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Not as bad as I thought it would be. Dick's court hearing was postponed so I lunched with a friend, bumped into another and her two daughters and spent the day with them, and later joined by another friend. So that was all fine and good. She even asked me to be godfather to her baby which was nice.


Got to my parents and my mom is devestated. We are now just sat around waiting for the police to come. Staring down the barrell waiting for the shot, as it were.


Huh, what happened?

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The rest of my day consisted of being picked up by my dad where we were stuck waiting for some workers to put up some panelling on a bridge because some idiot had drove into it.

Then got home to find both my parents were going out, and that I still had a ton of work to do, and that the eyebrow bar I bought I can't get the balls undone so now I have to go tomorrow and because of the stupid teachers making us do team building I only have half an hour's break to:


undo the bar, book an appointment with new hairdressers and eat, then work in the evening..


sigh I'm off to bed. what a day

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My sister just got back in, and I laughed when I saw her ankle. She was not amused. :p She's been forced to wear a tag after what happened at new years. I don't enjoy seeing people suffer, but with her, it feels strangely satisfying.:heh:


You know what else feels strangely satisfying?


Spending hours upon hours staring at your' and McLovins sigs/avvies.

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:yay:Go Daft!:yay:


Nice one!/Good luck with the new job!


Haha!! Cheers!! I'm so chuffed! I beat five other people to it!


I have to sign a NDA on Monday, very exciting!


Nice one buddy! Can you get me Cloud's autograph? :bouncy:


I'll see what I can do...I'm not sure he works in the London office though! :heh:

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Nice work DAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you actually have to do for your job?


Do this mean we will see made by daft in the credits of any future Final Fantasy games? :p




Basically what I have to do is play through the game and point out grammar and spelling mistakes, maybe any problems with style. Also any other glitches.


I didn't think about the credits thing! I might be in a Final Fantasy game!! :heh:


Good job, Daft. Literally, I hope.



I imagine he makes sure the lead character's brooding is properly punctuated.


Thanks! I think also I'll be spending half the time working out if the main character is male or female! :p

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Thanks Coolness!!


I get access to the debug menu as well so I cheat my way through the game! Mwahahahaha!!


I just hope I get one of the bigger games to work on rather that one of their random series off shoots, twice removed. :hehe:

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Basically what I have to do is play through the game and point out grammar and spelling mistakes, maybe any problems with style. Also any other glitches.


I didn't think about the credits thing! I might be in a Final Fantasy game!! :heh:


So you're being paid to play awesome games?


I now don't wish you luck.. I hate you :( *is so jealous*

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Jesus, thats pretty serious. :( - Having bothers/sisters really does suck. (Massive understatement there.)


My brother, the sex offender.


Its almost like some weird 1950s show... (Pop culture reference).



I dunno how I feel about it all. I hate that I don't hate him for what hes done. Hes not guilty of this incident it seems (girl keeps changing her mind on the date, one she said would make it impossible for him to be there) but he isn't innocent. I spent my entire high school and college life having girls come up and tell me he tried to flirt with them. He hit on my friend I mentioned before (whose children call me Uncle) a few days before her wedding. He hit on my old landlady (as in my prior landlady, not like my landlady who is an OAP). But now there seems to be a group of girls who he's pissed off and they're trying to bring him down. I feel sorry for my mom and his girlfriend really. Hes just given up, hes so nihilistic. Its...weird.


But in less bleak news; Nevermind the Buzzcocks was fun, and I am trying to wrangle someone to go for a date (pretense for sex) tonight.

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My brother, the sex offender.


Its almost like some weird 1950s show... (Pop culture reference).



I dunno how I feel about it all. I hate that I don't hate him for what hes done. Hes not guilty of this incident it seems (girl keeps changing her mind on the date, one she said would make it impossible for him to be there) but he isn't innocent. I spent my entire high school and college life having girls come up and tell me he tried to flirt with them. He hit on my friend I mentioned before (whose children call me Uncle) a few days before her wedding. He hit on my old landlady. But now there seems to be a group of girls who he's pissed off and they're trying to bring him down. I feel sorry for my mom and his girlfriend really. Hes just given up, hes so nihilistic. Its...weird.


But in less bleak news; Nevermind the Buzzcocks was fun, and I am trying to wrangle someone to go for a date (pretense for sex) tonight.


That sounds bluddy terrible, but I at least you know he's not guilty of the incident, thats something at least.

I try not to even me mention my sister, I deny I even have one now. But you name it, she's got it. An asbo, a tag, and is in court most weeks, it's utterly embarassing and I loathe the fact people tar me with the same brush.




I missed Buzzocks! I was having a chat with a girl on msn and forgot about it. I can't belive I missed my favourite show, damn it.

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Congrats, Daft.




Oh Daft dude, thats friggin awesome. Very happy for you. It must be weird to have an enjoyable-non-want-to-kill-yourself job. That is totally sweet man.


I know! Its a weird feeling looking forward to Monday morning!


My brother, the sex offender.


Reminds me of something they would put in Family Guy.


That really sucks though. Stick by your family. Blood is thicker than water and all that.

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Been at the pub last few hours. Me and a couple of mates meeting up with a lass one of us knows to start planning getting a student house together for next year. Just had a great time talking, all getting to know each other. She's a red head, beautiful, intelligent, a little of the wall, very neat but loves animals. My ideal woman basically. Except that she already has a boyfriend.


There is a god, and he hates me.

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