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Horrible weather outside today. My toilet is the only sensible area to reside, but sadly we have no WiFi in these halls and my ethernet cable is alarmingly short. I still have two essays to do, and they are both ultra late, yeah!


Summer is a bastard. It comes along being so warm and sweaty, decides to tell me to get a girlfriend, but I have no chance because I'm all warm and sweaty and my beard is melting.

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Awesome weather today. (h)


Been outside sunbathing for the past hour. Decided to get my laptop to do some revision but I can't see the screen when I'm sitting in the sun so I'm in the shade at the moment. Seems like such a waste so I'm off to do some more sunbathing. :)

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Yup. It's official. I broke shorty's xbox. One red light = faulty scaler chip. I played 10 hours of GTA4 in two days... I think I have gremlins following me around as pretty much everything mechanical I touch gets buggered. Curses, world!

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Yum love summer, apart from the heat, if it stayed somewhat coolish it'd be great, but as it is im sat with the laptop in the conservatry (oo-er)and watching telly instead of doing work woooo


I kinda prefer Spring, since Summer can be too hot. Though it's still Spring now, it actually feels like Summer weather (between 20 and 24°C right now). So I'm sitting in my room with the blinds closed so I can get some work done. Outside I'd just get distracted by the sun and the birds and everything. =P


Speaking about work, I barely managed to draw anything in all those hours I've been spending on it. I'm so slowwww.

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Today Matthew I am going to be...




Dick is in prison again. His fiancee has fallen out with her mother and now practically lives here, along with her annoying dog. She is (unintentioanlly, presumably) causing a wedge between Beaver and mom. She is wearing mom out too. Beaver can't stand her and feels he can't be himself around her and feels he is going to end up falling out with mom. Says he wishes to join the navy to get away from it. My mom is waiting on an inheritance cheque and is leaving my dad. My dad will then proceed with his depressed-but-too-lazy-to-do-anything-about-it-ness and probably drink himself into a pathetic excuse for a human or perhaps worse. Mom is trying to do right by everyone but seeing as everyone wants different things it doesnt really happen. And I am trying to play peacekeeper.


Comes to something when the one in prison has it easiest.



Ah well. We're having wine in our lecture later. Always worked for the Bluths.

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Guest Jordan

I'm trying to save money this month... like i've said previously for something i want to buy.


Annoyingly, i could buy it now. There some in stock at an online shop and i have the spare money. However, i'll keep saving >_>.

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Guest Jordan
Well either way your gonna get it right? So why not now and save up after :heh:


You'll just be doing things in reverse order.


Well, after rent and work food i'll have around £470 left. The Eee PC is £325. So it would mean that i would have spare money from this month that wouldn't effect next month.

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Hehe, I was on the phone to whore-dan just now;


'Ive just walked into the kitchen and Khem (his housemate) is here cooking an egg under the hot tap.

Now he's screamin, it works, it works!!'



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I just played the AudioSurf demo, and holy fucking shit that game is amazing. If only I could afford a fiver right now !_!


Woah! Snap!


I was just doing the same thing it is Awesome :awesome:


I have only done two out of my 4 demo songs so far as i had to have dinner!


I'm picking the longest songs possible :heh:


Only a fiver, i think i might purchase it! :D


Tonight I have taken more paracetemol as i have to go to this higher education evening at school which i really should not miss....

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Pfft lousy day.


This morning went into back of mates car slightly, no dents on his but now he says his boot won't shut properly. And his dickhead of a dad, an unemployed loser who thinks he knows everything, says he wants my insurances details. I said I'll pay it to be fixed via cash, but apprently its going to cost a lot. WTF no it won't.


My mate keeps bringing it up as well, not cool. I know its my fault and I will sort it so shut up!

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Back to school after a nice three-day weekend, which was crap. I just started watching Playr, a new gaming program from GamerTV on Bravo. I'm liking it a lot more than GamerTV. The narrator's voice doesn't make me want to castrate myself with a spoon, and it's also pretty informative.

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it does close, but he says he has to push it down hard to make sure it shuts, something about a lever or something (maybe the catch?) being bent. Surely that won't cost too much =/


Give me 1 minute, a pair of pliers, and a tenner, and I'll fix it for you, if that's the problem. Or do it yourself for cheaper...

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it does close, but he says he has to push it down hard to make sure it shuts, something about a lever or something (maybe the catch?) being bent. Surely that won't cost too much =/


Call his bluff mate, ask for his insurance details aswell and make sure you give him his. It will be his insurance that goes up aswell as yours, did you take photos after it was done?

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