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A Legal Music Streaming Site


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Recently the man has been trying to shut down internet radio (no more Pandora for us), but this site has legal status and seems pretty awesome. Create playlists, search for artists you like and enjoy. It doesn't cover every artist around, but it's going to be a fairly comprehensive try-before-I-buy service for me.


I still rate Last.fm's radio service, but this seems to offer more choice over what is played.

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Recently the man has been trying to shut down internet radio (no more Pandora for us), but this site has legal status and seems pretty awesome. Create playlists, search for artists you like and enjoy. It doesn't cover every artist around, but it's going to be a fairly comprehensive try-before-I-buy service for me.


I still rate Last.fm's radio service, but this seems to offer more choice over what is played.


Wow your kid is cute Mr Odwin. Taking after the mother I guess! I jest I jest.


Thanks for the link.

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