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I've not had the internet for a month, and I hadn't been around here much for a month or so before that either. I actually still don't have the internet, I'm at a mates and bored as he's in lectures so I decided to check up on my nintendo news and then got tempted by the forums and I feel like I've missed something major. Anyone able to fill me in? Where's the MPOTD? Feel free to close this if it's gonna cause problems, I'm just wondering what's been happening N-E wise. And gaming wise too, I wish I could find somewhere with a general sum up of the past two months, I rather ironically feel incredibly detatched from the world and goings on having not had the internet. Any major releases and stuff?

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Haha, trust me to come in in the middle of a fracas. Sorry, I imagine this hasn't helped things at all! Hopefully I'll be around a bit more, might check up on stuff when I'm in uni(though thats a mess and they've closed the psych building which means we've lost like 6 computer labs at our disposal) I might start looking for a new ISP soon if aol don't sort out my internet though. Bloody idiots!

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Now now, everybody says that whenever I mention the name. We've been with them since the early dial up days, and we had a year out when we first got bband cos we got it from ntl and they only offered it on BT lines, but then they gave us a pretty decent deal for like £20 a month and at the time it was faster than average, and they were one of the only companies offering it with no limits. I guess they have been surpasssed on most if not all those counts now, but throughout it all(a good 4 years now I'd reckon) we had no problems at all and they never put the price up. The only real problem has been their shitty shitty indian tech support, and trying to get them to actually send us a replacement replacement modem, which we've been waiting 3 weeks for.

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MPT gone? Pathetic.


The thing is... it was like a chit chat area, right? Well, I get the impression that alot of people here have added each other on MSN or whatever... so they can just continue the jovialities away from N-Europe.


And welcome back Rummy, you posted quite alot for a while there.

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