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Wii + VC games + Classic Controller for SALE!!!


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I am selling a fully boxed Wii, with all its leads, remote, nunchuk and sensor. Also included is a Classic Controller. The VC games on it are: Hyper Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros 2, Paper Mario, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. There is also 400 points to spare on the shopping channel and all channels, with the latest updates are available.


This is a serious sale, so if interested please contact me via email at: [email protected] for pics, details etc or PM here with light info.


If you live close to me (in London) you can pick up, otherwise I will be sending it, accepting either a cheque or postal orders. You must make sure your letter is recorded so you can have proof your payment was sent to a traceable address.


Oh, and I'm looking for 150.00GBP for this (my pound sign doesn't work). Interested?

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