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*jumps on one of the carriages at the back of the Emo train**


So Emo Coolness! does it really fit me? :heh:


Anyway for a while i have been feeling lost, not really sure where i'm going in life and have thought about the future a lot. Add a whole pile of work for school on top of that, half of it i can't even get done and you have a less than happy Coolness!


That wouldn't usually get me down but walking round school makes me feel lonely these days even if people talk to me. Loneliness is something that didn't used to affect me i used to relish being alone it was nice and peacful but now i tire of it. My very personality seems to always leaves me on the outside, i feel like i'm just following people and if i wasn't there it wouldn't really matter or not. I had people who would mock me but i put an end to that straight away i can be firmin my own quiet way. It's because i'm so quiet people don't really know what to expect from me and my own perception and confidence in myself has always been low. I'm not very interesting.


I wish i had a buddy to hang out with who excepted that i was a bit random..


so am i happy? YES!


I'm always happy but life gets everyone down sometimes and at the moment it has been a bit of a struggle. Even though it isn't really anything.


Woo Half Term Next week! :yay:


It has been a lot better today The weight of work has been lifted from my shoulders and i feel my oldself again! something i hadn't felt in a while.


There is one person who always has the time to talk to me which has been great. :grin:



Sorry for the massive ramble but it's late at night. It's probably an incoherent mess anyway!

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That wouldn't usually get me down but walking round school makes me feel lonely these days even if people talk to me. Loneliness is something that didn't used to affect me i used to relish being alone it was nice and peacful but now i tire of it. My very personality seems to always leaves me on the outside, i feel like i'm just following people and if i wasn't there it wouldn't really matter or not. I had people who would mock me but i put an end to that straight away i can be firmin my own quiet way. It's because i'm so quiet people don't really know what to expect from me and my own perception and confidence in myself has always been low. I'm not very interesting.


Don't think you aren't interesting, it takes a lot of effort to actually pull that off. :heh:


Maybe you hang out with the wrong people. I could have written what you wrote word for word when I was at school but I came to Uni and found vastly more interesting and cooler people to hang out with.

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Don't think you aren't interesting, it takes a lot of effort to actually pull that off. :heh:


Maybe you hang out with the wrong people. I could have written what you wrote word for word when I was at school but I came to Uni and found vastly more interesting and cooler people to hang out with.


Hehe Thanks. :D


But as i said to someone i'm about as interesting as the vegetables in my fridge. :)


Yeah i hope Uni will get me at least one friend. :grin: I don't really hang out with people i'm usually left to do my own thing. (play my DS and listen to my iPod)

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if you could shake up the world and redistribute everyone so that we al lived in a block of people we could be friends with... then the world would be a better place! I know that there are people out there just DYING to be my friend, thing is I can't find them without a sims-esque floating user info bar above their heads.


Curses, cruel world!

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A vegetable in a fridge is very cool. Pun intended. Couldn't resist....I 'll leave.




This is my philosophy:


“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."


And its worked a wonder. Seriously, I don't think I could recognize who I am now from who I was a couple months ago.

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It's because i'm so quiet people don't really know what to expect from me and my own perception and confidence in myself has always been low. I'm not very interesting.

You might not find yourself interesting, but then why would you? You spend every hour of every day with yourself; you know all there is to know about Coolness Bears.


You will always be more interesting then you give yourself credit for, and in the end only a handful of people will truly appreciate you for everything you are. The trick is to hold on to those few, and never let yourself be less than happy with who you are. Everyone has the power to become who they want to be... and some will realise they were that person all along.

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Ok, now you are just humoring me! :p


Good old/dead Bill Shakespeare wrote it.


I found it funny. :)


I like his Philosphy :D


I started listening to DAft Punk today! Good Stuff. :grin:



You might not find yourself interesting, but then why would you? You spend every hour of every day with yourself; you know all there is to know about Coolness Bears.


You will always be more interesting then you give yourself credit for, and in the end only a handful of people will truly appreciate you for everything you are. The trick is to hold on to those few, and never let yourself be less than happy with who you are. Everyone has the power to become who they want to be... and some will realise they were that person all along.


Thank you for the advice Aimless. : peace:


I agree with that and my Teacher gave me similar adivice when i saw him.. :D I find it hard to keep in touch with friends.

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Guest Stefkov

*Looks at time*




Fucking bus. Fucking college, first lesson starting at 8:40. It's not even time for everyone to wake up and I've already sworn twice.

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well my day started out well with my new sofa turning up, but after setting it up and re arranging the room I notcied the sofa was missing a cushion! phoned up who I bought it from and they are sending me a new cushion so not all bad!


Now I think its time for some sleep. I will post a pic later If I remember.

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I started listening to DAft Punk today! Good Stuff. :grin:


EXCELLENT!! Daft Punk (and Justice!) are the sound track to my life. I've been listening to them for 11 years now. I love them. :p


A freaky conincidence, my day has been great yet again. Daft Punk's "Around the World" record arrived today, I got it for £1.50...the P&P was twice that! :indeed:



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Perhaps it's lack of sleep, or the presence of too much Lucozade in my system, but it seems my teenage paranoid still plagues me in my twenties. I spent the last hour thinking everyone was looking at me during my lecture, laughing at my inept handwriting and the fact that my B's look like "8's" and my Y's look like "7's".


I got them back though. By knocking crepes and other bread products onto the floor when some moronic student was blocking me as I ventured to purchase some milk, and more Lucozade so that I can watch "Juno" later on and bask in my paranoia in the safest place in the world.

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Perhaps it's lack of sleep, or the presence of too much Lucozade in my system, but it seems my teenage paranoid still plagues me in my twenties. I spent the last hour thinking everyone was looking at me during my lecture, laughing at my inept handwriting and the fact that my B's look like "8's" and my Y's look like "7's".


I got them back though. By knocking crepes and other bread products onto the floor when some moronic student was blocking me as I ventured to purchase some milk, and more Lucozade so that I can watch "Juno" later on and bask in my paranoia in the safest place in the world.


Haha you'll get to a point where you drink so much lucozade that it just doesn't get through to you no more.


I used to drink roughly 5/6 bottles a day...was bad :indeed:

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Well.. weird to be honest.


First, i didn't have enough money for lunch, so i had to borrow some off a work mate. Which i'll have to pay him back Monday.


Second, i went to the florist in town, which was CLOSED. I mean, wtf.


Third, i got an email from my old driving instructor. I forgot to tell him i live 2 countries away now...

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My day... I don't know how it was cause apparently I managed to sleep all the fucking way through it! D:


Seriously I just woke up, hearing a car on our driveway and I was thinking maybe my sister was leaving with her boyfriend. It's kinda darkish outside so I figured that was right, cause they were going to leave early... Yeah, seems they were actually already back, and that instead of it being morning, it was 5 pm already. WTF? >.<;


I have no idea how I managed to sleep the entire day. My last day of vacation no less. Fuck now I feel bad. Gah. ='(

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Today and the last few days have been pretty shitty. Been crying a lot because the situation between me and my friend (singleness thread for details) are just going to be friends, and nothing more by the looks of things.


Not only that, but went home for a few days, and my parents have told me that my brother is in proper trouble. He's been stealing money off them, taking out loans and things, and blowing the money on gambling. He must owe around 10-20,000 by now.


Oh, happy days.

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