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Do you think you will buy a PS3?


Will you buy a PS3?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy a PS3?

    • Yeah PS3 is shaping up well, i will get one this year for defo.
    • They do look good but it will be a long time till i have £400.
    • When MGS4 comes out.
    • No PS3+Sony = lmaoroflsonysux

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£400 hmmmmm.... i want MGS4 and a blu-ray player would be nice, but i have a 360 with HD-DVD drive and i love it to bits so unless sony drop the price to about £150 (probably never going to happen)then they can kiss my white ass.


MGS4 might come to 360 eventually anyway, if not then at least 360 has Ace Combat :grin:

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The PS online side of things is superb. While Xbox Live has been out longer and is more developed. Sony have a much more expansive and advanced online network. No space restrictions for games, Possibility of servers for no gaming lag, Internet browser, Streaming of content from wireless devices etc. Xbox Live was up ages ago however it wasnt designed for todays gaming so much as PSN is(hardware too). Which is because Sony started late from scratch so they ended up with better possibilites. Also Sony are much more open. You wont need to have MS everything to do half the features nor do you have to pay. Oh and Tekken DR will be online soon. :laughing: UT is coming due PS3 open to MS wanting to lock content to microtransactions etc. Sony have a very forward thinking approach. It wont be long before they are king in online.


with HD-DVD drive


Now thats an expensive thing to do. I wouldnt be able to justify that. Its a gimped HD-DVD player.

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The PS online side of things is superb. While Xbox Live has been out longer and is more developed. Sony have a much more expansive and advanced online network. No space restrictions for games, Possibility of servers for no gaming lag, Internet browser, Streaming of content from wireless devices etc. Xbox Live was up ages ago however it wasnt designed for todays gaming so much as PSN is(hardware too). Which is because Sony started late from scratch so they ended up with better possibilites. Also Sony are much more open. You wont need to have MS everything to do half the features nor do you have to pay. Oh and Tekken DR will be online soon. :laughing: UT is coming due PS3 open to MS wanting to lock content to microtransactions etc. Sony have a very forward thinking approach. It wont be long before they are king in online.


Oh how I've missed your misinformed rants.

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only getting one if mgs4 rumors of it coming to 360 are squashed which i know will happen , although every time i say they do some says "No its going to be on xbox" my plan is not to buy one, make sister who loves GTA games buy one because i wont let her on xbox 360.

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My reasons for not getting a PS3:


I haven't found many games that will be available on the system that interest me.

The price is far too high for my liking, and I'm not reckless enough to spend that much on a gaming system, especially money that I seldom have.

Whenever I buy two systems, I tend to focus on one system, therefore leaving the other machine redundant. With the fact that I currently have a Wii and a DS, I doubt I could focus on all three systems, especially as I have a hard time coping with the Wii and DS as it is.

I cannot stand the controller. Has never agreed with me. SixAxis or not, the original controller design was rubbish, imo.

I can't see myself adopting either Blu Ray or HD-Dvd in the near future, so am in no rush as far as that is concerned.


The poll itself is ever so slightly flawed. Answers 1 and 2 are meant to sound logical, but you make it the whole of idea of not wanting a PS3 to be daft. "Omg, you don't want a PS3? FANBOI!"

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Oh how I've missed your misinformed rants.


By that bit you bolded i mean you wont need stuff like MS smartphone or Media center to do the same thing on PS3. Nokia Wifi phones will stream mulltimedia just fine on Ps3. Sony will also be using java software for PSN access on phones. : peace:

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By that bit you bolded i mean you wont need stuff like MS smartphone or Media center to do the same thing on PS3. Nokia Wifi phones will stream mulltimedia just fine on Ps3. Sony will also be using java software for PSN access on phones. : peace:


The bit you bolded you mean?

And no, features like that are completely useless to me, I don't need them.

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On each generation of PS there have been about 4 games that have apealed to me.


I can see that being even less this generation.


I brought a PSX for £20 (with two of the 4 games) second hand eventually, so maybe I'll do that with the PS3. By the time I'm ready to move over to Blu-ray or HD-DVD stand alone players will be cheaper so I'm in no rush.

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I have a 360, Wii, NDS so I not in any rush to buy a PS3. I may get one when MGS4 is released but then it would only be a japanese machine as you get can get them for £300. There is no way I would pay £400 for a games console. Blue-Ray does not interest me same as HD-DVD doesnt.

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My reasons for not getting a PS3:


I haven't found many games that will be available on the system that interest me.

The price is far too high for my liking, and I'm not reckless enough to spend that much on a gaming system, especially money that I seldom have.

Whenever I buy two systems, I tend to focus on one system, therefore leaving the other machine redundant. With the fact that I currently have a Wii and a DS, I doubt I could focus on all three systems, especially as I have a hard time coping with the Wii and DS as it is.

I cannot stand the controller. Has never agreed with me. SixAxis or not, the original controller design was rubbish, imo.

I can't see myself adopting either Blu Ray or HD-Dvd in the near future, so am in no rush as far as that is concerned.


The poll itself is ever so slightly flawed. Answers 1 and 2 are meant to sound logical, but you make it the whole of idea of not wanting a PS3 to be daft. "Omg, you don't want a PS3? FANBOI!"



That's exactly what I do. I don't like to own more than one console as I tend to find that I buy tons of games on one and sod all on the other. That's kind of happened with the Wii at the moment.

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That's exactly what I do. I don't like to own more than one console as I tend to find that I buy tons of games on one and sod all on the other. That's kind of happened with the Wii at the moment.


Thats because there really is sod all on the Wii at the moment :)


I tend to try and own all the consoles so that I can sample many the games across all the platforms. The best thing about this is that usually when there is nothing to play on one console then you can fall back on another.


Im off to the Metro Centre tomorrow to see Transformers ( YEY ) and its looking extremely good that I will be coming home with a PS3.

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By the time I'm ready to move over to Blu-ray or HD-DVD stand alone players will be cheaper so I'm in no rush.


Bear in mind PS3 is the best Blu Ray player. Not even the + 1000 stand alone ones are as good. This is due to the hardware decoding being done through Cell and RSX combo which is currently overkill for a Blu Ray player, but puts PS3 at the top for quality.


To get the equivalent of PS3 in a player you would need super expensive chipsets to match it. None of which will exist for a while. When they do come close even you will find the PS3 much cheaper anyway as quality is always going to be a premium.


Medium priced players wont rival PS3 when they arrive. They probably wont ever due to costing and quality balancing.


PS2 for the record used a full software decoding solution which makes it worse than supermarket dvd players. A bottom quality dvd player if you will.

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Microsoft have just cut the price of the HD-DVD drive by $20 and thrown in 5 HD-DVDs for free.


However to be honest the Live Marketplace is just gettting better and better and I will probably using it alot when all the HD movies and programs launch here.

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Microsoft have just cut the price of the HD-DVD drive by $20 and thrown in 5 HD-DVDs for free.


However to be honest the Live Marketplace is just gettting better and better and I will probably using it alot when all the HD movies and programs launch here.


The HDDVD drive gives much higher quality results than the compressed downloads.

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