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Factor 5 on the Wii?


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Right, so this thread might get locked or whatever mods decide to make with it later on... but I felt I should inform about it since it seems like it's not asking for something impossible (a change from most petitions)


so following this:


- Matt called Julian Eggebrecht today. They would love to work on Wii and if the opportunity would arise they would do it in a heartbeat (maybe Pilotwings?). Willing to make a new Rogue Squadron game. Could maybe update the Rogue Squadron games from Gamecube, or preferably make a new Rogue Squadron game. Matt wants fans to make a petition and IGN would support it.
Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/818/818845p1.html


This came:


-> http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?rqf5dev


Sign it, if you will.

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Wasn't factor5 the one complaining about Wii's hardware and praising the PS3?


Fascinating how sales figures change minds...


It should be great to have devs like them on board though. Judging by what they squeezed out of the GC we should see some really impressive things from them.

Hopefully with a control system to make them playable.


But given Wii's sales figures, a predestination for a lightsaber game and the fact that factor5 has experience with Nintendo plattforms I think that we could very well get another Star Wars game made by them.

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Wasn't factor5 the one complaining about Wii's hardware and praising the PS3?


Fascinating how sales figures change minds...

Indeed, Still, I think they're needed to take the excuses out of some third parties out there, these guys really push their machines and have done it with the cube so... They would be very welcome in my point of view, despite all that's happened in the past.


I also don't think of them as bad developers (after Lair) just that they got too ambitious, just like with Rogue Squadron 3, just leave the ground alone (ground missions on RS3 and ground combat in Lair) and I think they're really capable.

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Indeed, it IS funny how Factor 5 got their attitude/opinion changed about Wii. Maybe it's the sales figures, maybe it's the 'failure' of Lair, maybe it's the limited motion sensing capabilities of PS3, i donno.

Factor 5 has always been a respected developer, the managed to churn out amazing graphics out of the consoles. Roque Squadron 2 is still one of the best looking titles to date on Cube and that was a launch title.


They do have their hands on two more PS3 titles if I'm not mistaken (they signed a three-game deal with Sony), but that doesnt mean they've abandoned the Nintendo ship. I'd love to see what they can do on Wii. Just don't make it another Star Wars title. After so many titles on N64 and Cube, I think they should move on for now.

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Wasn't factor5 the one complaining about Wii's hardware and praising the PS3?


Actually, they they said that the Wii was more powerful than most people think - they sad it was that all the developers were just lazy towards Wii graphics.


So, it's about time to see what they can do with it.



I want another Rogue Squadron.

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Funny indeed.


Isn't this a case of history repeating itself? Wasn't Julian Eggebrecht very fond of Nintendo in the Rogue Leader-days, then made the dreadful Rebel Strike (that Degobah-level still gives me nightmares...) and blamed Nintendo for the bad reviews their game got, instead of looking in the mirror? All of the sudden, they would develop exclusively for the PS3. Now they make Lair, which get mediocre reviews, and once again it's not their fault the game plays bad, is full of bugs and and has a horrible lock-on system and framerate, but it's the reviewers fault. They even made a reviewers guide, for crying out loud!




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Well Lair is a great game and the critics are wrong. So in my opinion, i think it would be cool if Factor 5 brought Lair to the Wii, actually.


and no, i'm not joking. Sometimes having your own opinion and not always listening to these reviews on IGN etc.. is a good idea.

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Isn't this a case of history repeating itself? Wasn't Julian Eggebrecht very fond of Nintendo in the Rogue Leader-days, then made the dreadful Rebel Strike (that Degobah-level still gives me nightmares...) and blamed Nintendo for the bad reviews their game got


The game got mostly good reviews. And it was ace - the on foot sections were hardly bad. They were fun, just not as sun as the flying sections.

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Well Lair is a great game and the critics are wrong. So in my opinion, i think it would be cool if Factor 5 brought Lair to the Wii, actually.


and no, i'm not joking. Sometimes having your own opinion and not always listening to these reviews on IGN etc.. is a good idea.

That, I believe they couldn't... They pitched the idea to sony that financed and published it; no way sony didn't retain rights for it.
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As long as they don't produce a game as bad a lair appears to be, the more the merrier!


lololol so true.


Wasn't factor5 the one complaining about Wii's hardware and praising the PS3?


Fascinating how sales figures change minds...


They were, but now their flag ship game for it is a stinker and the PS3 is selling rather poorly they've obviously realised how much money a great Rogue Squadron game would have made on the Wii!

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new interview from gonintendo:


Our friends over at Revogamers were nice enough to translate some key points from their interview with Julian Eggebrecht. A lot of interesting stuff was said!


- On publishers not taking advantage of the Wii’s power for graphics: “the traditional, more photorealistic route, because there you really have to push it, and they’re really not pushing it. Why not? Hmmm I don’t know, the hardware is very, very easy to understand. Now the problem might be –and it just might be- is that some studios -or some publishers specifically- are discarding the graphical capabilities automatically simply because it is a Wii title and they’re basically telling the developers “look, we won’t pay for any advanced graphics”.”


- On Wii’s “shaders” and possibilities: “If you connect you can get a lot of shader effects which would’ve been on the 360 or the PS3.” (…)”it’s got so much more power compared to the GameCube. If even with the extremely similar shader hardware, the system clockrate is so much higher, you can do so much more advanced things” (…)”in the photorealistic route there’re certain things which the basic structure of the graphics hardware was not meant for and which you have to find really clever tricks to basically make up.”


- On porting their old tools (SW engine): “If we would do a Wii version of that, certainly that could be something which somebody could license. (…)” “But I can imagine that there will be several engines coming out, also for the Wii ”


- On casual gaming: “I really hate the current trend of the hardcore people very much getting into this bubble of being very defensive and not wanting the whole casual thing to happen. In the end it’s all one big market we’re, essentially we’re all casual.”


- On F5’s next project: “We’re honestly at this point thinking about several titles in development (…). So might be PS3, might be Wii… we’re totally open to that.”


- On Mario Galaxy: “is so inspired that it seems to be worth the success of Mario 64. (…) “yes, this thing is actually taking advantage, (…) it’s basically doing new graphical things with the hardware”


- On the German and European industry: “now that the consoles are coming back, specially with the Wii selling so extremely well, I think for the first time in many, many years, you actually have a pan-European situation where you can develop quite nicely”



i think ever single word of this is true. I especially agree with the hardcore gamers comment underlined.

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there are some people, like me for instance, who feel like throwing up when shigsy says "i don't think anybody is interested anymore in a long epic zelda game". well okay. forward the minigames, and suck my fucking cock! then you get all these pikmin resembling fanboys who try to crawl up his ass going like "yeah, minigames are great! there isn't anyone on the defense, is there?" fuck casual gaming, and fuck you too if you think that nintendo's market share is more important than your own gaming experience. "but this way more developers will get interested in developing games for wii". more interested in making crappy minigames for the new demographics is NOT a good thing assholes.

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there are some people, like me for instance, who feel like throwing up when shigsy says "i don't think anybody is interested anymore in a long epic zelda game". well okay. forward the minigames, and suck my fucking cock! then you get all these pikmin resembling fanboys who try to crawl up his ass going like "yeah, minigames are great! there isn't anyone on the defense, is there?" fuck casual gaming, and fuck you too if you think that nintendo's market share is more important than your own gaming experience. "but this way more developers will get interested in developing games for wii". more interested in making crappy minigames for the new demographics is NOT a good thing assholes.


He was talking specifically about Japan with that statement, and to be honest, he has a point. All the 'long epic games' are declining in sales in Japan, in favour of other sorts of games. Not so much minigame packs, but equally not adventure games.


He did say it was selling well in the Americas and Europe, and I don't see Nintendo's line up any different to the GameCube's in all honesty :S. Except, third parties seems to be more focused on making exclusive 'long epic games' as well as others porting their old games or making some cash-in minigame compilation.


All he ever really does is speak his opinion, and I think he was spot on. The demand for these sorts of games in declining in Japan, but I don't think their solution is going to be turning their back on all their old fans.

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I haven't played Lair. But when so many people say it's so bad you get the picture. Everyone with any credibility has panned it for the important stuff, controls and gameplay.




It's not a one off or a harsh review, it's a consenus.


Still you can't say it's rubbish intill you've actually played it yourself.


Anyway, hopefully they will develop something for the Wii.

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Still you can't say it's rubbish intill you've actually played it yourself.


Anyway, hopefully they will develop something for the Wii.


Well, I don't think that's entirely true. If everyone's comments on here were confined to games they've actually played we wouldn't have much discussion.


If it was a game where opinion was split between two large groups, one saying it was good and one saying the opposite that would be another matter, however from reading reivews and impressions of this it's fair to say it's crap.

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