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Nintendo Searching For Britain's Brainiest Family


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What does everyone think of that? Anyone planning on entering?


If I can find some way to loophole through the rules, then I think I might go down to the Milton Keynes's event. Not sure how I'm going to do that yet though, will see what people say.


Definitely hope Nintendo make some more gimmicky crazy marketing schemes like this though, this one made me laugh.

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Fantastic prize, but why are Nintendo flogging the dead horse that is Big Brain Academy for Wii? I got bored of it after an hour; it's nowhere near as fun as Brain Training.


Besides, shouldn't Nintendo be doing something to promote Zelda or Metroid now?

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Why does a game have to stop selling after 2 months past it's launch?


Game's like this don't have a limited appeal factor, they can keep pushing and pushing it over a long-term and see much better results. didn't the original brain training games on DS not start selling at their best rate until 14 month past launch? And they're still selling a good 10k units in each territory every week.


I think this marketing is much better then what we're used to, it worked on DS at least.

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