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That's a slight (very slight) possibility. We asked the guy who read out the scores what the top score was and he said 58, we then asked the guy with the spreadsheet and he said the top score was 55. Then when I said I knew that we had scored 58 he told me I was wrong and refused to show me otherwise.


The thing was I would have been annoyed but I wouldn't have such a problem with it if they guy had just shown me the spreadsheet at the end. Even if I was wrong, or even if he had changed it, it still would have been better, cause at least we would have known. As it was, we just don't know and it's incredibly suspicious because he refused. That's what really made us think we'd been cheated - how hard is it to open a laptop if there is nothing to hide?


Sorry if I sound like a knob, I'm just annoyed, I really need that kind of money at the moment so to think that we should have it and we don't is a little sickening. You're all lovely though :)

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I didn't! I mean, not really. It's awkward, it's weird, and I don't like it. Best to start afresh I believe. I don't like being in limbo. I figure if I wanted to pursue it, I'd have done so, not sit here wondering "am I in a relationship, or what?" making nights out and meeting people quite awkward.

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I do not give you permission to see anyone else but me, Dyson.


Roger that, Wesley. It shall be done. You free tomorrow? I have the day off.


I keep putting off this conversation. If I leave it much longer she'll go to bed and it'll have to wait til another day. Do not want.


Man up etc.

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CONVO OVER. Much less awkward and hassle than I thought it was going to be.


jay; it is..err...it was a bit more complicated than that. Long story and all that bollocks :heh: But hey, at least I know I'm not sort of half-taken, waiting for something that may or may not happen, or feeling like I shouldn't be seeing people. It was like the worst possible combo; being single and unable to freely explore other routes. Dyson is a free agent! And the timing is perfect. Locked and loaded, targets set.

Edited by Dyson
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I didn't! I mean, not really. It's awkward, it's weird, and I don't like it. Best to start afresh I believe. I don't like being in limbo. I figure if I wanted to pursue it, I'd have done so, not sit here wondering "am I in a relationship, or what?" making nights out and meeting people quite awkward.

Add her as that "In a relationship with..." thingy on Facebook and see if she agrees. YOU WILL HAVE YOUR ANSWER.

I'm sorry for your gran and I sympathise, I had to go through this in June, truly I can understand nurses have alot of things to do and get paid very little, but from what I say or from the hospitals I've been to nurses care very little and make alot of empty promises.



It's also amazing the two occasions she's contracted MRSA is when she's been in hospital.

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Today has gone well so far. Supposed to play football, but we couldn't get enough people, so we didn't. Then I thought "I know, I'll wash the car". But it then proceeds to rain, and God washes it for me. Then I thought "I know, I'll go to the gym". But it's the school gym I use, and I'm not allowed in during school holidays (wtf?). So then I thought "I know, I'll fix the computer". But then I can't find the Windows install disc. So then I thought "fuck this" and ended up on N-Europe.

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All but two of the Computing lecturers are off sick so we were told to either stay and continue with our assignments or go home if we want. I chose to go home, but I'm being as lazy as you may think, for I have spent the day trying to teach myself Visual Basic 6 in a possibly foolish attempt to try and catch up. I have actually managed to write a program, all it does is convert fahrenheit to celsius and vice versa and it's far from poifect but I actually did it myself.


Perhaps catching up wont be as bad as I thought, although I'm dreading trying to teach myself C++



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Today has been good so far, found out I lost 4 pound last week which was a nice surprise. I don't normally loose so much!


Teach me your secrets!



I've been eating like a pig recently, or at least so it seems. I just can't stay away from all the yummy food. I mean, I just ate a small bowl of tagliatelle with salmon (leftovers from yesterday), yet I still want to eat moooore!


Today was bleh. School on Monday sucks, especially as it's a full day of illustration, meaning you're just sitting there trying to work but not really getting anything done. Plus it's really boring as there's only about 4 or 5 people in, and no one really talks. =(


Breaking my head over an assignment now, but it's very hard to concentrate. All I can think about is food. >.>;

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All but two of the Computing lecturers are off sick so we were told to either stay and continue with our assignments or go home if we want. I chose to go home, but I'm being as lazy as you may think, for I have spent the day trying to teach myself Visual Basic 6 in a possibly foolish attempt to try and catch up. I have actually managed to write a program, all it does is convert fahrenheit to celsius and vice versa and it's far from poifect but I actually did it myself.


Perhaps catching up wont be as bad as I thought, although I'm dreading trying to teach myself C++




If you're getting along okay with Visual Basic you'll be fine with C++. Much better language to use and understand.


I went food shopping at Sainsbury's a couple of hours ago.


I saw two people off my course and also ex-course-man Stefkov.


However, he was too far away for me to call his name.


I just had to stand useless as I watched him stroll away; frozen pizza in basket and love in heart.



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All but two of the Computing lecturers are off sick so we were told to either stay and continue with our assignments or go home if we want. I chose to go home, but I'm being as lazy as you may think, for I have spent the day trying to teach myself Visual Basic 6 in a possibly foolish attempt to try and catch up. I have actually managed to write a program, all it does is convert fahrenheit to celsius and vice versa and it's far from poifect but I actually did it myself.


Perhaps catching up wont be as bad as I thought, although I'm dreading trying to teach myself C++




visual basic 6?! what the fuck?! Is your college horrendously out of date or what? (I was using VB6 in 2003)


Good luck on the self teaching!


Today I had a shitty day, got a load of urgent work piled on. Had to leave my normal workload in the wayside! boooo.

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Teach me your secrets!



I've been eating like a pig recently, or at least so it seems. I just can't stay away from all the yummy food. I mean, I just ate a small bowl of tagliatelle with salmon (leftovers from yesterday), yet I still want to eat moooore!


Today was bleh. School on Monday sucks, especially as it's a full day of illustration, meaning you're just sitting there trying to work but not really getting anything done. Plus it's really boring as there's only about 4 or 5 people in, and no one really talks. =(


Breaking my head over an assignment now, but it's very hard to concentrate. All I can think about is food. >.>;


I've actually been thinking about making a thread on how to loose half a stone in 2 weeks as I think I have sussed a healthy diet which would make you loose such a amount, but I'm unsure if I should or not.

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I've actually been thinking about making a thread on how to loose half a stone in 2 weeks as I think I have sussed a healthy diet which would make you loose such a amount, but I'm unsure if I should or not.


Do it! I could really use information like that haha. Desperately need to lose weight but am finding it impossible to do. =P



So far I haven't been able to do any of my school work yet. Am supposed to have a bunch of sketches due tomorrow so guess I'll have to stay up late. Also, my back just keeps on hurting and hurting, been a week now. =(

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I essentially have this week off from Uni as they've deemed it a 'Reading Week'. Score! Still, some subjects seem to have ignored this as I had to go in at 3pm for a supposed 2 hour practical that was over in 50 minutes. :nono: Kind of annoying that. Yeh, it's nice to get away earlier than I should have given the lateness in the day but it feels as though it was a bit of a wasted trip and a waste of money. Oh well, not much I can do about it. Will make a crude start on my next psychology report in a bit (by crude I mean I'll template out how I'm going to organise it and leave it at that until Wednesday).


Got my first psychology report back this afternoon and was annoyed to see I got a D1 for it. After reading through, I'm trying to decide whether it's worth the hassle of asking for it to be remarked by someone else or not because looking over the marking criteria and my work, there's no way it was a D1. It just looked like the marker was trying to find faults in anything and everything and ok, I may not have written the best results section but other than that it was pretty well done, going by the criteria. It feels as though there's a grudge being held against me by someone in the psychology department or something judging by the flippancy in the comments made.


So, yeh. I need a drink to put this behind me for now, but I finished all of the beer in the fridge last night so I'm hoping there's some wine or something.

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I've actually been thinking about making a thread on how to loose half a stone in 2 weeks as I think I have sussed a healthy diet which would make you loose such a amount, but I'm unsure if I should or not.


But then as you know not every single person is the same. Someone only looking to lose less than a stone really needs to eat a lot less than someone morbidly obese (its actually extremely bad for you eating less than you should be). There isn't really a solid diet that works for everyone. (and losing half a stone in two weeks isn't healthy for your body either - fluke weight losses come back on as quickly as they come off)


I would be interested in what you consider a healthy diet though.. Maybe post it in the weight loss thread? :smile:

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Conversation to break up with a girl you're not even going out with? Just close teh window and delete her msn/facebook. Run away!


I've had many of these said conversations. The best solution to the problem i've found is to change your email address so she cannot re-find you at all online. Blocking her addy can only limit how she can contact you.


I've spent much of today cataloging a list of programs i have installed along with all the add-ons so that i can re-install them all at the end of the week.

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I drove up to Hull to see my girlfriend today. I was pleasantly surprised to find Hull actually quite a nice place (who knew) and it may possibly make it into one of my 5 uni choices. It sort of reminds me of a northern version of Plymouth.


There was one odd bit though. There was one guy in the gents that was constantly staring at me whilst i was having a wassle. He put me off and i couldn't go, damn my shy cock!. He then asked me how i was and followed me out... it was weirder that it sounds.

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