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Sound problems with my SNES :(


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I fired my SNES up for the first time in ages today - me and my friend had a bet going on who was better at SMB3. It was me of course.


Thing was, on both the TVs I tried it on the sound was rubbish. On my sparkly new HDTV, it came out very quietly, muffled by an almighty BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH noise. On my Old SDTV, it had no sound at all. I tried swapping the cable with my N64 cable (which both fit in the SNES) to no avail. (Right enough, I should check my N64 too)


Anybody know what causes it / any fixes? I don't want to have to replace it :(


My N64 doesn't even give me a picture :( :( :(

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