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What if they made Final Fantasy VII remake for Wii?


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I'm sorry but that's the biggest bullshit ever. Most of the Wii boards consist of you guys bashing Nintendo and insulting everyone whose opinion is not like yours and calling everyone a fanboy. You can't put in those heads of yours that people are fond of games made by one of the best developers there is. So, normally if you bash those games (which seems to be what you devote your life to doing), you are going to get replies, specially since you are on a Nintendo board, try to go to a Sony board and bash Ico, GoW and SotC and see if people will just shut up and pat you on the back.


So fond of a game that you are ready to verbally assault a human being? Grow up will ya? I own a Wii, I owned a Gamecube, I owned an N64, I owned a Snes and at previous times owned a GB/GBA...If anything my purchases show I am "pro-Nintendo" but I will not fall short of criticising them where I feel it is due. And Mario Strikers is something that I criticize about Nintendo, also pokemon Battle 'Revolution' which all basically adds as a general criticization of Nintendo's online approach, it is weak IMO...IMO!!!!.


The difference is, you view criticism as "bashing" and so you take the defensive and in your mind I am "the enemy" or "the bad guy" and just exaggerate the negativity of some of my posts. You and others only seem to want to reply to the negative ones, funny eh?


Basically, I have my opinion you have yours. I feel the first few months of the Wii's lifespan were weak...Live with it, move on. I feel their online games are weak and lack-lustre...Live with it, move on. But with that said I found TP to be an impressive game, though with quiet a few flaws IMO.


This is an open discussion board for everyones views and opinions, if you can't tollerate it maybe...Move on?


Or maybe being the "tough guy" is apart of your 'appeal'? With the avatar, the name and the "Portuguese Mafia" thingy. ;)

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I'm sorry but where did I insult anyone? I'm stating my opinion as much as you're stating yours, but saying that the Wii boards is crappy, just because you (I know you weren't the one who said it) can't tolerate people discussing and siding with Nintendo is ridiculous.

And I don't view criticism as bashing, lots of people have criticised Wii and I said nothing because they can criticise clearly, stating their opinion and without pissing people off which is something most of you can't do. For example saying good games are shit, when they aren't instead of simply saying you don't like them is something I can't stand. My problem isn't the arguing and discussing, that's what these boards are for and that's why I'm here, what annoys me is that you guys are so eager to use the fanboy card, it's annoying. Just do it like this, next time you're discussing, try not to say something like "I hate these fanboys", just because someone doesn't agree with you and people can take your opinions more seriously.


About Mario Strikers, I love the game and the online satisfies me more than enough, I don't get lag, I can play with my friends, I can play against random people and the game is great fun. Of course that it's not as evolved as X-Box Live is, but you have to expect that Nintendo will never invest so much in online as other companies do. As long as I can play online, which I can, I got no problem in basic online services seeing as I'm not paying extra.

Never played Pokémon, so I can't say anything, although it's ridiculous that the game is full priced.


And yes, I'm The Portuguese Mafia Don, you mess with me you'll get killed.

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I'm sorry but where did I insult anyone? I'm stating my opinion as much as you're stating yours, but saying that the Wii boards is crappy, just because you (I know you weren't the one who said it) can't tolerate people discussing and siding with Nintendo is ridiculous.

And I don't view criticism as bashing, lots of people have criticised Wii and I said nothing because they can criticise clearly, stating their opinion and without pissing people off which is something most of you can't do. For example saying good games are shit, when they aren't instead of simply saying you don't like them is something I can't stand. My problem isn't the arguing and discussing, that's what these boards are for and that's why I'm here, what annoys me is that you guys are so eager to use the fanboy card, it's annoying. Just do it like this, next time you're discussing, try not to say something like "I hate these fanboys", just because someone doesn't agree with you and people can take your opinions more seriously.


About Mario Strikers, I love the game and the online satisfies me more than enough, I don't get lag, I can play with my friends, I can play against random people and the game is great fun. Of course that it's not as evolved as X-Box Live is, but you have to expect that Nintendo will never invest so much in online as other companies do. As long as I can play online, which I can, I got no problem in basic online services seeing as I'm not paying extra.

Never played Pokémon, so I can't say anything, although it's ridiculous that the game is full priced.


And yes, I'm The Portuguese Mafia Don, you mess with me you'll get killed.



I call fanboy when someone describes (for example) 360 games as "all shooters" then post up a collage of ONLY first person shooter games on the 360 and then accusses me of having a 'vendetta' against Nintendo because I am not entirely pleased of everything they have to offer. Thats fair game IMO, but okay, I will go easy on the term. ;)


Mafia Don eh? Well, I am one of the UK's leading Taekwondo fighters, mess with me, you'll be a cripple for life. :D


Peace & love

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I'm sure you all probably dislike me with a passion but think of me as playing Devil's advocate here.


I felt that when I saw a lot of people bashing Square Enix for making countless amounts of sequels that you don't like I need to remind you that the company that brings us all together here is not perfect either.


But of course when people with opposite views post their opinion things in the Wii boards turn into flame wars, I admit my attitude didn't help but some outside factors have put me in a shit mood recently.


I promise that from now on if I do need to argue my view I won't do it in such a shitty matter.


Why is it though that the same faces are constantly popping up to gang-bang people that express views that aren't favourable to Nintendo though?

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Why is it though that the same faces are constantly popping up to gang-bang people that express views that aren't favourable to Nintendo though?


Cause there really is a limited amount of people who post actively on these forums, and even less who can be bothered to express their opinion to start a debate about things.

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Regarding all the talk about milking franchises, I do think there is a difference between remaking a game and creating spinoffs. And by remaking I mean *remaking*, not porting. There are some classic games out there that are still too great to simply dissapear into the history books already. The act of remaking these games should be valued highly, for this allows us to play them once more from a renewed perspective. They have the status of a classic for a reason. Given these considerations, I think a game like FF7 should ultimately be remade, although I'm not sure whether now is the right time already, with it still being so fresh in our (that is, admittedly, the fanboys') minds. As for FF3(j) on the other hand, I think the time *was* ripe for it to be remade. And I really can't consider the result to be milking, given that it's been completely built up from the ground again. It was a classic that needed to have a comeback and the same thing should ultimately happen to FF7 too.

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Regarding all the talk about milking franchises, I do think there is a difference between remaking a game and creating spinoffs. And by remaking I mean *remaking*, not porting. There are some classic games out there that are still too great to simply dissapear into the history books already. The act of remaking these games should be valued highly, for this allows us to play them once more from a renewed perspective. They have the status of a classic for a reason. Given these considerations, I think a game like FF7 should ultimately be remade, although I'm not sure whether now is the right time already, with it still being so fresh in our (that is, admittedly, the fanboys') minds. As for FF3(j) on the other hand, I think the time *was* ripe for it to be remade. And I really can't consider the result to be milking, given that it's been completely built up from the ground again. It was a classic that needed to have a comeback and the same thing should ultimately happen to FF7 too.


I think the question here is..How far does a series have to go to consider it milking?


I mean megaman is being milked to death for sure.

But mario is in a different. It's very fair to say that there are more good mario games than bad.


As I said before every compnay has their own one.. it's sort of a backup plan I guess.

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Regarding all the talk about milking franchises, I do think there is a difference between remaking a game and creating spinoffs. And by remaking I mean *remaking*, not porting. There are some classic games out there that are still too great to simply dissapear into the history books already. The act of remaking these games should be valued highly, for this allows us to play them once more from a renewed perspective. They have the status of a classic for a reason. Given these considerations, I think a game like FF7 should ultimately be remade, although I'm not sure whether now is the right time already, with it still being so fresh in our (that is, admittedly, the fanboys') minds. As for FF3(j) on the other hand, I think the time *was* ripe for it to be remade. And I really can't consider the result to be milking, given that it's been completely built up from the ground again. It was a classic that needed to have a comeback and the same thing should ultimately happen to FF7 too.


Now thats the post of the topic! I certainy agree with you that FF7 is very much still fresh in the minds of rpg lovers and perhaps the latest spin-offs and movie didn't help us forget it either. I think Squenix made a mistake there, if they wanted to return to the franchise after all this time why not just remake the game in time for its 10th anniversary? A sequel movie/side story really lacks interest when the said story happened so long (10 years is it?) ago.


As for milking/spinoffs; I really wouldn't deem extensions of any storyline as milking as it helps to add closure to it. Now if they made 'Final Fantasy VII: The Baseball game' or 'Final Fantasy VII: Tennis in Midgar'...Consider that milking, in its strongest sense.

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As for milking/spinoffs; I really wouldn't deem extensions of any storyline as milking as it helps to add closure to it. Now if they made 'Final Fantasy VII: The Baseball game' or 'Final Fantasy VII: Tennis in Midgar'...Consider that milking, in its strongest sense.

*Cough*Final Fantasy VII: Snowboarding*Cough*

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Imaizumi closed off by confirming once again that there are currently no plans for a FFVII remake. However, he noted that this could change rather quick, alluding to Kitase's comment about how the decision to make Crisis Core took only two days.
Source: http://www.forever-fantasy.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=587&mode=&order=0&thold=0


So... who wants do a petition, "we want FF7 on a Nintendo console" or something? If we make enough noise today (September 6th) perhaps they can... decide in 8th September?

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Source: http://www.forever-fantasy.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=587&mode=&order=0&thold=0


So... who wants do a petition, "we want FF7 on a Nintendo console" or something? If we make enough noise today (September 6th) perhaps they can... decide in 8th September?


LOL..Why not? And are allies over at gamefaqs will make this a 500+ topic.

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LOL..Why not? And are allies over at gamefaqs will make this a 500+ topic.
Oh, never thought you were serious to the point of unleashing the blind fanboy army. :grin:


(are you for real? post me the thread afterwards so I can laugh at that.)


But really, it could cause a dent. Point with Nintendo platforms is not that we don't want FF7, is more that we don't expect it; if we could put a lot of people imagining and requesting that... well... it would come out as pressure.

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Meh...whichever console it came on it'd be great. I've always had an idea for a remake; online play where 2 other people can play as the other party members, walk around on the screen and interact with NPCs etc. There'd be one leader who was responsible for all the zone exiting etc.


Well...maybe it wouldn't work that well, but I just like the sound of it. :)

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