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I got threatened with a knife again. Got grabbed round the throat and had my iPod stolen off me. The police took so long to come to the door (5 hours) that when they did I told the woman to fuck off and shut the door. I see no sense in reporting it considering I'm in a court case at the moment because they don't think any of this is happening. I've got marks on my neck from where they grabbed me too.


I actually thought all this crap was over, but thats life. Fucking wonderful.:(


Fucking bastards, why don't people like that just go die? :shakehead

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Day has been good =] THe lads are coming round for some wiiage tonight. I said to my group that some boys are coming round and we are going to be weeing. They laughed at I didn't understand why for ages O.o


As for yesterday, it turned out awesome :) spoke to the girlfriend and apologized (even though I still thought it wasn't my fault :indeed: ) and went to hers, had a gooooooooooooood time =]

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That would be awesome! They need testers all the time so you should definitely apply if you can. Obviously if you did apply I could attempt to put in a good word but I'm only new myself! :heh:


show me where the heck they apply haha ^.^


I would gladly sit at uni and learn about games then go play games as my job also :heart:


haggis! :(


My day was good went to manchester on my own, got 30 or so pictures for my portfolio when I've printed them. Bought some stuffs and came home ^.^ and got an apology from someone. :indeed:

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Is this the guy you got sent away for 7 month?


Explain in more depth if you don't mind.


It is, but he's not the guy actually doing the attacking etc. He gets mentioned everytime they go for me, so it's obvious he's making them do it. I'm just an easy target basically.


@ Fish, there really is no point. I've given good descriptions the past 8 times it's happened, and yet they ended up closing the case and accusing me of lying. So saying the exact same thing again will come to nothing, except be a waste of my time.


@ Stev, I took a picture of the bruising on my neck, just to prove there's something there. The police can go shove that up their arse for all I care. The solicitor knows what happened, and I made a mini-statement at college (that gets given to the police). But I'm not making a full statement to the police round here because they'll do fuck all about it.


The reason I wasn't walking with anyone was because I arrived at college (via taxi, because of all this crap) and realised I'd not put my belt on. My jeans were sliding down, I had a free first, so I decided to walk home and get it. They caught me on the way home. When I go out now, I'm always with at least one friend. My parents are terrifyed of letting me go out now, so I'm hardly ever allowed to. I feel like a prisoner in my own home, all because of these idiots. I had to creep out my attic bedroom window and slide down the roof into my garden to go to a party (the roof's at a really low angle, and goes down into the garden and stops 6ft from the ground) otherwise I'd have been stuck inside.


I cannot wait for uni, when all this bollocks ends.

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Haggis man that sucks balls. Why is this crap always happening to YOU?!


Where do you live? Can you leave that terrible place cos it sounds like a hole (coming from the guy who has been north of the boarder in Middlesbrough and the dodgier parts of Camden). Is this stuff all related?

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I'd buy some if it was me, either that or this stuff. Sprays a thick slimy ‘goo’ that sticks to an attackers face, it also leaves a red stain on their face for up to 7 days.


Now that is a good idea.


I have to suggest that when you use it, you are also in a position to run like fuck, as it will buy you a few seconds at best. The more permanent effects, however, are most handy for placing them at the scene.


Also, stay to very public areas! It's boring, I know, but only a retard commits a crime in full view of the public. The public are stupid, but they make useful CCTV...

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show me where the heck they apply haha ^.^


I would gladly sit at uni and learn about games then go play games as my job also :heart:



Bottom of the page! :wink:


Today I got my Otaku essay back and my teacher said it was "outstanding" and that it was easily the best in the year!!:yay:


She said, and I quote, "[c]onsidering your year of study, this essay is of almost publishable quality."


PUBLISHABLE QUALITY!!!! *There just isn't a smilie that can convey how proud I am of my essay*


I'm so happy, I worked so hard on it and I enjoyed every second of it!!


Thats awesome. I might just get some. Pepper spray is illegal though, which sucks.


Maybe you could try one of those rape alarm things....I know that sounds like an uber lame suggestion but if it lowers the chance of you getting knifed, it can't be bad!

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Bottom of the page! :wink:


Today I got my Otaku essay back and my teacher said it was "outstanding" and that it was easily the best in the year!!:yay:


She said, and I quote, "[c]onsidering your year of study, this essay is of almost publishable quality."


PUBLISHABLE QUALITY!!!! *There just isn't a smilie that can convey how proud I am of my essay*


I'm so happy, I worked so hard on it and I enjoyed every second of it!!




Maybe you could try one of those rape alarm things....I know that sounds like an uber lame suggestion but if it lowers the chance of you getting knifed, it can't be bad!



That is AWESOME, Nice work! *High Five*




Have one, they fail. The sound they emit isn't as loud as people think, and it just sounds like a car alarms accidentally gone off. Also, it's not really effective in helping me sprint off. :p




I forgot I was purple! Noo! *Activates Purpleness*

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Haha, is that the one where that guy puts on that wierd voice (the same one everytime!) and says he can sense all this stuff?


Derek Pacorah has left now, but yeah same show. It was scary! Ive calmed down a bit now after some music channellage...OH LINKIN PARK SPECIAL IS ON OH YES! TIME TO ROCK OUT!

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That is AWESOME, Nice work! *High Five*


*High Five!*


If my Daftadon was really I'd command him to crush those c*nts!


...or I'd get him to knife him with his mega ultra Daftsaber!!.....I like that idea better! :p


hmm stupid question but it says english/german etc, do you have to speak those languages or just one? :indeed:


never mind found the answer ^.^


Haha! Its not a very clear website tbh!


Also ignore the starting date!!! Its wrong or incredibly inaccurate normally! They need people all the time so if you don't get it the first time apply again a couple months later. Someone I know there applied about 5 times before getting a call for the proofreading test!


I can also give you some sneaky pointers on the proofreading test! Mwahahaha!! :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

Today was good. I'm not a very talktative person and because of that I think people see me as an unnaproachable person. But today was different. It was good.

We made a hat in the lesson. I tell you now, if I pass Photography I'm going to phone the Pope and make him put this down as a miracle on par with all these other miracles that have happened.

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