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just to buck the trend, i'll tell you about ym day at work


i was paid to watch con air. i could add a minor gripe that i missed the very end, but to be honest, all the awsome stuff had happened, the "im gonna show you god does exist" line had been delivered. i was pleased. i am concerened that the job is only guarenteed untill the end of the month mind.

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i know. it came on and from the first frame i was "IT'S CON AIR!". its just nailed the action genra perfectly. pure popcorn flick but for all its cheese, it gets you going. the "i'm gonna show you god does exist." line actualy gets me really fired up. im a complete athiest but god damn i want to belive when he says that.

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Congrats Gizmo! I do love driving, such a great feeling. I was also first time, good work!



I am free from work for 20 WHOLE DAYS! HOLIDAY, CELEBRATE!(ReZ hates me for this fact :heh:).


All the cool people pass first time. Hahaha, my Mum isn't cool:indeed:


There's nothing wrong with being single.





Well done mate. Pick me up.




I may provide video evidence of our trip through the car wash later, if I can be bothered.

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Bwuahaha you lot.


Gah what another irratating day, its a good job even with all this crap I'm still relatively cheerful.


Went to the bank after yesterdays rubbish, talked to Matt and after all that the stupid woman yesterday just had to click her computer and boom I would have had my overdraft re-done, I think Matt was confused by why I had an appointment, after I explained he ended up laughing and apologising.


Found out the hat I bought for download is still currently being made (its like a wooly beanie), the woman I bought it from was supposed to send it me last week after the first went missing because she didn't put it recorded. If this one takes any longer than next week I'm asking for a refund, hugely annoyed.


Otherwise I'm going to spend the day watching house and shooting zombies in the face.

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Have spent the last hour or so looking job listings. Luckily, I've found a job that is Saturdays only which will be alright for accompanying Uni, should I get the job. Unfortunately for me, in looking up the place of work I have found out a former college associate is working there which isn't great as I really didn't like him much. But it's a job so I'll send off the application this afternoon.


Awaiting information about matriculation from Uni. Have been sent info regarding psychology matric but I changed over the english and haven't received the stuff I should have. Kinda need it now as I have to sort out my SAAS application otherwise I'll get penalised an extra £100 on top of tuition like last year, which subsequently fell down to SAAS taking too long to tell me I wasn't getting funding for first year.


TV's still not working properly. There was a glimmer of hope when I turned it on this morning and it seemed to be fine but then it started flickering again. Pain in the backside as I want to get some game time in, although I have little that is taking my fancy. Me thinks I'll buy some stuff on friday that I've already had but suddenly have a craving for (Left 4 Dead since all of the sequel stuff has turned up).

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Had a driving lesson today which was ok. Went into fourth gear and 50 mph for the first time, felt good :) But I go too fast into some junctions and need to slow down.


When I got back home; the One For All remote came in the post which I bought from eBay to make our newer DVD players multiregion. It was a success!:yay:

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Had a driving lesson today which was ok. Went into fourth gear and 50 mph for the first time, felt good :) But I go too fast into some junctions and need to slow down.


My instructor used to say that I slowed down too early, and that it felt like we were crawling up to the line. It's just about judging speed and distance. Something you get used to with practice.

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^^ It amazes me how different driving instructors take things so differently.


From my very first lesson I got in and drove right away, it was a 2hr lesson and I went on duel carrageways and everything.

It was duel controls obviously, but getting stuck right into it is the best thing imo.

Edited by Retro_Link
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On my first lesson i got a 2 hour lecture and moved the car a few meters forward at around 5 mph >_> boring stuff


Woke up this morning with a hell of a sore shoulder, think i might have pulled the muscle in my sleep.

Went out and bought some more lady grey because my damn tea drinking family can't stop drinking the stuff. Other than that, i've just been browsing around here.

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Just got back from a 3 day camping trip in the dales with a couple of mates. Had an amazing time as expected, but the continuous rain really needs to frick off. The lack of technology was beginning to become painful, especially considering there was literally only one plug socket in the entire campsite. Still, masses of fun times were had, and we ended up getting about 300 pictures...most of which I'm sure are going to mean a night of frantic de-tagging for myself later. Oh, and I've realised I need to learn German...now. Nothing beats screaming DAS IST GUT YA hideously loudly.

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^^ It amazes me how different driving instructors take things so differently.


From my very first lesson I got in and drove right away, it was a 2hr lesson and I went on duel carrageways and everything.

It was duel controls obviously, but getting stuck right into it is the best thing imo.


I remember I spent the first lessons learning where everything is, and getting used to the gears. We traveled very slowly, and that was more to do with getting used to the feel of the car.


The second lesson, we did a loooot of driving, and that was very awesome. The good thing is that the first lesson helped me get somewhat used to the car, so I felt familiar with it when I stepped into it the second time. These were one hour long sessions. :)

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I spent a little time before narrowing down options for my future, if the current course I'm on does not impress me in the second year.


This morning the doorbell rang and I stupidly got up, looked out the window and went back to bed. I can get up and sign for 2 measly letters but when it comes to the big parcels I go back to bed so that I have to go into town, and carry the big box all the way back. Stupid. So I did that today. Also I've promised myself to try and not spend money stupidly anymore. No more buying because I'm bored or buying because it seems cool.

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Spent a lot of the day reading Batman. I'm really enjoying it but I've only got half of Year One to finish off, which I'll probably do tonight.


I start my new job on Monday and I'm slightly nervous. I'm sure it will be fine but first day and all I'm always slightly uneasy.

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Crazy at the moment, watching Who Do You Think You Are? with Kim Cattrall on it and its all about part of my family, my nans just been on it talking and theyve mentioned my mum quite a few times.


Same...strange thing is: I work in the area she is in. I wish I had know earlier!! :heart:

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