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Wii Firmware update: 3.0U/E


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You'll maybe have to update to play the newest games like Mario Galaxy. Apparently Super Paper Mario required American players to update their firmware as well. I don't know if it's true though.


It would be stupid for people who don't have a high bandwith internet connection.

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Last time I owned a console was a Playstation which I had for several years and I was very glad I decided to get a modchip installed because there was a huge disparity in US and Japanese releases at that time (I'm an immigrant to Scotland from the States). Now it looks like the Nintendo scene has been a bit more even in that regard, however there are some Gamecube titles I'd like to get that aren't in PAL-land; sadly I won't be since Nintendo seems bent on restricting that.


With regard to getting foreign versions of consoles, last time I checked these things are multi-voltage, correct? So the only "legal" way would be to import the console and run it through a voltage converter? No thanks. The fact that a software-only solution in the form of Freeloader has been available in the past is a good sign as I don't like the idea of a hardware modification, however, I cannot see getting into the cat-and-mouse thing with having to get newer and newer versions just to play a few old games.


Nintendo is not the entire games industry; if they want to stop region-coding their own software they can. I think it might be an idea for people who are keen to import titles to express themselves to Nintendo Europe on the issue. I'm not interested in grey-market importing; I'm happy to buy local titles over imports, but as long as titles aren't being localised and we can find out about them via the interweb, I don't see why we should be prevented from buying and running that software.

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It would be stupid for people who don't have a high bandwith internet connection.


I guess the update was on the disk too and got automatically installed during loading the game (at least that's how I would do it and how it got done on other consoles too)...

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Yeah but i don't think the updates on games come with full firmware updates, just enough to make the game run properly maybe.


I brought my RE4 to a cousins who doesn't have his Wii online, put in RE4 it performed an update, it was very quick, took like 5 seconds, but there (seemed) to be no changes. Console still unable to copy game saves to SD cards, it didn't even say what the firmware version number was.

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I'm also having connection troubles after the update.. Opera works, dunno about Mario Football (WFC), but weather- / news- / shopchannel don't work anymore.. I especially want to check out the new shop.. I tried pulling the plug, and the network cable, as well as reconneting in the Wii settings.. Any other solutions?

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Many LAN Adapter (both Nintendo and Datel) users are reporting that, after the update, they are unable to connect to the Wii Shop Channel and News Channel, with error number 51420-9. All other online features stay operational.


I'm included in that number. :(


Does this fit your problem, Sméagol?


It seems like Nintendo hasn't really tested this update properly before releasing it...


The workaround is to use a wireless connection, but that doesn't invalidate that the update has made many LAN Adapters partially useless...

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myke i have the same problem, after update 3.0E the news channel only gives one news article about someone in the usa has sold his partners ashes(lame news) but i cant connect to the shopping channel. And if you look in the wii menu you can see that the lan adapter is not given an mac adres.



just called nintendo, they said that the new firmware update blocks all lan adapters from accessing the news en shopping channel. they all already working on a fix for it.

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Did anyone notice that there was an update to TG-16's R-TYPE game? I browsed the new shop the other day and it said it was updated. So i downloaded the updated game. Havent played the game since though, so not sure what it fixed. Probably some minor bugs or something.

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Did anyone notice that there was an update to TG-16's R-TYPE game? I browsed the new shop the other day and it said it was updated. So i downloaded the updated game. Havent played the game since though, so not sure what it fixed. Probably some minor bugs or something.


I noticed it, but didnt bother with the update.....I think it has just extended the controller options to include GC pad. There is also an update for Gradius that is similar.

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Many LAN Adapter (both Nintendo and Datel) users are reporting that, after the update, they are unable to connect to the Wii Shop Channel and News Channel, with error number 51420-9. All other online features stay operational.


I'm included in that number. :(


Does this fit your problem, Sméagol?


It seems like Nintendo hasn't really tested this update properly before releasing it...


The workaround is to use a wireless connection, but that doesn't invalidate that the update has made many LAN Adapters partially useless...

I guess it does.. A bit strange though, if it's involves the LAN adapter, why are some online features functional and others not..? I guess I'll have to wait for the fix, I didn't buy a LAN adapter for nothing :rolleyes:.

Allthough, I could try to get the USB adapter working again, but I don't like the stability of my connection through it.. I think it 'll be worse for the Wii..

Too bad for Nintendo I guess. Now I can't spend my money in the shop :P.

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For all of you with freeloader problems what about that "quick disk swap" that was shooting about for awhile.


Does it work or not? Still planning on buying Baten Kaitos Origins.


In all the updates been alright, nothing really important has been tackled like SD cards or anything. I still think the Shop Channel needs a better layout when cycling through the games. 12 pages is a bit much when they could fit so many more on one page.

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For all of you with freeloader problems what about that "quick disk swap" that was shooting about for awhile.


Does it work or not? Still planning on buying Baten Kaitos Origins.


In all the updates been alright, nothing really important has been tackled like SD cards or anything. I still think the Shop Channel needs a better layout when cycling through the games. 12 pages is a bit much when they could fit so many more on one page.


No the disk swap does not work, the time in which you change disk is vastly shortened. So its impossible to change that fast.

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With regard to getting foreign versions of consoles, last time I checked these things are multi-voltage, correct? So the only "legal" way would be to import the console and run it through a voltage converter? No thanks. The fact that a software-only solution in the form of Freeloader has been available in the past is a good sign as I don't like the idea of a hardware modification, however, I cannot see getting into the cat-and-mouse thing with having to get newer and newer versions just to play a few old games.


If you really don't want to wait for the UK versions of games. Just buy a US Console and run it through a standard US-UK Voltage Converter. It's a simple plug, which allows you to run it without any modification to the machine. I have had this setup since I bought the console in November and there have been no problems. This is the way to go.

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And what about Japanese games? Buy another console for Japanese games?

Also the point most time is not the wait time but that there are many games that don't come out in Europe at all... e.g. the PS2 released games in Europe were only 1/4 to 1/3 (or something like this) of the released games in Japan and for Nintendo it isn't that much different...

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