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Yes, congrats Goron. Very well done organising it, especially considering the setbacks.


You were amazing mate. Once our performance is on youtube i'll link it for the whole board to see. It was tough but we all did a great job!


only 1 day of school left people!

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I organised a school talent show and this was the final act:



Amazing. We made £269 for charity which is just fantastic really. I'm very happy.


Haha, I couldn't stop laughing!




Last day of college tomorrow! About fucking time, this terms felt like it's gone on for years. Woop for Christmas.

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Yestarday was ok. Went out in teh evening with some work friends, and watched some of them partake in Karaoke (none for me as I was driving...hence not drinking, hence no karaoke.)


Today has been hax. People ringing up...then again 5 minutes later saying exactly the same thing and not letting you speak. God it will be good to go home eh.

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Got my Zelda DS Lite today. It's so pretty <3 But I wish there were some more Zelda imgaes on it other than a littlre Triforce in the corner. A cel-shaded link would be awesome. Unfortunatly I can't play on it yet since I have to wait for my European charger to arrive. Hopefully arrives tomorrow or I will have to wait to the 27th I think.


From good to bad, if the game from VG+ doesn't arrive tomorrow I have no present for my little brother. It's weird, usually it takes four days for a game to arrive, from Canada to Norway, and DS Lite sent with DHL arrived in two days, but with the present I bought it has been nine days since shipped. I have been so looking forward to see the smile on my brother's face when he gets one of his favourite game, Mario Party, on his fauvorite console, DS Lite.

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Today was my last day of term, it was pretty fun.

A few mates have just left my house, after a 3 hour session of Rome Total War LAN. :heh:


Yesterday night ended, well, oddly - I jokingly suggested to a friend that it sounded like she needed a "friend with benefits" instead of a boyfriend, only for her to think it was a really, really good idea. :hmm:

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Terrible. I got out of work at 1pm.

Letty came to mine last night around 3am, after a party. I left her my keys, so that when she woke up she could go out if she needed.


I got home at 1pm, she was asleep till 3:30pm when my flat mates friend who luckly had a key let me in.


Needless to say, i was not happy. Shes now gone to work and she hasn't said a word to me since i shouted at her.


I wouldn't mind but its like 2C outside, i was ringing her phone constantly, ringing her mum, her friends, throwing stuff at my window whilst freezing cold.


The amount of stuff i do for her and she can't even let me in my own house. I am so pissed off right now, its untrue.

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Had a college reunion today, was awesome!!!!!Just like old times (rather 6 months ago)

Then went shopping. Was origionally going to get the heroes book but got friends series 1 instead.


I didn't realise that weather-spoons sold japanese manga novels!

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Guest Stefkov

This morning I just woke up suddenly, as if I had just opened my eyes after blinking for a while. It was wierd, at that moment I didn't feel tired my eyes felt clean as if I hadn't been asleep. I could hear my mums alarm going off on the other side of the house (sounds like a mansion), I got out of bed and checked my phone. 6:53am...Went back to bed and got woken up at half 7.

Went to college for Photography which for most of it we just did nothing. The last 20 minutes was entertaining. One of the teachers had been busy putting students faces onto elfyourself.com. 20 minutes of laughing at people.

Then I finished college for Christmas...at half 10. Waste of a morning.

Came home to see the brick laying people had started work.

Then I tidied my room a bit looks hella better.


Jordan sorry to hear that man. ;[

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finished at 12:30 not bad get paid till 3pm so dont mind :) (getting quiet over xmas as alot of staff have time off and some polish have gone back home for a few weeks)


got home, went back to bed for a hour, jammed on guitar for a bit, message chat with the girly


prob going to pub or a house later to do some drinking


tomorrow got work then FOUR days off...saturday night is house party in chepstow...then sunday is house party in caldicot, monday massive wreckup in caldicot pubbing. awesome weekend ahead

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Terrible. I got out of work at 1pm.

Letty came to mine last night around 3am, after a party. I left her my keys, so that when she woke up she could go out if she needed.


I got home at 1pm, she was asleep till 3:30pm when my flat mates friend who luckly had a key let me in.


Needless to say, i was not happy. Shes now gone to work and she hasn't said a word to me since i shouted at her.


I wouldn't mind but its like 2C outside, i was ringing her phone constantly, ringing her mum, her friends, throwing stuff at my window whilst freezing cold.


The amount of stuff i do for her and she can't even let me in my own house. I am so pissed off right now, its untrue.


Dude, the EXACT same thing happened to me, months ago. (except I was you and Becky was Letty, of course)


It was Valentines Day, and we all ended up going clubbing (we weren't 'together' at this point cos of what had happened). Anyway, she was drunk and wanted to go home with a friend, and she told me she had left her keys at home. I lent her mine, and told her to leave the door unlocked so I could get in.


She leaves, I leave about an hour afterwards, and get home. I try to open the door: locked. I ring her phone. No answer. I try the door again: locked. I shout up to the window, I try to put my hand through the letterbox and open the lock from the inside (this came in handy years ago when I got locked out of my house at home, long story. I'll tell you about that another day) but nothing was work. It was fucking freezing and my balls had frozen to the size of walnuts. SMALL walnuts.


I ended up ringing a mate and sleeping down theres. Next day, I gave her hell. I shouted, swore, got really angry. I ended up chucking her out and she buggered off to a mate's house. We made up in the end cos I felt bad for shouting, but I think because of everything that had happened and because it was valentines day it just all got to me.


Don't shout, people make mistakes. If I could go back and do it all differently, I would.

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