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Guest Jordan
Well, i have a meeting to discuss my wages in around 10 minutes.


Shitting myself >.>


:D I got a £3000 pay rise!



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Guest Jordan

Best thing is, the only way is up. If I improve my skills i'll go up to £22K, then £30K.


The developers are on £45K a year. Insane or what?

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:D I got a £3000 pay rise!




Congrats. :yay:


Today I was working (volunteering) at a theatre. I mainly worked at the shop but also and even watched the show! (which was for people ages between age 5 and 8 :p)


And just as I was about to leave I got lumbered with buying 5 more 4 pinters (of milk) Just as I stepped outside It started to rain as well, luckily I didn't get too soaked. :)


Then I came home and watched Dr. Horrible, Finished of Hard Candy (the movie) and watched How I met your Mother. :D So it's been an enjoyable afternoon.

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Yay, back from work! It was okay I guess, though I felt kinda weird during the last part of it. Like, my head felt all warm and blehhh (actually still does) and I had trouble concentrating on the screen. >.>;


Good news though, I finally got paid for last month, yay! ^_____^


Other than that, nothing happened so far.



Oh, congrats with the pay rise Jordan!

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Well done, Jordania.


Grrrr, so pissed off. I told my Dad to pick me up from work at 5, because I had to catch a train to get to Brighton. He didn't, meaning I had to get home another way. By the time I've got home, had some dinner, got ready, I've missed my train.


So, I've got to get a later train, and go through London again.


I'm really tempted not to go now.

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To see my housemates/other friends.


To be honest, I can't really afford to go. It'll cost me 50 quid to get down there, plus tube train money, and I'll only be going until Sunday afternoon.

Money's a fair enough concern, but can you afford not to take a trip somewhere? You've been saying recently that you've wanted a break from doing nothing but work, and I'm sure you'll have a great time if you do decide to go. I can't imagine an extra £50 in your pocket being a huge boon if you're left feeling burnt out by your job.


You may need money to survive, but you also need fun to live. If you try to be 'sensible' all the time then you end up like me, and no one wants that!

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Well I think god is trying to tell me not to use make-up haha ^_^, most popular brands of make-up react to my skin. I've just tried a liquid eyeliner of a brand I normally wear only to find that reacts too. (even though when I tested it originally it was ok)


God damnit. XD

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Congrats Jordan. Now we all know the customary celebration for whenever one of us gets promoted yes? Buy the staff a bottle of Dom each (and im not talking -stercool ;)) :)


Oh and thanks for that pride snippet Jay. Its my friends birthday on Sunday and hes back in Brighton for the summer. Shall work it in there somewhere.


Woke up. Haircut. Watched half of Akira. Wrote an article. 'Citing day!


Just rung up work to check hours for next week and the boss answer. Guess hes back from his hol. Balls. And im doing four shifts. And he said "tara pal" (urgh) and then cut off tone. Presumed it was him being rude but noticed by phone said "network connection failure" so maybe he thinks I was being rude. Ah well. Four shirts. Sunday night, Monday night, Thursday night, Saturday. How awkwardly spaced out...Actually no fuck, can't do Saturday. Will have to sort that out...

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Good day.


Parents away on holiday, spent a while trying to show why the sentence "Who is the fact that she met worrying?" is ungrammatical using Government and Binding theory, and managed to crack it - nice and satisfying. Got a postcard, and heard that my friends got the letters I sent them. Also drank some coffee, which was of course awesome.


Anyway, congrats Jordan! I suppose all the boring time spent working payed off.

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My day has been terrible..


I was in work and took some badass epic fit of coughing/sneezing so much so i couldn't actually speak. Added onto trying to maintain a call centre almost by myself (lazy workmates are FUCKING LOSE!)


Also getting texts from several people trying to BLOW MY MIND. God, leave me alooooooonneee! I hate mind games =(


I had a curry at lunchtime, and suddenly felt a whole load better... Thinking my immune system went a bit batshit on me. I'm still feeling the arthy pains from it now tho.


Now I feel really rubbish for no reason. My head always has been all over the place but today was taking the piss.

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Sorry to hear you day sucked RA, but its the weekend at least eh?


My day just got better because I've seen the trailer for Pushing Daisies season two :D



And I've just played Smash Bros online for the first time. I won. Lots. Against my kinda-friend.

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