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MSN virus/spyware


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Hey guys I have a little problem with my MSN account.

I left my laptop on the other day and one of my friends was using it while I wasnt around.


He copied and pasted an address into Firefox and install some sort of virus I reckon. It was Check Messenger from here I think




Now I can't log into MSN at all while on my University's network, so I believe it was some sort of virus or spyware thing that he installed. I can't find anything in the installed programs list and every virus scan or ad-aware scan I do doesn't pick up anything. MSN works fine on my network at home and just won't work in uni when everyone elses will.


Any help is much appreciated thanks lads.

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Checkmessenger doen't stop you signing in. It steals you're contacts list and changes you're name to "http://www.CheckMessenger.net <--Find out who deleted you from the MSN without noticing it!!! says:" :)


If you can still log in at home and ain't getting these messages coming up then it ain't that

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