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Dead pc


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my pc has all but died.

the last week or so i have only just been able to use it, never more than 1 program at a time though. now it is even worse, taking over an hour to load windows when i turn it on. even that is sometimes a waste of time as it keeps turning off my usb ports, so no mouse or keyboard.


last few times i have been able to use i have checked to the best of my ability what might be wrong, but can't find any software issues. it's not overheating either.


anyone have any ideas?

its a 3ghz 64bit sempron with 1gb of ram running xp home.

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nope. the main hard drive is less than a year old, surely there shouldn't be anything wrong with it? i have much older harddrives by the same manufacturer too. hmmm.

i thought it might have been a ram problem?

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Guest Jordan

PC's don't "Totally die" unless you overheat the components causing a giant melt down of all the motherboard, CPU etc circutry.


Its probably a single component with an issue, if it doesn't turn on, then its probably just the PSU or the motherboard.

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it turns on, it just can't complete loading windows. several people have suggested it may be a hdd problem, so i'll buy a new one. i had hoped i had made it clear i was trying to isolate a component or software cause of the problem

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