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After my little toe-stubbing incident last night (ouchies galore), I was rather delighted at becoming a moderator for another forum. Yay for me! :grin:


Today has just basically involved me eating BBQ Beef Hula Hoops. :indeed:


It's a Sunday, so nothing is going to happen.

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Went to Strawberry Fair yestersay in Cambridge.


I heard someone saying it's like stereotypical Camden, with added music tents and barbecues. Oh and there's more police about. The tsation was like an airport security checkpoint, with sniffer dogs and everything.


We got stopped by some undercover police and asked if what we were smoking was weed or 'that funny stuff', it was just Spice Gold. So sux2bthem.


Though their badge was very toys'r'us like.

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Went to Strawberry Fair yestersay in Cambridge.


I heard someone saying it's like stereotypical Camden, with added music tents and barbecues. Oh and there's more police about. The tsation was like an airport security checkpoint, with sniffer dogs and everything.


We got stopped by some undercover police and asked if what we were smoking was weed or 'that funny stuff', it was just Spice Gold. So sux2bthem.


Though their badge was very toys'r'us like.


Awesome! I love the strawberry fair. I used to go every year when I lived in Cambridge. I went last year and it was so bluddy hot, it was crazy. Still, it's a great day out.




Had a great time at the cinema with a few mates. We were going to see Superhero movie but we decided to spend two hours messing around at the back/watching Shia instead (we'd seen it before and the cinema was empty). It was awesome, had so much fun. :D



I got back to find my sister (who is banned from the town) with her back to me in the kitchen. I just started randomly screaming at my mum and how stupid she was for letting it back into our lives and stormed up stairs. I shouted down to see if she'd called the police but she said no and wasn;t going to. So I grabbed my mobile and called them myself. My mums literally fuming but I couldn't give a toss, she broke the law and needs to be sent back to prison for as long as bluddy possible this time. I just hope to god thats the last time I have have to see it's excuse ridden little face again.

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Been to work today for some overtime and im now absolutely knackered as yesterday consisted of drinking lots for Ollies birthday.


Today is also 21 years since my dad died :(


Sorry to hear :( But don't forget you always have the forum's father figure to make sure you're on the right path, teach you how to treat a women right and go to football games with; Flinky.


Today has been good. Lazy day. Watched a few episodes of Jericho. Tidied up a bit. Cooked an epic curry. Watched the Scrubs musical.


Also decided today (while watching Jericho) to learn sign language. So far I know the alphabet, basic greeting stages, numbers, things in the home, things at school and weather. Although going between different sites there are some differences. Hmm :/

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i've had a very lazy day. I had planned to start packing, as my move date is rapidly approaching and this is my last free day untill after I move.


wow, putting it like that really makes me think I wasted my day.


I failed to tidy the kitchen to day too. And I failed to buy a bus pass, do laundry and go to the cinema. Ah well.


What i did do was spend ages watching videos on youtube trying to learn how to fold t-shirts (thanks to the hints and tips thread).

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I've been sitting on my bed all day, with the massive window in my room wide open because it was a beautiful day outside, playing MGS3 in preparation for Thursday.


It has been heaven. I plan to do the same thing tomorrow.

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This just in; Daft plans to once again do Heaven tomorrow.


Had to be said. Lame as it was.


My room is essentially in an attic and the air is so still that its stuffy in here. Had windows and doors open all day and curtains drawn. Hopefully it'll be cooler tonight and even out.


Last day of freedom (i.e. last day before I go back to work) tomorrow. :(


Hmm I just thought; I probably should have gone outside for a bit today (as in just sit there...) to try and build my skin's tolerance up a bit (as no chance in hell I'm going to tan). Ah well, apparently going to be a hot week anywho.

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This just in; Daft plans to once again do Heaven tomorrow.


Had to be said. Lame as it was.


My room is essentially in an attic and the air is so still that its stuffy in here. Had windows and doors open all day and curtains drawn. Hopefully it'll be cooler tonight and even out.


Last day of freedom (i.e. last day before I go back to work) tomorrow. :(





My old room was an attic conversion but there were windows on both sides so there was a nice breeze.

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Guest Stefkov

Went to work today, only worked 4 hours. Went to a family friends house and found out how drunk my dad was last night. Their home is really nice. A nice size and a nice garden overlooking Manchester. Wish I lived there.

Came home, had an argument, watched football, ate two apples. All in an average days work. Seems an argument is a daily happening around here nowadays.

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Had a good weekend. Got caught up in a fight concerning gays/lesbians and straight people being homophobic after the pub at 1am and ended up back at someones house for a party on Saturday. Left at 5am. Had a christening today, went well i thought and had a lot to eat and drink. Now recovering as i have work in morning early.

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Oi, what did I tell you the other night :heh:


No point risking your own health when it can be easily solved. Not eating isn't doing anything good, even when you don't want to, eat.


Now that you mention Jaffa cakes, I could eat some right now, and by that I mean a pack.


I know that risking my health but i dont feel like eatting these days.

Ive only had my dinner today. :hmm:

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I know that risking my health but i dont feel like eatting these days.

Ive only had my dinner today. :hmm:


Not to sound harsh Dante, but for god sake man eat! Even if you don't feel like it, at least grab something. It's no wonder you're feeling bad and you're sleep patterns are all over the place if you don't eat properly.


You'll feel alot better if you eat something, otherwise this will just turn into a vicious cycle of feeling down and then telling us about it on here. So eat, it'll help alot! :)

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I know that risking my health but i dont feel like eatting these days.

Ive only had my dinner today. :hmm:




even a yoghurt or somethin



well i had a brilliant day yesterdya - it well cheered me up :D

avril lavigne concert was awesome n she acutllay was brilliant

her rendition of girlfriend and skater boi gave me goosebumps

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Went to the park with friends, a stack of beer and some dominos. Had no idea that there was some sort of fair thingy going on at Platt fields part, it was awesome. They've got a new BMX track, tightrope walkers, fire jugglers, a midget riding a bicycle. All sorts of crazy shit.


Best thing was when four of us took out a paddle boat for half an hour, boarded the island in the center of the lake and tried to steal the geese until a policeman rowed up to us and told us, using a variety of expletives to get off the island.


Got home at like, 10, and watched The Cat Returns, and My Neighbour Totoro, which were freaking AWESOME.


Awesome day :D.

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I know that risking my health but i dont feel like eatting these days.

Ive only had my dinner today. :hmm:


Yeah eat something man,please. Alot of people on here are worried about you, so do it for them! (Even if i've never met you, i don't like seeing a nice bloke down). :)

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