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Why won't my hair stop falling out? *cries* So fucking depressing, it's like, it falls out, and starts growing back again, so it looks uneven. I'm considering getting it cut pretty short, but thats a worst case scenario.


I've actually done nothing again today. Just sat in bed and read The Spire. Enjoying it a lot. The writing is so dense though that you don't really pick up on a lot of things the first time you read through a passage.

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Like three hours sleep. Work from 7-4 but ended up there til 5. And I got home and it appears if I were in my uni town and not here (as im stopping here as I cant get to work on time tomorrow otherwise) I might have been having some fun times. Great.

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Why won't my hair stop falling out? *cries* So fucking depressing, it's like, it falls out, and starts growing back again, so it looks uneven. I'm considering getting it cut pretty short, but thats a worst case scenario.


I've actually done nothing again today. Just sat in bed and read The Spire. Enjoying it a lot. The writing is so dense though that you don't really pick up on a lot of things the first time you read through a passage.


I think the hair thing could be due to stress and/or depression. I've noticed I've been losing a lot more hair lately than I did before, and it seems to have started with me feeling more stressed and generally more depressed.

Could also be because your body is lacking a certain vitamin or something, but I wouldn't know much about that. And sometimes it's just all in your head, and when you start thinking all your hair is falling out, a lot more -will- fall out; one of my cousins had that happen to her, but I don't know what the doctor told her to do...


Anyway, spaghetti evening was okay, though they gave us too much spaghetti and not enough sauce (spaghetti was still white when I ate it, tsssk). Had three glasses of crappy white wine. Now I'm sitting in my room contemplating what to work on again. The usual routine.

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I think the hair thing could be due to stress and/or depression. I've noticed I've been losing a lot more hair lately than I did before, and it seems to have started with me feeling more stressed and generally more depressed.

Could also be because your body is lacking a certain vitamin or something, but I wouldn't know much about that. And sometimes it's just all in your head, and when you start thinking all your hair is falling out, a lot more -will- fall out; one of my cousins had that happen to her, but I don't know what the doctor told her to do...


Anyway, spaghetti evening was okay, though they gave us too much spaghetti and not enough sauce (spaghetti was still white when I ate it, tsssk). Had three glasses of crappy white wine. Now I'm sitting in my room contemplating what to work on again. The usual routine.


No, my hair used to be ridiculously thick, like really nice and soft, and more than half has fallen out. Every time I touch my hair, a few strands fall off. When I look at my clothes, theres so much hair stuck on them. Everything fits though, I've completely lost any sense of appetite, I have to force myself to eat, and I'm getting more and more depressed by the day. I'm thinking of going to see the doctor again, but I can't shake the feeling that he'll just laugh and tell me to get it cut :(.


I'm actually turning into an emotional wreck...and watching Bill Hicks on youtube isn't helping...


Ugh. Life kills.

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Had a great day.

Went into town in the morning with Mum, bought some birthday presents and MARIO! I then walked to my best mates house, had a cuppa tea, then got the bus back to my house, played some wii, did my paper round in the rain, played MARIO, watched you've been framed and X Factor, more mates came over, we ate, we played Wii Sports, then watched some telly.


Twas awesome :)

Tomorrow will be crap though..

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No, my hair used to be ridiculously thick, like really nice and soft, and more than half has fallen out. Every time I touch my hair, a few strands fall off. When I look at my clothes, theres so much hair stuck on them. Everything fits though, I've completely lost any sense of appetite, I have to force myself to eat, and I'm getting more and more depressed by the day. I'm thinking of going to see the doctor again, but I can't shake the feeling that he'll just laugh and tell me to get it cut :(.


I'm actually turning into an emotional wreck...and watching Bill Hicks on youtube isn't helping...


Ugh. Life kills.


Oh no I wasn't trying to say that you were imagining things, I was simply listing a couple of things that might be the cause. I know exactly what you mean though, cause I'm kind of going through the same thing, except not to such an extreme yet. My clothes are constantly covered in my own hair; I remove some and a minute later there's already new ones there. My floor in my room and my sink need to be cleaned every week now cause of the amount of hair (my sink is even clogged up now; haven't had the time yet to fix that), whereas before it would still be relatively okay after two weeks.


I'm pretty sure the fact you're depressed and not eating enough is the cause of it. Try and get some decent food back into your system at least. And I'd tell you to try and get out of that depression, but I know that's not how it works. A doctor could be able to help you, but like you said they might just think there's nothing wrong with you. I wish I could help but in the end it's you who has to overcome the depression you're in...


Anyway, time for bed! Gotta get up early to start on my painting, work on my Flash movie, work on my webdesign assignment and get my graphic design prints cut to the right size. Joy! :indeed:

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- woke up

- heard male voices in my flat :S.. turns out it was the caretaker person who didnt bother to knock - he has a master key

- got ready for my only lecture of the day

- took the train

- went to someones house for cake - was good! yummy cake




- slept in :D

- did shopping in the new tesco's - pretty crap like

- had lunch up the town with greg / did some shopping

- had dinner at gregs house and borrowed a cookery book off his mum

- now home and on internet..

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Oh no I wasn't trying to say that you were imagining things, I was simply listing a couple of things that might be the cause. I know exactly what you mean though, cause I'm kind of going through the same thing, except not to such an extreme yet. My clothes are constantly covered in my own hair; I remove some and a minute later there's already new ones there. My floor in my room and my sink need to be cleaned every week now cause of the amount of hair (my sink is even clogged up now; haven't had the time yet to fix that), whereas before it would still be relatively okay after two weeks.


I'm pretty sure the fact you're depressed and not eating enough is the cause of it. Try and get some decent food back into your system at least. And I'd tell you to try and get out of that depression, but I know that's not how it works. A doctor could be able to help you, but like you said they might just think there's nothing wrong with you. I wish I could help but in the end it's you who has to overcome the depression you're in...


Anyway, time for bed! Gotta get up early to start on my painting, work on my Flash movie, work on my webdesign assignment and get my graphic design prints cut to the right size. Joy! :indeed:


Thanks :)...I think it just gets to you sometimes, better to get up and try to do something about it rather than wallow...


Anywhooo...mate brought Mario Galaxy round for a little while with his Wii today...it's so good...can't wait to get my hands on it.

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I played Assassin's Creed for 8 hours straight. T_T


Its so repeatitive, i'm so close to finishing Mario Galaxy (56 stars) but its soooo good.


Man, this Friday was one of the best gaming day in years. Next week? UT3 and Guitar Hero 3 ;)

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It was quite hilarious actually. I was waiting for a bus (and little did I know that it wouldn't actually be coming, so had to get a lift later), and he popped up behind me twice with a big grin. :heh:


:heh: LMAO


Stupid bus drivers i asked them if they went to were i wanted to go and they said yes both of them then they go the worng way and then they say they dont go there! n00bs

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