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Do you not get post on a saturday?


Nope, not around here anyway.


I wouldn't mind waiting until Monday if everyone else was in the same boat, but it's literally 2 of us that didn't get our results and everyone else did. Ah I'll get over it. As long as they come on Monday, that's when I'll really hit the roof.


It couldn't get much worse than last semester, my exam results were sent to someone else. Talk about breach of privacy and all that..

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Guest Maase

Today, there was a Murder in my neiberhood (:X).


Some kids where trying to see the body, i didn't followed them, later, they came back and said that they found a bloody body in the Bathroom, i don't know if i should believe them or not.


Other than that, i didn't have classes today, wich is damn awesome

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Study study study. Two more days till my first exam. And I am totally lost on what to revise for it and how, since we don't have a textbook but only some crappy notes I had to take from the powerpoints (which we weren't even given). >.<;


Good news: I opened up a Zazzle gallery, and on my first day one of my cards already got selected as Today's Best. And then today (the next day) it's been selected as one of the best birthday cards and will temporarily (16 hours left) be sold with 20% off. =D


So if you want a cheap birthday card ($2.36) with free shipping, visit my gallery and support a fellow NE-er. X3

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Thats good to hear Eenuh. Seriously...you'll probably be super famous one day.


Here is an awesome video of the Rocky Steps/Philly Art Mew Sea Em.


Thanks ReZ. =)

I hope I get famous one day, but I doubt it will be because of sites like Zazzle and RedBubble. But if I can make a bit of extra money while on those sites, why not? =P


And your youtube video doesn't show up for me. All I see is a white square. =(

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Bummer, I found out that my uncle's cancer has spread. He has lots of tumours in his stomach, but thankfully they are relatively small, and the treatment is shrinking them. So fingers crossed. Tbh I don't think he'll make it, he's well into his 70s, and methotrexate (chemo drug) is pretty brutal on your body.


I'm hoping for the best regardless.

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Aye I hope so too. He is my dads uncle, and my dad will be so gutted if he dies, he's a real father figure to him, as he lost his own dad when he was 19.


Also in other news, my friend dyed his hair blue, did a concert, sweated like mad, blue dye went everywhere. That's what you get when you copy me >_>

It was a disaster from the start, he got it done at a hairdresser and they fucked it up royally.

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Ouch, even hairdresser hairdye doesn't run because of sweat I should know considering I got mine done wednesday. I hope your dads uncle pulls through raining.


Day was great, went to birmingham with some friends and haven't laughed so much in ages and things went well and stuff.


Came home to find the guy I'd liked for abit actually likes somebody else, so they'll probably get together soon...yay.



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Ouch, even hairdresser hairdye doesn't run because of sweat I should know considering I got mine done wednesday. I hope your dads uncle pulls through raining.


Day was great, went to birmingham with some friends and haven't laughed so much in ages and things went well and stuff.


Came home to find the guy I'd liked for abit actually likes somebody else, so they'll probably get together soon...yay.




Well i find my dye comes out in shitloads with shampoo, but this is like home dying. and the shampoo is "hardcore burn your scalp off for psoriasis" shampoo.


I think they basically used the same dye. They did a really piss poor job of it too, I could see slight patches of green where they obviously hadn't bleached properly. And the colour itself was uneven. You notice it a mile off when you get a bit of experience colouring your hair yourself.. Jesus even I'd have done a better job for him, for just the cost of the dye and colour...


Luckily it wasn't *too expensive* (£30) but saying that £30 for a shit job is a rip off.


I think the colour leaked because it was done that night. I find that sometimes I haven't washed the colour out myself and you shed tonnes of colour off after the first few washes.

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My day involved playing some Rock Band with my brother and our band "Original Boosh", going around ASDA to have a look for a new telly, watching a bit of Euro 2008, and helping some mates start up a new anime forum.


So, it's been rather busy. :smile:

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Guest bluey

today i was walking with my friends in tamachi (near tokyo tower) and saw 2 girls running down the street - one holding a wiimote - the other holding the nunchuck..... we figured they'd gotten REALLY carried away playing wii fit.


i should say "yesterday"... i missed my last train home so i stayed out ALL NIGHT at an all-you-can-drink kareoke with my friends... it's now 6am and i've been awake for 23 hours and counting... i dont have time to sleep 'cause i gotta go to work!! GAH!!! meeeeehhhh.... (u___u)

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I've had a good (lazy) day! :D It's been relaxing and I managed to cook a pizza this evening without burning the house down!


I didn't really do much. I played more of The world ends with you which is insane. Oh and I watched QI which was actually "quite interesting" :p




I also feel like England is under attack as well I've now had several planes wizz past inches above my house (well it sounds like it anyway!)


To add to the chaos a small bird briefly tried toattack my room but gave up after it almost got itself tangled in my curtains. I'm sure he'll come back later better a equipped and with more men. I'll be waiting. :)


That scared me a bit because I was just sitting peacefully recovering from the thought that I could be being bombed at.


I'm also feeling really confused at the moment and I'm not sure why! :heh:

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I also feel like England is under attack as well I've now had several planes wizz past inches above my house (well it sounds like it anyway!)


Heh. Planes flying over my house are nowt new. I live under a fly route to and from Birmingham Airport.

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Heh. Planes flying over my house are nowt new. I live under a fly route to and from Birmingham Airport.


Yeah, That must be noisy!


But these were not the big JUMBO planes! But much smaller planes.


I mean I don't live near a fly pass but I get quite a few planes come over my house but they are pretty faraway and only create a low rumble.


These plane noises at one point made me run out of my room I was so sure it was going to crash through the window. That's just me though, over active imagination. Speaking of which at one point I thought they could be UFO's and my family was ready to take me home. :heh:


Also what's this new anime forum? It has me interested! :heh:

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My day just got slightly bad; stubbed my toe very badly just now, and there is blood!

Plaster please, nurse! :shakehead




Check your PM, if you haven't already. :wink:


Hehe! :P


I was in the middle of replying to it when My mum returned home and entered my room rather majestcially and asked how my evening had been and so I begun my Epic Tale about the planes and the bird.


I have finished now and having gone downstairs for a quick beverage, I now sit ready to finish my reply. :)

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Guest Stefkov

I woke up at about 1 ish then went to the cinemas to watch he new Indie film at half 2. I felt so wrong having just eaten my breakfast an hour before I was eating popcorn. Had a korma for dinner and I've been sat at here whiling away the day.

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Yesterday was out for a while, left house at 12 and went up to a friends and played some pool, met up with his brother at and another friend at half 3 or so, played some more pool till 8 :heh:


Then got a chippy, headed to friends house and played some Brawl, beat them, and was almost about to beat them when they were both in the same team but got knocked out by an item and they where at a high % and used Final Smashes.


Then today had another BBQ, played some WoW, fixed router, watched Team America and checked out some exam results from Uni. Passed Computing and Maths(really surprised at) so no resists. Sure i'll fail Criminal Law but i;ve bene planning to retake it since March.

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Well I photographed a wedding and was the hottest person there. Seriously, ugo-central.

You just made my day. :smile:


I've not eatten at all today. :hmm:


Eat man!! Jaffa cakes at least...hmmm, now I'm hungry. :heh:

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I've not eatten at all today. :hmm:


Oi, what did I tell you the other night :heh:


No point risking your own health when it can be easily solved. Not eating isn't doing anything good, even when you don't want to, eat.


Now that you mention Jaffa cakes, I could eat some right now, and by that I mean a pack.

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