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Good lord everyone, whats with all the drama? DRAAAAMAAA!





I just gave my opinion on the "Fuck her nowww", "Bash her in", "Put it in her" sort of comments as I think they're horrible and make them sound like they'd jump on any girl who dares come close to them and shows some interest.

Seriously, I doubt there's many girls who like those sort of comments, unless they're a pornstar of course. =P



Anyway I still feel like shit, have felt like shit for a week now. I want to go home but I'm stuck in school all day. Someone save me.

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These comments aren't normally made in front of the girls :P Sad fact of life; men are made to want to spread their seed as much as possible. Women are made to want a sound, solid relationship investment so that they know their spawn will be looked after.


So yes, men want sex. But we really can't help it all that much.

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These comments aren't normally made in front of the girls :P Sad fact of life; men are made to want to spread their seed as much as possible. Women are made to want a sound, solid relationship investment so that they know their spawn will be looked after.


So yes, men want sex. But we really can't help it all that much.


You might have no control over your sexual urges, but you do have control over what you say. =P

And I was mostly talking about the comments that were made here.


But yes, enough about this topic right?


My day has consisted of being bored in school, forcing myself to stay awake and suffering from a constant headache. Think I'm gonna leave school a bit early as I'm currently just sitting here not sure what to do. And I have an important presentation which I want to (mentally) prepare myself for. Not looking forward to it. =P

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I'm still waiting for the Goddam mail, I'm waiting for a game to review. If it doesn't come by half 1 I'm going to be most upset.


Checking the schedule at work, they've decided to make me work Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat night, each 6-11/finish. This is bullshit. This means I practically am that picture Ashley posted during the day. I could get drunk though...

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You might have no control over your sexual urges, but you do have control over what you say. =P

And I was mostly talking about the comments that were made here.

Sorry but if a reasonably attractive girl offered me unconditional sex, I'd take it up. Most guys would.


Flinky, apologise immediately :P

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Sorry but if a reasonably attractive girl offered me unconditional sex, I'd take it up. Most guys would.


Flinky, apologise immediately :P


Again, I wasn't talking about flameboy or the girl; if he had taken it up and gotten free sex out of it, then hooray for him. =P

It's just the comments that followed -and most from guys with girlfriends even- that annoyed me (and seems at least Molly kinda feels the same or something). There are... different ways to word things. =P

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It's been a trying morning. Feeling a bit stressed with things around the house, with Uni and with 'work'. It's also not great that I need to make the 2 hour round trip back to Uni later this afternoon for a 1 hour class at 4pm and while I've done the work I need to hand in, the extra stuff my tutor wanted hasn't been done and I'm sure something will be said about that.


Not going out tonight as it can't be done, due to people being unavailable, which makes me a sad panda but it's fine. I've got some beer in the fridge so I think I'll just stay in and try and relax.

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Urgh why does Microsoft Office 2007 (or whatever the new one) suck? (and was it made for visually impaired people? does everything have to be so big?) and why does it save as .docx on my flashpen and then not open up on my laptop? Stupid Microsoft.
It's actually much better, you're just doing that "omg it's new they've moved things and made them big" reaction, like when we allowed bigger avatars on the forums. (They used to be 50px x 50px and you lot complained like mad when they got bigger, now look at ya!)


If you save it as a Word 2003 file it will have the standard .doc extension.

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Today has been...well, long. I had to hang around for ages to sort my modules out yet again because that stupid modern languages bint is just plain useless, not to mention a bitch. Then I had a sleep, then got my haircut and now I'm procrastinating doing any work which is annoying, because I know I need to do some I just can't be bothered.


Yesterday was better anyhow. Had two lectures first thing in the morning, then went back to bed for an hour and just generally relaxed. Then went to the cinema with Haggis, which was great fun, although there we had this moment that was like an awkward Michael Cera scene from some shit teen movie. But it made us both laugh I guess. I wholly recommend Zombieland to one and all. Hugely entertaining!

Edited by Razz
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Most of today was spent by me and my Dad sorting out my new bike, it's all assembled and road-worthy now :D gave it a quick test ride up and down the road, feels great and that's without the battery attached - it's charging up atm - can't wait to start riding it properly. ^^

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So I've been sorting out stuff for my party on Saturday. I've booked the top floor of an awesome club, downstairs there's an 11 man band playing Afro beats and the like. The theme is 'Happy Hardcore vs Alice in Wonderland' which should produce some interesting getups (I'm going as Tweedle Dum with my friend as Tweedle Dee). I'm about to send off the guest list and I've counted 71 people...that's a lot. I'm sure a few of them won't turn up. Also, there's going to be a face painter. :heh:


Tomorrow I'm making my 'Pimp That Snack' Jaffa Cake birthday cake. Yay!!


I just need to buy some party poppers (and other faff), plus glow sticks.


...I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

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Had my phone updated today. Instead of a bar at the top of the phone above the image, it now has separated them into 4 different categories which can be accessed via the pad below. Much more convenient i think.


Other than that, its been an ok day. Weather was holding out until i came home from the J/C interview i had, then the heavens opened. Lucky i thought.

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Today while doing my volunteer work I was told that everyone used to assume that I was about 27 or 28 because "I never behaved childishly enough for my age." I took it as a compliment, but I really hope I look young for someone apparently already racing towards their 30s. :hmm:

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Today while doing my volunteer work I was told that everyone used to assume that I was about 27 or 28 because "I never behaved childishly enough for my age." I took it as a compliment, but I really hope I look young for someone apparently already racing towards their 30s. :hmm:


Aww I'm sure you look fine.

I had the opposite happen to me yesterday. People in class were saying how old they were (most are around 21) and when I said I'll be 25 soon they all went "whaaaat? 25?!". I suddenly felt old haha. But someone said you couldn't tell so erm, hooray? =P

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Again, I wasn't talking about flameboy or the girl; if he had taken it up and gotten free sex out of it, then hooray for him. =P

It's just the comments that followed -and most from guys with girlfriends even- that annoyed me (and seems at least Molly kinda feels the same or something). There are... different ways to word things. =P


But our comments were really quite similar to your "hooray for him." They are words of encouragement. :heh:


In all fairness, it wasn't as if Flameboy was given an offer for romantic sex, or even a date and then sex. It was just...sex. Meaningless sex. So, the replies were somewhat un-romantic to match the situation. No doubt if it had been a girl he cared lots about or something, or somebody he had feelings for, the replies would've been a little different.


I still stick by it. She offered him sexxxxx, so if he fancies her or finds her attractive, then what's the harm? Not all sex is going to be meaningful. I've had meaningless sex, pretty much a spur of the moment thing. Granted, I've had sex with people I care a lot about, and that specific sex meant a great deal more.


But, as stated, Flameboy isn't in a relationship, hasn't been in one for half a year. If a few of his fellow males are encouraging him to go for it, then what's the problem? It can be good for your confidence, and it can help you pluck up the courage to do eet. It shouldn't be particularly offensive to anyone because...he isn't having sex with you. What about the fact that the girl just offered him sex so freely? It's a bit strange how the girls haven't commented on that, yet seem a bit eager to jump on a few light-hearted comments, in my opinion.


Haha. This is how much I care about others having sex. When others have it, I feel happy. It pleases me when people have sex.

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Well that day was fucking awesome.


Went to Thorpe Park with Mollymon. So many amazing things happened that just raised its awesomeness to standard to mega levels.


First thing, we got there and saw one of my friends from Aylesbury. That was huge lol.


Then the rides were generally amazing. Saw seems to have aged well over half a year.


Then the mazes were awesome. We spoke to a really friendly worker, who didn't like his boss. He said his bosses name was Joe. I yelled out "Joe" and he came over, and said "Whats up" to the worker. I doubled over pissing myself.


Loadz of stuff like that happened.


Then the most epic bit. I lied/joked to someone "Hi....oh sorry I thought you were someone else" as a joke, cos' I like talking to strangers. Then his friend goes "Hey....come back!" I was like "Eh" and did so and he was like "I recognise you....you're from that video!" I was like..."What?!?!?!" and he was like "The video from here last year" I was like...."Prove it" (didn't actually say that, but said "Which ride was I under then/what happened")


He was referring to this video.



And he was like "With Ellie in" and I was like "O.....M......G...." so I got recognised from the internet. Majorly epic.


Luckily this was towards the end of the day, so Molly didn't have to put up with my fame claims for long.


So now I have


"But does your car have stripes?"




"But are you famous?"


Thx 4 a gr8 day Molz.

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Thank YOU, it was super duper! :D


I think the most embarrassing bit was at the end of a ride (one where you're all strapped in, in a circle looking at each other) and ReZ just shouts ''www.youtube.com/ReZourceman'', with a Z... PRANK CALLS...COMEDY...CHECK IT OUT''. First of all everyone was just silent in shock and then..laughing. At, not with. :p


Oh I loved Saw. Didn't like Stealth. The Asylum maze was brilliant too!

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