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Well last night I shaved half my head. Today I went and got the other half shaved :D


Now I'm sporting a rather dashing mohawk.


I feel I should provide the obligatory "Pics or STFU".


So yeah, Pics or STFU



Edit: Damn ReZ and his eagerness.

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Pics get; ( I still need to figure out how to make it stand up in an awesome way, but it will happen)



Left side;



Right side;




dsc03389.jpg (need to sort my damnable fringe out >.< )





I'm pleased anyway.

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Pics get; ( I still need to figure out how to make it stand up in an awesome way, but it will happen)



Left side;



Right side;




dsc03389.jpg (need to sort my damnable fringe out >.< )





I'm pleased anyway.


It does suits you Letty.

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Woke up this morning and realised I had nothing to do so threw myself together and part-ran-part-walked just over a mile in 10 minutes to get a train to my hometown where my friend was doing some wedding fair thing. Hung around there for a bit catching up with peeps.


Wondered around town and got wet. Became an alibi/assailant in my friend cheating on her boyfriend.


And once again the future is freaking me out. I wish I could decide what to do.

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Letty wasn't the only one who shaved her head. Had been up for ages this morning and my brother finally comes into the kitchen and I just burst out laughing. He came into the kitchen in the middle of the night to get a drink and said his hair was annoying him so he just cut it all off. :laughing: Should prove interesting tomorrow when the parents return.



Apart from that, it's been a slow day. Went out, thinking it was going to rain but when I had arrived at my destination it was sunny as hell and I was too warm. Typical British weather. :nono: That's it really. Have just finished making dinner, which was awesome, and cleaning up, those cast iron grill pans are a pain to both lift and clean.

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Might I recommend dropping "-the-Dane" altogether?

I can't do that for two reasons. The first is purely practical, as there is already a "Dannyboy" on these forums - though I don't think he's even active. The second is somewhat related to the first, as "Dannyboy" is a relatively common username online. "Dannyboy the Dane", however, is entirely unique: A Google search brings up only my accounts on different sites. I don't want to let go of that uniqueness.

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Might I recommend dropping "-the-Dane" altogether?


Wrong Answer, McFly!




My day has been pretty ok. I woke up and watched a classic game of footie on the telly. Man United versus Arsenal in the 2004/05 season, where United won 4-2. I remember watching that game, and it was still so fresh in my mind. One of my favourite games ever. :)


My Dad has invited some family around tomorrow for a celebration for me graduating. Whilst this may sound like a thoughtful thing, it's a bit crap when you consider that nobody apart from my Dad even likes my Auntie and her family, so it's gonna be a bit crappy. It's really just him doing it for his own benefit, rather than celebrating the fact that I have achieved something. I didn't even find out about this until 4 oclock this afternoon! Would've been nice to be asked first. My Mum said that she told him yesterday that it was a bit of a crap idea, but he still went ahead with it.


I went around a friend's house for a little gathering, where we ate pizza, garlic bread, doritos, and we watched Shrek, Mock The Week and a bit of the South Park movie. Hehe, it was pretty nice. :)

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had a good shift at work, girl im going for arived early, so sat and talked with me for a while, i gave her a kidner egg and she loves me for it. she complimented my man bag, i complimented her hat. sadly we didnt sit together.


i might have a chance.


Make the move quickly before she thinks of you as a mate. Tell her she should take you out sometime as she 'seems' interesting. :bowdown: (I suggest The Boro in S'Land!)


My day was good. (well, yesterday now!) Played some Klonoa on Wii (loving the vibe...makes me feel like a kid again with its 32-bit origins). Then watched Sunderland beat Celtic 2-1. After that, drive to sisters and played Pokemon with nephew and then ate Pizza. Nephew stayed at mates house so took a trip into Durham with sister to do some scouting in the bars. Had some playful banter and then ate some olives and bread in a nice place I like to eat in. After that took the scenic route home whilst blasting out some Vampire Weekend and Polyphonic Spree in the car.


Now wide awake and planning my day tomorrow. Hopefully a haircut and some new shoes, ready for Monday back at work. Good times!

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Make the move quickly before she thinks of you as a mate. Tell her she should take you out sometime as she 'seems' interesting. :bowdown: (I suggest The Boro in S'Land!)


My day was good. (well, yesterday now!) Played some Klonoa on Wii (loving the vibe...makes me feel like a kid again with its 32-bit origins). Then watched Sunderland beat Celtic 2-1. After that, drive to sisters and played Pokemon with nephew and then ate Pizza. Nephew stayed at mates house so took a trip into Durham with sister to do some scouting in the bars. Had some playful banter and then ate some olives and bread in a nice place I like to eat in. After that took the scenic route home whilst blasting out some Vampire Weekend and Polyphonic Spree in the car.


Now wide awake and planning my day tomorrow. Hopefully a haircut and some new shoes, ready for Monday back at work. Good times!


F U ;-; ......

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I can't do that for two reasons. The first is purely practical, as there is already a "Dannyboy" on these forums - though I don't think he's even active. The second is somewhat related to the first, as "Dannyboy" is a relatively common username online. "Dannyboy the Dane", however, is entirely unique: A Google search brings up only my accounts on different sites. I don't want to let go of that uniqueness.


I can't work out what it is that irks me about the username but something doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's the 'boy' part :heh:

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i'm planning to ask that girl out.


i also made up a bed time song.


the two are unrelated

it's sleepy time, sleepy time, time to go to bed. sleepy time, sleepy time, go and rest your weary head. go to sleep, have a sleep, go to land of nod. sleepy sleep, sleepy sleep, rest that tierd bod. go to sleep, go to sleep, dream your dream dreams. go to sleep, go to sleep, enjoy your happy dreams!


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Smelly cat... sleepy girl...



Anyways. Went to a chaps birthday gathering whom I used to work with, pimpsmacked them at Wii Sports Bowling, was beaten at boxing by a tasty lass [The second remote was fucked] and pimpsmacked her at tennis. Then went to work and had more drinks, went to a casino and lost about 20 quid. Then some of us got a McDonalds Drive Thru [at half 1], I took out two plain hamburgers [they should be plain to begin with] and three large fries. Yum.


Many thanks to Dyson, Happenstance and ReZourceman, who have shown their appreciation for the Monopoly Hulk :)

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Urgh its gone to pot and I've only been up an hour :p


Took ages (as usual) to get to sleep last night. I could feel my heart beat (moreso than usual) and thus not in a relaxed state to sleep, and my legs didn't feel as if they belong to me. Anyway when I wake up I realise my calves are burning. Must have damaged them during my manic sprint to the train station yesterday.


Anywho then I check my emails and I see "your PayPal transaction is complete" and I'm like "youwhanow?" And check, apparently I paid some e-commerce company £50. Initial thought; FUUUUCK. Disputed it with Paypal claiming; the time I apparently ordered it I was asleep (as it happened in the night), I have no need for e-commerce, I've never heard of the company and the address is an old one I've not changed so why would I order it to an incorrect address (even if its not a physical product)? Urgh, sort it out Paypal. I want my freakin' £50 back.

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