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Nice one Dan. You should get yourself a PhD so we all have to call you Doctor Dan Dare. ddddddddddddddddd mutha fockerz.


Triple Dee!


Like Triple H, but not as fat, lawls.


Well Done, Dan. You Sexy Man.


Well, today is going ok. I'm doing my daily rounds of looking for work which will utilise my freshly earned teaching degree. Is there anything I can apply for? Is there fuck! "We'll always need more teachers"...pffft.


Apart from my "daily death" as I call it, it's going ok so far. Sent off 2 emails to job agencies to just remind them that I'm visiting Belgium for 2 weeks, but will still be within contact. I've also had a personal grooming day. I'm freshly shaved, sans shoulder hair, trimmed in my special areas, and all washed and showered. Belgium, here I come.

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I'm really starting to hate banks, truly.


My mum called about half an hour ago, apprently my bank sent me a letter telling me that until I call them back on an 0800 number they weren't going to even try to give me my money back..fair enough I say, until she tells me they TRIED to ring me tuesday.


Now I know this is bullshit because I've had my phone by my side all week and been up all week since 8am, there's no record on my phone of them calling me and for the bank and possiblitiy of a job I haven't phoned anybody, I'm incredibly angry, so now I have to waste alot of money for their idiocy again.



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I'm really starting to hate banks, truly.


My mum called about half an hour ago, apprently my bank sent me a letter telling me that until I call them back on an 0800 number they weren't going to even try to give me my money back..fair enough I say, until she tells me they TRIED to ring me tuesday.


Now I know this is bullshit because I've had my phone by my side all week and been up all week since 8am, there's no record on my phone of them calling me and for the bank and possiblitiy of a job I haven't phoned anybody, I'm incredibly angry, so now I have to waste alot of money for their idiocy again.




Which bank are you with? Im with Barclays and they got it sorted out in the first phonecall. Was very happy with them.

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My mum called about half an hour ago, apprently my bank sent me a letter telling me that until I call them back on an 0800 number they weren't going to even try to give me my money back..fair enough I say, until she tells me they TRIED to ring me tuesday.

You said 0800 like its a bad thing, but you know thats free right?

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Which bank are you with? Im with Barclays and they got it sorted out in the first phonecall. Was very happy with them.


Oh don't get me wrong when I submitted the fraud in the first place they were pretty good, but I'm annoyed as hell that they lied about calling me.


I'm with halifax as it is.

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Congrats DaN!:!!!!!


Just came back from the osteopath. Even she says I need a holiday.


Also, just read a lol worthy comment,










'Wincest'. lol.


Best thing, quite literally ever.


I'm with halifax as it is.


Well theres your problem.

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Well theres your problem.


Probably, but since I've got two accounts with them I've never been unhappy with them until now, they never push me for a credit card or for a big overdraft, they just happen to lie about phone calls.


Hopefully my faith might be restored tomorrow.

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I passed my driving test this morning, first try too! So bloody happy it's unreal. I love how I've driven absolutely everywhere today, despite the fact I usually walk to them all. I'm going to get so obese and I love it.

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[T]hey just happen to lie about phone calls.

Well, they said they "tried" to ring you, so that could mean, "I had the intention of phoning you but my hands fell off when I reached for the handset." Technically the attempt was made, spontaneous dismemberment just happened to intervene before there was any dialling out.


I admit this isn't the most likely explanation.

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Congrats Dan and Razzamatazz!


Another bleh day of nothingmuchness. Got some stuff done that I told myself I had to so thats good I suppose.


About to go watch Fantasia but also kinda want to rewatch The Fall because I found a screencap gallery and it is a fucking beautiful film.

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Many Congrats Dan, I know what a great feeling it is to be accepted to an MA after they keep you waiting in suspense! Sounds like a very interesting course you've signed yourself up for there!


Also well done to Razz, enjoy your new found mobility and freedom!


Just been down the gym, just did some running and rowing, with a tiny bit of cycling too. Was pretty good, seeing as earlier in the day I had done some weight training - flatter stomach here I come (who am I kidding...).

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I passed my driving test this morning, first try too! So bloody happy it's unreal. I love how I've driven absolutely everywhere today, despite the fact I usually walk to them all. I'm going to get so obese and I love it.


Woo, driving test pass buddies!




It's strange how quickly you get into bad habits with driving. Already I'm steering one handed, crossing arms, skipping mirror checks, and speeding at every opportunity. I'm so bad >_>

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How's your back feeling then, is holistic treatment the way forward? :p


It feels a bit better. I think I want someone to really have a go and crack my back into place.


£6 for an hour long massage in Thailand. It cost about £60 here. I think I need it, though.


Best thing, quite literally ever.


I know!! I'm trying to work out how to get it into a joke without making myslef out as some kind of weirdo. More so than normal.

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It feels a bit better. I think I want someone to really have a go and crack my back into place.


£6 for an hour long massage in Thailand. It cost about £60 here. I think I need it, though.




I know!! I'm trying to work out how to get it into a joke without making myslef out as some kind of weirdo. More so than normal.


If you have a little cousin / nephew / whatever, get them to do it. Just tell them to beat you up as you lie down.:yay:

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If you have a little cousin / nephew / whatever, get them to do it. Just tell them to beat you up as you lie down.:yay:


Sadly that isn't an option although I like the out of the box thinking. :heh:


If you hightail it over to Highgate Jodie is quite good with massages and cracking backs, sorted me out a few times.


I need a professional. I was in a monastery in Thailand and I could actually hear the shock on the guy's face who was cracking my back.


The osteopath today was surprised at how tense I was.


I wasn't.

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Ah I could use some good back cracking I think heh. My back, shoulders and neck tense up a lot and feel rock hard (and you know, with those knots in there), so a good massage would be nice haha.


Most of my day felt crappy and I got a bit upset over things, but I'm better now I guess. Played with the dog to take my mind off things heh. Might be going to see a film with my cousin tomorrow, if she replies to my txt. Could use some distraction. =P

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I crack my neck several times a day. It feels awesome to do, if you can get a good sweep all the way around of big cracks it's really satisfying.


I can't do any cracking myself. =(

Well sometimes my hip or my back makes a loud popping/cracking noise, but it's never on purpose and it usually doesn't feel good. =P



Hmmm I think I'll somehow have to trick Flinky into giving me a good backrub or something. =P

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