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The weather here has gone ape shit.


Its gone from a nice day a few days ago to 40mph winds and heavy rain. I can kiss my chances of getting Metal Gear Solid 4 tomorrow good bye...

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Couldn't remember where I'd gotten to, so I watched the first 15 episodes of Smallville Season 7 before going to bed at about 9am today. Just woke up about 20 minutes ago, and now I'm going to try and make my mos excellent pasta/fajita sauce dish before watching the rest of the season. These 'days of our lives' aren't as exciting as they ought to be, are they?

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My day = Goodish


Went to school at 10am, later than usual as i didn't have a lesson. Sat around in the sun on the local field/park and had a paddle in the stream. Went to Biology as we are starting the A levels (So they say) and did nothing. Although i found out that i will be missing this Thursday, Friday and next Tuesday on a Biology field work trip to the peak district/sheffied to play around in the streams, so all good.


Also i got my Wii back from my brothers girlfriend, although it was missing afew bits and bobs the main one being the cable which connects it to the TV, i think it was sabotage. She probably doesn't know i have a spare component.

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I was subjected to Leona Lewis' album (yes.. the whole thing..) 5 times in 6 hours during work today..


I'm angry now.


Majorly gutted for ya dude.


My day was again rather rubbish. My phones gone up the left, wouldn't access my messages =(






Funny thing is I googled it and managed to solve the problem myself from so many other people having this problem. One of my workmates also had the same issue!

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It is hooooooooot. @_________@


Really nice whether and had dinner outside! which was spaghetti. :D Very tasty not a cloud in the sky.


Today at school was quite good. Tuesdays are more relaxed than Mondays (less lessons)


Also have to sort out this cover for a school creative writing magazine which I'm Co editor of. My first position of any responsibility. :)

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Got back from the funeral at 3, I can honestly say everything I thought was going to happen did. Everything keeps asking if I want to talk about it. heh -.-


Other than that I have college tomorrow so I've not done any work, got saturday sorted though so I've got something to do and somewhere to crash which is nice =]

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First of all thanks for listening to be moan on msn Han (Raining), You are awesome. :D


I hate people. Yeah, just in general, people can be such complete tossers without a good enough reason to act like it. Why? Because some people are stupid enough to think they can trust people and they let them in. Apparently I'm one of those people. Fun times, aye?


I mean, I apologise if I can't spend all my waking hours with every single one of my friends. Sometimes I have to chose who to do stuff with etc and I obviously chose the same person one to many times. :p Three of my so called "best mates" have just made my closest friend cry over the phone to me because she feels like complete crap because of what they said to her. Apparently she (closest mate) is pulling me away from the group and I'm changing. Even though I hardly get to spend anytimr with her because I'm ALWAYS with them. Literally most my life is spent either at home, or with those guys. (Which I enjoy because I love them, but I do have other friends, why is that hard for them to gather?). Everythings now screwed up because of them, and I feel like killing each of them...slowly.:mad: :mad:


So basically, what I'm trying to say is why do friends get jelous over the fact you have other friends? Isn't being friends with them good enough for them?

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So basically, what I'm trying to say is why do friends get jelous over the fact you have other friends? Isn't being friends with them good enough for them?


No, people get insecure and unfortunetly they just so happen want to take it out on your friend because she's an easier target than yourself. You need to tell them that it's only going to make you worse rather than better :blank:.

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So basically, what I'm trying to say is why do friends get jelous over the fact you have other friends? Isn't being friends with them good enough for them?


Well I'm incredibly jealous of myself hanging out with people other than myself. :p


Seriously though, they probably just miss hanging out with you as much as before. The truth might be that you've outgrown them slightly and obviously that isn't great from their perspective.


Ignore this post if it doesn't make sense, it turns out that while writing it I'm actually talking about, and to, myself...but I thought I'd share my epiphany anyway. :)

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First day back at work isn't too bad. At least I am only working 12 weeks and spending the other 40 being awesome. Plus as this is a summer thing, and not a job, I don't feel so bad for saying "can't work then, or then, or then". Although I do have the have the next three Saturdays off (away, wedding, helping carnival).


Other than that I did very little today.

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Haggis, firstly, if your friends are the sort of people to get petty over you hanging out with someone else once in a while, maybe you should ask yourself if you really want their friendship in the first place. Secondly: I can't believe you're complaining about being popular! Count your blessings, man :heh:

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Well I'm incredibly jealous of myself hanging out with people other than myself. :p


Seriously though, they probably just miss hanging out with you as much as before. The truth might be that you've outgrown them slightly and obviously that isn't great from their perspective.


Ignore this post if it doesn't make sense, it turns out that while writing it I'm actually talking about, and to, myself...but I thought I'd share my epiphany anyway. :)


Hehe, nah it makes sense. But thats the thing, I truly haven't. I love my group of friends and still do. I just hate the fact they are so damn stubborn about the whole letting someone else in. It's really hard having to share my time with all these people and then not knowing if I'm offending someone or not.


Lol Bard I know I shouldn't me moaning, but when your best mate calls you up and is in tears down the phone it's hard not to be a little annoyed at someone. But anyway, it turns out it's not all the people I thought it was, it's just one person causing all this trouble. They've then blamed it all on others and told her all this junk. Lovely aye?

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Just show them how much you spend with them compared to your other friend. If as you say you spend most of your time with them and not her, then they'll see that and you'll make 'em look like idiots.



2 physics papers tomorrow. Joy! :blank:


Actually, that said, I'm feeling secretly confident.



fuck you for reminding me !_!

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Hehe, nah it makes sense. But thats the thing, I truly haven't. I love my group of friends and still do. I just hate the fact they are so damn stubborn about the whole letting someone else in. It's really hard having to share my time with all these people and then not knowing if I'm offending someone or not.


Lol Bard I know I shouldn't me moaning, but when your best mate calls you up and is in tears down the phone it's hard not to be a little annoyed at someone. But anyway, it turns out it's not all the people I thought it was, it's just one person causing all this trouble. They've then blamed it all on others and told her all this junk. Lovely aye?


I've already told you! :p You know what to do! ;)


But to get jealous over you spending more time with someone else is just ridiculous!


Jealously is dangerous!


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