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Guest bluey
Wait....so "should of" should actually never be used....?

only if you're saying "when you write "should've" you should not write "should of" because it's incorrect, dude!!"

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who says that!!? :shakehead


Loads of people in my school. And most of them are English students. Honestly I don't know what the fuck they are teaching in English at our school because it certainly isn't the English language.


One retarded lass who is in the year above but retaking the year again (she's taking english and/or media) was discussing her career prospects and said she might be a translator for the army or something. Her friend said "but you can't speak iraq?" (wait for it) so the spastic replied, "No they learn it you." And she even said it in a "god you're stupid" tone.

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Guest bluey


Sorry to hear you had a crappy day. Just kick them, you know you want to ;)

totally seriously... i was THIS close... *holds up thumb and index finger VERRRRY close to one another* :nono:

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Seriously Im suprised thats the case, I thought there was a definite distinction between different circumstances requiring different things.


Thats good to know.


Now go forth and use "of" and "have" in the correct way. And punch anybody that doesn't.

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One lesson this week, 2 next week, 4 the week after.


That's why the system is in place how you don't get paid if you don't attend all your lessons.


No - I'm not missing lessons on purpose. I had an appointment with the education something or other the school had arranged for me during one lesson.


Then I was ill for half a day another week (had been sick and we are told not to attend college if that happens) but I still came in for the rest of the day. It's not like I'm truanting is it?

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that masturbating man from wednesday (for those of you who don't know what I mean, read page 358) texted me today - 'if you are bored the kettle will be on in 30mins'


I thought that was over. I'm changing my number!

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that masturbating man from wednesday (for those of you who don't know what I mean, read page 358) texted me today - 'if you are bored the kettle will be on in 30mins'


I thought that was over. I'm changing my number!


Just tell him you aren't into that sort of thing. I'm sure he'll understand. Us pervs are still human you know.

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I'm inclined to agree with Moogleviper, Tom. I'm not sure if I could have the balls to do anything other than pretend he didn't exist, but I'd know the right thing would be to tell him straight. Just be sure to have an escape plan, yeah?

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I'm inclined to agree with Moogleviper, Tom. I'm not sure if I could have the balls to do anything other than pretend he didn't exist, but I'd know the right thing would be to tell him straight. Just be sure to have an escape plan, yeah?


A: Distract him with porn whilst you make your getaway to the police.


B: Tell him that your mate (give location of somebody who will kick the shit out of him) is into that sort of thing.


Although B can backfire as he might tell the guy that you sent him and he'll come after you.


C: Get a baseball that.


Although if you try C the guy might think you want some kinky fun.

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1. You guys* are too prescriptive.

2. The study of language is descriptive.

3. These things vary between dialects.

4. The only reason one thing is "correct" and the other is "incorrect" is due to convention.

5. No one dialect is better than any other, it just so happens that formal English is the way it is.

6. If you are told you have made an error and you cannot see why it is wrong, then it is not an error in your dialect.

7. Any errors you do make will only be pedagogically, rather than generatively wrong.

8. This means you will still be understood.

9. If you construct a sentence that breaks the rules of generative grammar, bad things happen.

10. "I have could done that." is generatively wrong.

11. "I could of done that." is pedagogically wrong.

12. See the difference?

13. Nevertheless, it's a good idea to conform to certain standards in formal writing and various other situations.

14. Words such as "could" are known as modal auxilliaries; they modify the mood of a verb.

15. When combined with "have" (a different auxilliary verb), in formal English they: (i) come before the non-modal auxilliary verb** (ii) do not change.

16. "Of" is a variant form of "have" in some dialects, used when it combines with a modal auxilliary.

17. It results from the "'ve" contraction of have.

18. This doesn't mean we have to stop berating people for getting things wrong. :wink:

19. In before "witty" replies using numbers or somesuch.


*Note how this could be "y'all" or "you" in some dialects.

**This is why 10 sounds so strange.

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Just had my last day at school. Fucking epic.


Last night about sixty of us left the pubs of our town to go and set up a camping site on the front lawns of our school. We made a complete mess. Toilet paper was thrown around trees, loads of beer bottles were everywhere. Throughout the night the school alarms went off six times, and a police car came at about 1 in the morning (it was all okay though, he just told us to keep it quiet and not break anything).


Early in the morning, some guys painted a massive cock onto the school field with the words "ART ATTACK" in big letters. Then about twenty people drove their cars onto the field and parked it into the shape of a penis. When all the teachers came in, most of them thought it was all hilarious. The head didn't though, there was an inspector going around the site. During the day there were quite a few pranks, some guys egged the head's bmw and a lot of the younger kids had to go home because we were attacking them with super soakers and water bombs. We were on very thin ice with the senior teachers but I think they got over it all.


So I'm knackered, but I've had an amazing couple of days. Now time to actually get some revision done so I can get to university.

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i had a pretty shitty day... my kids classes were rubbish! one kid decided she didnt like me so she turned around and ignored me for the whole fucking lesson. little BRAT... i hope her mum pulls her out of my lessons...

and the other class .............oh meh i wont even get started... a bunch of 9 year old boys vs. me... you can imagine. MEH. anyhoo...i come home for some peace and quiet and ALL I CAN HEAR is my friggin housemate on skype to her idiot boyfriend ... I WANNA RELAX, NOT LISTEN TO YOUR COOING! BLEH!! :shakehead </bad mood>


...anyway ^___^!


Tell her to shut up ^.^!


Eurgh what a long stupidish day, I had a nice day this morning went to manchester with kate and I won't get to see her until september, boo :(, but she said we might arrange something for my 18th.

Came back to college (it takes 2 hours to get to manchester, then an hour to get from manchester to college) and sat for an hour waiting for my tutor only for him to tell me I didn't need to make any adjustments to my assignment.


Then had to wait around for two buses and home! eurgh I've been out the door since 7am! :zzz:

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So I went to go speak to a lecturer and the building was blocked off. So I went to book an academic advisor meeting and that building was blocked off and police. So rallied some friends and text someone who lived in one of the evacuated buildings. Bomb scare.


Police everywhere. Bomb squad, complete with robot. "Suspicious package" found. All kinds of stories about it, but nothing official, and probably never will be.


However after about three hours of standing around it got boring.


Local news is better than none

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So I went to go speak to a lecturer and the building was blocked off. So I went to book an academic advisor meeting and that building was blocked off and police. So rallied some friends and text someone who lived in one of the evacuated buildings. Bomb scare.


Police everywhere. Bomb squad, complete with robot. "Suspicious package" found. All kinds of stories about it, but nothing official, and probably never will be.


However after about three hours of standing around it got boring.


Local news is better than none


I was wondering where my lunch had got to.

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Finally got plans for the weekend arranged. I've got to keep the girl who invited us over on saturday night company on sunday night seeing awe'll have watched a few horror movies on saturday and she'll be alone in the flat she's sitting for her mate - she gets scared mighty easily.


But should be a laugh - I'll just have to tell my "father" I'm somewhere else. I hate how parents assume teenagers just go out for one thing, sex.

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Finally got plans for the weekend arranged. I've got to keep the girl who invited us over on saturday night company on sunday night seeing awe'll have watched a few horror movies on saturday and she'll be alone in the flat she's sitting for her mate - she gets scared mighty easily.


But should be a laugh - I'll just have to tell my "father" I'm somewhere else. I hate how parents assume teenagers just go out for one thing, sex.


You mean you're staying in a flat alone with a girl who'll be scared after watching horror films, and you aren't planning to have sex?

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You mean you're staying in a flat alone with a girl who'll be scared after watching horror films, and you aren't planning to have sex?


I didn't say that, I just said I hate how parents assume - it makes it harder. :p


But no, she's really not my type and she's vaguely involved with someone else. (She's the one in the pics I posted a few days back where it looked like naked suprise sex in that bed).


But it's wierd, before I hit sixteen it was like the word sex wasn't in my parents vocabulary when they spoke to me but as soon as sixteen came it's all they ever say.

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haha I had the sex talk at 13, oh my mum's a smart woman (no I wasn't having sex at 13), whereas my dad, fuck knows what he thinks, it's quite funny.


I'm happy now, the paypal went through on the plugs for my ears and I got some really ace bracelets off another girl handmade for really cheap ^.^ excited.

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Spent the whole afternoon With my mate Sean playing Mario Kart on his Wii and GH3 on my sexbox :) Had some random involved conversations about our girlfriends and all that nonsense too lol. Been interesting :P

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My day has just gotten a little more interesting...


It's a friend's 18th party next Wednesday, but he chose not to invite one person in our group of friends. He also chose not to tell anyone he hadn't invited her, so she knows all about it, so she's now really, really pissed off at him.

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All packed up and ready to go for the weekend now, just need to have a bath and a shave in the morning and make some sandwiches for the coach and then I'm out of here. Anyone in the Preston area watch out for me out on the town over the weekend.

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haha I had the sex talk at 13, oh my mum's a smart woman (no I wasn't having sex at 13), whereas my dad, fuck knows what he thinks, it's quite funny.


I'm happy now, the paypal went through on the plugs for my ears and I got some really ace bracelets off another girl handmade for really cheap ^.^ excited.


I was about 7, my mother gave me a book about sex (the whole hog) told me to read it and expected me to come back with questions. She knew me too well, I take time to think things over XD


Today I had dinner in a fancy restaurant! (Tullyglass fer all you locals!) It was rather nice! Dime bar cheesecake = TO DIE FOR! ^____________^

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