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The 3 best friends were reunitied for the first time since uni/college seperated us tonight. Joy unto all. (Technically we've seen each other at various points, but never as one unit)


Played loads of Brawl and Mario Kart, had Chinese, then played Heroclix. :love:

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More kudos if you've got the quote (maybe even a random prize for N-E members....) and no i've not been on the drugs (doesn;t apply ifnyou don't get the quote) just the piss... had a cracking night on the pull at wedding do, off on a date next week with an asian girl i've used to got to school with and not seen for 9 years. random drunkeness at the pub ftw...sat eating bbq pizza in bed watching inbetweeners...gotta love it...


Most pointless thread ever? perhaps yes....


Fuck The Police?


Easy. Rage Against The Machine.




Doo Doo


Waaa Waaa Waaa Wurrr Wurr Wurr Wurrr



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I've been drinking.


Good for you. =P



Oh mannn, it's 5 am and I'm still awakeeee. I tried to sleep but my brain wouldn't shut up so here I am. I've been brainstorming all day about my new idea for my project. Thinking about all kinds of things I could put in a package to help foster children and foster parents. I'm actually a bit excited about this (I'd already gotten so very tired of the storybook). Now I just have to hope I can actually use this idea!


If not, I might just go and die in a corner somewhere. D:

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Yesterday was amazing. We found Christmas decorations in China!!! Wahoooo!!!!


We bought a 6ft tree for 35 yuan (about 3 quid!) loads of decorations and lights and practically everything we could carry! All in all it cost us all of 15-20 quid, haha. The funniest thing is, the lights are actually from Marks & Spencers! God knows how they got them! They look pretty old, but they only cost a few quid too. It's immense.


So we came back to our apartment and decorated with our chinese friends. They were so excited! It was the first time they had ever decorated for christmas so they were super psyched, which made us more excited too. Good times :)

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I could only see the thumbnails of those pics. I'm not sure what to think of them. =P


Also yayyyyy, we set up the Christmas tree. Looks nice. :santa:

That's been my entire day so far actually haha, setting up the tree. Time to get working now!

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Wait....what? I've been struggling with uploading them for two hours. How....what?


It keeps saying upload failed.


Dan: [link to picture]

Me: Please don't rape me like that again.


Maybe Facebook is trying to politely tell you not to bother? :heh:


Just done a self-portrait drawing. The more I look at my nose the more I swear I have Jewish blood in me.


(I think that joke would go down better in America...regardless. I have a huge nose.)


That's about all I have done today, and all I really will do.

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Despite never having met any of you, one of you lot made a brief appearance in my dream last night. And their mum. Very odd. Not saying who. Think I need to stop visiting this place quite so much!




a tattoo of him as a comic superhero - with the name "**********" emblazoned across his chest.


Epic win. Kudos on correct spelling too.


Played loads of Brawl and Mario Kart, had Chinese, then played Heroclix. :love:





Last night was FTW.


Well I was going to post a load of pictures but FB is for fucking knob ends. Anyway yeah it was amazing. Kissed far too many strangers though. Its all Gay-Batmans fault. He's awful/amazing.


Was amazed that one guy recognised me. We had debates/convos with him about three times. I don't like him because he said Kirkman was "good" and me and three friends argued how amazing he is. He also claimed to be personal friends with DCs best writer.....I found it hard to swallow.




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Last night was FTW.


Well I was going to post a load of pictures but FB is for fucking knob ends. Anyway yeah it was amazing. Kissed far too many strangers though. Its all Gay-Batmans fault. He's awful/amazing.


Was amazed that one guy recognised me. We had debates/convos with him about three times. I don't like him because he said Kirkman was "good" and me and three friends argued how amazing he is. He also claimed to be personal friends with DCs best writer.....I found it hard to swallow.

Looking through one album selection now [only one which seems to allow me]. Your friend Rachel is quite tasty.

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A gentle lavender sunset

over silver fields of Scotland

reminds the banquet set

is supported only

by the presence

of good friends.


yes he's from Newtownards, that being the problem - its about 40 miles away! :(


I do however have a car! hmmm the possibilities. I dunno if I wanna risk the friendship for something so risky. (lolwhut you know what i mean right!?)

Dudette, if in doubt then hit it and hit it with a stick. Twice. You only live once after all! :heh:

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