speak to the guys who are responsible for that and possibly even helping them out from time to time :D (as it's not like I'll have to be constantly sweeping from 8-5)!


Good on you, getting your foot in the door! Congrats on the job!

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Good on you, getting your foot in the door! Congrats on the job!


Thankyou :D, next will be the giraffes ;) well I may get a chance to help out some of the people who take care of the animals, so you never know. But the most important thing was getting myself in there.


That doesn't sound too bad to me. It gives you plenty of opportunities to look around as who's going to come and tell you off for doing so?


I know, one of the workers said to me himself (he also sweeps and stuff, but at a different part of London Zoo), so he told me he'll show me the 'ropes'. I'm actually kind of excited.

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Just got back from watching my friend walk the red carpet at the empire in leicester square for his film. Was awesome seeing him walking along signing autographs getting his picture taken!


The film he is in is "Cass", he plays the support role and his character is called "prentice". Can't wait to go see it.



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My day has consisted of being too hot, PES, SSBB, and being too hot some more. Oh, and Chinese food. :heh:


On a random note, a guy outside my house just shouted "up the IRA", which is a little odd, because I thought my town wasn't quite stupid enough to have people who support terrorists, but there you go. Learn something new everyday, eh?

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Today i did nothing more than sit outside in the sun eating and drinking. I also found out that i will be going on holiday afterall, hurray! My dad decided he wants to go away after my granddads funeral.


And as for people shouting things outside, a group of drunk Polish people have just staggered down the road singing songs (In polish).

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Barely slept due to hot hot heat. Sorted out Sky at dad's. Doodled. Watched Frasier. Searched for animation courses. Worked.


During this day I also felt anguish, misery, misanthropey, wet (from potwashing) and even had a moment where it all made sense. But don't worry. That passed.


Customers are odder lately. Had a proper mysognist in yesterday (as in the girls wouldn't serve him because they have do so before and he's a right bastard to him). One couple complained their plates were cold. I asked if their food was okay and it was, just their plates. And someone yesterday complained his salt shaker had six holes and it should only have five. I wanted to say "Get a fucking life you loser." Felt it wouldn't go down well.

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Guest Stefkov
Can I be really annoying and say I've been off since the start of June?


But really, I need a job too.:heh:

Can I top that and say I finished college near the end of April? A months study leave, 5 exams stuffed into 3 days at the beginning of June and a hell of a lot of free time. It feels like loads of time has passed but it's still July and June was...only last month.


Today was my Dad's name day so had some vodka which is filtered through milk. Before that got a guided tour of how to sort the wages and stuff behind the bar. An extra £50 a week for 2 days work.

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THIS is annoying

got a song in my head

but i dont know many of the lyrics or the name of the song or whatever (just the music video which with the abundence of half naked chicks (bikini) clad some playing drums or whatever)


but the tune is in my head and its driving me nuts :( its horrible but annoying


What sort of bikinis are they wearing?

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many different kinds :heh:


but seriously - its an awful song. i just want it out of my heeeeeeead


I actually have no interest in what song it was. I just wanted to know what the chicks were wearing.


I joke, I joke.


For some reason, it made me think of "DESTINAAAATION UNKNOOOOOWN" but its most definitely not that.



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I actually have no interest in what song it was. I just wanted to know what the chicks were wearing.


I joke, I joke.


For some reason, it made me think of "DESTINAAAATION UNKNOOOOOWN" but its most definitely not that.




no its not..lol


the only other thing is that its a white guy rapping parts of it (awfully) and one of the girls wearing next to nothing (:heh:) starts singing a bit and i think another guy sings a bit


aaaaaaaaaand its set on a tropical island




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no its not..lol


the only other thing is that its a white guy rapping parts of it (awfully) and one of the girls wearing next to nothing (:heh:) starts singing a bit and i think another guy sings a bit


aaaaaaaaaand its set on a tropical island





Does a white guy later come on with an acoustic guitar?


And the girls start clapping about a third of the way towards the end?

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Can I top that and say I finished college near the end of April? A months study leave, 5 exams stuffed into 3 days at the beginning of June and a hell of a lot of free time. It feels like loads of time has passed but it's still July and June was...only last month.




Next year when I'm at university I'll be finishing around then..I think...




Ugh, today I spent 2 hours on buses to get to a tennis match, which I lost in under an hour. Then I had to wait a few hours for a lift home. There was nobody there either so it was excruciatingly boring, especially without any music. :blank:

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Can I top that and say I finished college near the end of April? A months study leave, 5 exams stuffed into 3 days at the beginning of June and a hell of a lot of free time. It feels like loads of time has passed but it's still July and June was...only last month.

I've been off since 10th June, and lectures don't start again until about 7th October, meaning nearly four months off... and I'm bored already.

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