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PS3 games seem to be using alot more motion control now. And very well.


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Could it be Sony are sorting themselves out?


Now we have Ratchet and Clank demo using motion control in their game for the skydiving section which was short and simple but very effective. Uncharted uses it for unique situations such as balancing on a log or leaning. Burnout uses motion control for aftertouch(after crashing to control your wreckage). Countless other games too. All very effective and add to the experience by mixing things up despite missing the pointing ability. :smile: Its quite a pleasant surprise since i thought it would be a waste.


I think the great thing here is that the games are good and are solid for control anyway, it adds more rather than rely on motion to 'make the game great'. On the Wii its not the controller's fault, the games are rubbish and its the game's fault. If the underlying game is weak the motion control cant exactly change that. I am sure Mario Galaxy will be a great example of this compared to alot of the crap thats released on Wii. Mario doesnt rely on the controller to make the game good.

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