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My day was pretty good!


I had a lie in, and had pasta/hot chocolate for breakfast :D


Then I tidied my desk - it went from this:





to this!




ok, its tidy by my standards!!





welldone clearing your room Letty. :)


Ive should clean this room

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Whooo, awesome job Letty!


And go Raining! You can stop smoking! =D




I've spent the past hours staring at a Word file, trying to write something about a lecture we had. Thing needs to be in before Friday (only one page too)... so far I almost managed to write half a page.


I don't think my brain wants to co-operate today or something.

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It dawned on me some point this evening that in a year I will have to think for myself. Life has been just going from one logical step to another. High school to college to uni and then...was thinking postgrad but cost/worthwhileness? Its weird to not have some clear path in mind.


Granted not the thoughts I should be having when I was meant to be getting an early night. Ah well.

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It dawned on me some point this evening that in a year I will have to think for myself. Life has been just going from one logical step to another. High school to college to uni and then...was thinking postgrad but cost/worthwhileness? Its weird to not have some clear path in mind.


Granted not the thoughts I should be having when I was meant to be getting an early night. Ah well.


Great feeling isn't it? Just don't f*ck it up, no pressure. :p

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My tidying of the room consists of bunging some stuff into the cupboards and having the contents pouring out over my head at a later date! :heh:


My day has been ok. :)



I went out to buy some Wii points but they didn't have any left in stock in any of the stores so i can home after a fruitless hour of searching.


Then spent some time revising for english! I didn't feel like a did enough and so did more this evening!


Robert Browning's Poems are too long they are like Novels! @____________@


Also made up for not having breakfast this morning by having some bowls of cereal this evening!

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Great feeling isn't it? Just don't f*ck it up, no pressure. :p


Well by the time I graduate I shall be 22, with a degree, a decent amount of money in the bank, 5 years work experience (including 18 months managerial), voluntary work experience and not on the sex offenders list. Which puts me above my brother :p


But nah seriously. I do want to do something creative but im not sure where I want to do it, or what I want to do exactly (photography or scriptwriting pretty much are the options). And for the first time in my life I feel like I want to learn how to drive. But then if I move to a big city (London/NY) theres no real point.


All in all, not the things that should be going through my head at this time of night.

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This time of night is the only time I ever think of anything. :heh:


Sounds like your pretty sorted though. 5 years work experience is impressive. I've only had one job and that's my current one at Square. I'm going to work through to next summer I hope.

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Well by the time I graduate I shall be 22, with a degree, a decent amount of money in the bank, 5 years work experience (including 18 months managerial), voluntary work experience and not on the sex offenders list. Which puts me above my brother :p


But nah seriously. I do want to do something creative but im not sure where I want to do it, or what I want to do exactly (photography or scriptwriting pretty much are the options). And for the first time in my life I feel like I want to learn how to drive. But then if I move to a big city (London/NY) theres no real point.


All in all, not the things that should be going through my head at this time of night.


Pfff, I'll at least be 25 when I graduate. How depressing. =(

Seems you got your life kind of sorted already though. You just need to figure out what it is you want to do once you graduate. In the end it's all up to you.


Whoo, wrote like, eight more lines on my paper since I last posted. Maybe I should give up for tonight. XD

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This time of night is the only time I ever think of anything. :heh:


Sounds like your pretty sorted though. 5 years work experience is impressive. I've only had one job and that's my current one at Square. I'm going to work through to next summer I hope.


Impressive = soul destorying. I've been out of work 3 months now and I don't want to go back for the summer.


And yeah this is when I think but I wanted to get up early and will be woken at 4am by drunkards.


Pfff, I'll at least be 25 when I graduate. How depressing. =(

Seems you got your life kind of sorted already though. You just need to figure out what it is you want to do once you graduate. In the end it's all up to you.


Whoo, wrote like, eight more lines on my paper since I last posted. Maybe I should give up for tonight. XD


Wow you're older than am I. I always thought you looked younger.


I don't like having choice, always been rubbish at it :p

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Wow you're older than am I. I always thought you looked younger.


I don't like having choice, always been rubbish at it :p


Yeah I'm old (boooh, 23), though I often don't act my age. And apparently don't look it either. =P


I don't like having much choice either, since I'm horrible at making a decision. Like really horrible. "I don't know" is one of my most used phrases because of it (and it's driving mom mad whenever I say it XD ).


Anyway, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You still have some time to think about it all. =)

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Impressive = soul destorying.


Haha! I was kind of thinking that, I can't face working in an office through the summer...I hate it when it's sunny outside.


Oh well, I'm saving up for an uber holiday next year.

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Yeah I'm old (boooh, 23), though I often don't act my age. And apparently don't look it either. =P


I don't like having much choice either, since I'm horrible at making a decision. Like really horrible. "I don't know" is one of my most used phrases because of it (and it's driving mom mad whenever I say it XD ).


Anyway, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You still have some time to think about it all. =)


You're as young as you feel. I think at this age a few years is nothing. I have a friend who turns 24 next month and while I mock him for it sometimes deep down to me he's the same age as me. (whether thats because I don't act particularly 21 I dunno but whatever).


And hey. I came up with an idea for an animated film. I write. You draw. Deal? ;)


Haha! I was kind of thinking that, I can't face working in an office through the summer...I hate it when it's sunny outside.


Oh well, I'm saving up for an uber holiday next year.


Its not so much the working in the summer when you can go frollick, its more the working. Period. I suppose Game during the summer wasn't too bad (no customers so we pratted around) but its nice to not be working. I've become a more relaxed and positive (believe it or not) person.


Anyway I was going to bed....yeah...over an hour ago.

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Yeah I'm old (boooh, 23), though I often don't act my age. And apparently don't look it either. =P


I don't like having much choice either, since I'm horrible at making a decision. Like really horrible. "I don't know" is one of my most used phrases because of it (and it's driving mom mad whenever I say it XD ).


Anyway, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You still have some time to think about it all. =)


I use that phrase all the time and my mum doesn't like it either! :heh:


It's usually when faced with a descion what do you want to drink?


I don't know.


But also it's no creeped into normal conversation like


What does *insert name here* want to do after school?


I don't know.


Maybe you should mix it up a little and say "No lo se" which is I don't know in Spanish! or maybe no entiendo! (I don't understand) another one of my most used phrases! :D

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Robert Browning's Poems are too long they are like Novels! @____________@


Have you read Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came?


Maybe you should mix it up a little and say "No lo se" which is I don't know in Spanish! or maybe no entiendo! (I don't understand) another one of my most used phrases! :D


Hold it! I wasn't gonna pull you up on this, but seeing as you have some frequently used Spanish phrases its only right that I do. :heh: ...in one of the threads on here in the Wii Channels board, you said Animales del Muerte... when its Animales de la Muerte. Everyone knows that death is feminine, so... don't forget it again, mmkay? :)

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Guest bluey
Everyone knows that death is feminine, so... don't forget it again, mmkay? :)

...oh SHIT i've been rumbled! *hides scythe and tries to look innocent...*

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Have you read Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came?




Hold it! I wasn't gonna pull you up on this, but seeing as you have some frequently used Spanish phrases its only right that I do. :heh: ...in one of the threads on here in the Wii Channels board, you said Animales del Muerte... when its Animales de la Muerte. Everyone knows that death is feminine, so... don't forget it again, mmkay? :)


I hadn't read that poem as it isn't part of the course but I just read it now!


I'm not sure why :confused: I should be concentrating on the poems I need for the exam!


Also I thought I'd got that wrong but couldn't be bothered to check it up! :p


I won't forget it again!!! I can't remember much spanish and I only did it last year! @________@



...oh SHIT i've been rumbled! *hides scythe and tries to look innocent...*


I'm watching you Bluey! O______O



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Not much today, fell asleep had 12 hours (I have a feeling I'm back into the too much sleep habit..better than the not enough I suppose).


Definately not going into college today I really couldn't be bothered, at least I have a driving lesson at 2:30 gonna get my driving test sorted soon.


I'm abit miffed though, I still don't have jack shit to do for my birthday (the tattooist I wanted to see has a waiting list til october...she's that good x_x) and I'm abit unsure about seeing my ''grandad'' also..-.-

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Massive Bums!


I messed up my English resit (lit). I read the question wrong and had to write a new poetry answer in 15 minutes. Ahwell, the set text bit was easy as expected so I'll be fine, but still.


Got my geography exams in an hour, A-level geography is strangely easy.

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nightwolf; you read 1000 pages a day?! I average a page a minute. Either says something about the stuff you read or...


Yesterday was pretty damn neat. Daniel summed it up rather nicely! I tried to upload the only two pictures I took - one is of Daniel wearing my awesome-o riverboat-owner/hobo hoodie. Films were good, but for the first time in over ten years i had to leave to go to the loo. I am shocked.


Drank lots! Had funs! Shall do it again someday.

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nightwolf; you read 1000 pages a day?! I average a page a minute. Either says something about the stuff you read or...


Yesterday was pretty damn neat. Daniel summed it up rather nicely! I tried to upload the only two pictures I took - one is of Daniel wearing my awesome-o riverboat-owner/hobo hoodie. Films were good, but for the first time in over ten years i had to leave to go to the loo. I am shocked.


Drank lots! Had funs! Shall do it again someday.


I sit there from about 8am til about hmmf late night ish, it's what I did with the harry potter books and yes I take in all the story, my english teacher used to hate me because I argued with her about it and I won.


The whole of under my bed is filled with books and I can remember in detail what happened in each :):blank:

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Massive Bums!


I messed up my English resit (lit). I read the question wrong and had to write a new poetry answer in 15 minutes. Ahwell, the set text bit was easy as expected so I'll be fine, but still.


Got my geography exams in an hour, A-level geography is strangely easy.


YOu'll do great Haggis! :D


Last year I had 20 minutes left to write a question and I did ok. :)


Good Luck Haggis! :yay:

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Just got in from my Literature GCSE. Went quite smoothly. I can sort of see why my teacher thought it would be a good idea to do To Kill a Mockingbird for it - I found it pretty easy to write lots about it once I've got a thread going.


Played a bit of LostWinds just now too. Awesomeage.

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