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Little King's Story


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You know, reading my last few posts here reminds me that, while I got 100% completion, I didn't actually play it in Hard Mode, so it's not "Complete" in my backloggery yet. Funny.


Also, that tunes sidequest... The only place I could find tips for it was in the gamefaqs forums. Jesus, is it unintuitive.


I played it years ago, darksnowman. :heh:


Got up to the 5th boss, then gave up. Personally, I think it becomes very obscure and inconsistent from the 4th boss onwards. But yeah, I can see the charm. I don't want to say it's a bad game or anything, I just didn't want to play all of it. Hope you enjoy it as much as Fused King though, dude. ;)


Duuuude, you missed two awesome bosses!


...But you already knew that, of course :heh:

Edited by Jonnas
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:yay: Finally! :yay:


I knew that badgering you on Backloggery would work! Just as planned...


All according to keikaku.


Lol, must have forgot @RedShell and @Grazza played LKS. Probably seeing as you two weren't on my case like everyone else, eh!


I'll hopefully get some more time on LKS tonight. Iirc, the next thing they want me to do is sort out the Onii guys... who I must say seem completely harmless. :hmm: Fused King said this game is art from a story perspective as well as graphical (I think), and so far it looks like a game of genocide seeing as when you expand your town/ kingdom its at the expense of whatever else is already there. Which, ok, are baddies apparently, but I'm getting a sinister Link's Awakening style vibe from things so far. Or else I'm just overthinking it after having it billed as such a deep experience by everyone here!


The Church of Ramen and Cow Festival are and were great so more of that please!

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I'll hopefully get some more time on LKS tonight. Iirc, the next thing they want me to do is sort out the Onii guys... who I must say seem completely harmless. :hmm: Fused King said this game is art from a story perspective as well as graphical (I think), and so far it looks like a game of genocide seeing as when you expand your town/ kingdom its at the expense of whatever else is already there. Which, ok, are baddies apparently, but I'm getting a sinister Link's Awakening style vibe from things so far. Or else I'm just overthinking it after having it billed as such a deep experience by everyone here!


Oh, it does have a meaning to it. The level of satire/allegory is probably the best thing about it.

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My impression of Howser: "Difficulte condoleeze confidante." (to be read in a French accent!)


Lol, I finally understand that HAWP now. Quality.


The Onii King sent me abusive mail and must be eradicated!! I have a criticism about LKS... am I allowed to voice it or will you all hunt me down...?

I wish you could zoom the camera out further and that you had a better map.

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I wish you could zoom the camera out further and that you had a better map.


Fair enough. There are more issues with the game. For instance, the Wii has all the ingredients to make this thing control better than this type of game could ever hope to control with a traditional controller. What did they do wrong?


They didn't use the pointer. :heh:


Still, fairly minor criticisms, imo.

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My impression of Howser: "Difficulte condoleeze confidante." (to be read in a French accent!)


To me, he's always saying: "Concordo contigo, concordo contigo. Concordo, concordo, sim, sim."


Which is "I agree with you, I agree with you. I agree, I agree, yes, yes.", in Portuguese.


Mind was blown, once I heard it :heh: He always says this when you call him!


I wish you could zoom the camera out further and that you had a better map


Perfectly valid criticism. I only have two issues with this game, and the camera is one of them.

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I concur with those 2 'criticisms' myself, Darksnowman, so it's cool, ....it's cool :)


I believe they put a lot of 'accents'/'languages' in this game mixing it with strange jibberish.


There's a race of people later on in the game which, to me, clearly say: 'Ja meneer!'


Which means 'Yes Sir!'


Totally hot piece of game this is, best of luck to you on your eradication quest:D

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I believe they put a lot of 'accents'/'languages' in this game mixing it with strange jibberish.


There's a race of people later on in the game which, to me, clearly say: 'Ja meneer!'


Which means 'Yes Sir!'


And yet, those two characters that speak in Spanish and Italian-sounding gibberish never actually say "Yes, sir" or anything similar, but instead I hear random words.


Italian Skinny Ray says "Stretto" and "Parallelepipedo", which are visual/geometric terms at best.


Spanish King Omelet says "Subterraneo Lunar" and "Superiores Apartamentos", which are random words stringed together.



Considering who those characters are, I wonder if any of this was intentional.

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  • 1 month later...
How are you faring, Mr. Snowman?


Enjoying the music and the royal booty that you take?


Hey Fused King I need help! :D


I am right at the end boss, what set up should I be taking? I had a little go last night and didn't get to far, are there any tactics you would recommend?


Also as the LKS expert I was wondering what do you make of the vita version? I am considering getting a vita over a 3DS based on my love of this wonderful series.

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Hmm...the final boss...I'm a bit foggy on the details, but...


The first 3 rats are tricky. The first one should go down easily as long as you're relentless (attacking him like that is the only way to free the units he captured, before he drags them away), the second one is easy, as long as avoiding his attacks is your top-priority (including his self-defence gas attack), and the 3rd one can go down with some relentlessness as well.

(Sorry for the lack of details, I don't remember these three that well)


The next phase always troubles me. Try to send a couple of soldiers to each rat to stop them from hitting the box in the first place. Then, whether you succeeded or not, focus on a single rat to wail on (preferably not the yellow one). Rinse and repeat.


By the way, don't heal yourself in the hot spring before now. You need to keep your attention on the rats. When the fight with the Rat King begins, that is the best time.


Let's see...his dive bomb attack is best avoided with the defensive formation, though it becomes nearly impossible to do so near the end of the fight (at that point, you can use the attack or evade formation and let yourself get hit in order to spare most of your troops. Barely worth it, but it's an option)

When he creates duplicates of himself, sending a single soldier at the real one interrupts the attack. Furthermore, I think the real one had a tell, but I can't remember.

The poop attack, like with the yellow mouse, is better to simply avoid by hiding in a corner and waiting for it to disappear. The "dragging away" attack is exactly like the blue rat's, and it can be interrupted the same way.


The best (read: only) times to attack are immediately after his divebomb (whether it succeeds or fails), after interrupting his duplicate attack, and when he's sitting in the corner (just remember to retreat the moment the fumes appear over his head, or you'll see a bunch of insta-kills at once)


I hope this helps.



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Yeah, it's has been a long while since I played this game, so Jonnas's answer is the way to go.


and I don't consider myself an expert on this game, more like a passionate lover:D


What I do remember of the final battle though, is that many casualties will be made :o

Soldier up, and good luck out there!

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  • 6 months later...



Really pissed off.


So I finally decide to just finish this off once and for all.


Get to the final boss


The game breaks in the most annoying way.


I beat the three rats, and then all three again combined (at the third attempt). At which point, walkthroughs and YouTube videos intimate to me that the Rat King should come and fight you. But... it doesn't. It just sat there on top of the box not doing anything. I walk around the enclosed stage for 15 minutes to see if I'm supposed to trigger something, but no. A stupid glitch, it would seem.


So naturally there's no save point in the entire last bit of the game, and no way of going back (I can't even trigger my own death). I had no choice but to quit the game.


Now I'm really put off going back to it because of the really long build-up to that point. Do I grit my teeth and just do it all again and hope it doesn't glitch again? Or do I convince myself that I virtually finished it and thus don't really need to?


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I guess if you're already using Youtube vids to finish it you could just finish watching them, but bit of a shame.


Didn't have this happen to me so don't know what went wrong to cause that to happen but did you try using any archers to see if they could hit him and bring him down?

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I guess if you're already using Youtube vids to finish it you could just finish watching them, but bit of a shame.


Didn't have this happen to me so don't know what went wrong to cause that to happen but did you try using any archers to see if they could hit him and bring him down?


Yeah, alas it was not to be :(


I should clarify, I only used YT vids and a walkthrough to make sure that the game really was glitching. The video I found sure enough showed a small cut-scene with the Rat King jumping down triggered immediately after you finish off the last of the 3 rats. But no such thing happened on my game... nothing happened.


Very frustrating.

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The game froze for me after that boring SHMUP sequence and the second time I died against the final boss because I'd brought with me so many useless units. Oh, how I love the lack of save points during the endgame.


But yeah, just hurry up and finish the game already. :p

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That sort of thing has happened to me in different games. An event (or something) fails to trigger for seemingly no reason and you get stuck. From personal experience, it's almost always a one time thing, you reset/restart the game, and you're good to try again.


Except in that Mega Drive Speedy Gonzalez game, where it always happened... Fucking game, glitching the moment I defeat the final boss, more than once.


For the sake of completion, I say you try again (the boss isn't exactly a piece of cake, you know).

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