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Heavenly Sword


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The demo is very very short but also very very sweet! :smile:


The combat is very fun and will keep you playing the demo. Very clear God of War vibe but the acting etc. is nicer. I will be there at launch! :bowdown:


Totally agree.


I love the way you can counter an enemies move DOA4 style, looks so sweet. Just a shame it isnt very long.

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Yeah i was surprised how deep it was yet its easy to pick up and play. Controls section is great i didnt know at first that it used motion sensing for stuff like after touch(after throwing an object) and launchers. :smile:

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Yeah i was surprised how deep it was yet its easy to pick up and play. Controls section is great i didnt know at first that it used motion sensing for stuff like after touch(after throwing an object) and launchers. :smile:


How could you miss something like that?

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You can just press X again and throw the item straight ahead of you. Which is what i did.


I am on a media blackout for this game now. There are new stuff on gametrailers which apparently look amazing but i dont want to ruin the actual game !

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Heavenly Sword has been given a release date of 12th Septemebr over in Yankee land, hopefully we will get it the same month. I looking forward to seeing how this scores in various mags/websites.


Yeah, hopefully we get a UK date next week. If it's end of September, i'll be going for the cheaper US version i think.

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  • 1 month later...

I got this today as well. The game is great!


Good way of putting it is if you liked the demo you will LOVE the game. :smile:


I had doubts after reviews but the game is all quality so far. On Chapter 3 now. Lots of really strong points to the game. Nariko is also quite a cool character alongside Bohan by Andy Serkis. Quite funny.

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I played the demo on my mate's PS3, and I now want a PS3 even more, lol. The graphics are brilliant and the action is superb. ^^


Although I still find this hilarious: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/1350-Zero-Punctuation-Heavenly-Sword-and-Other-Stuff


There are lots of amazing areas in the game. The bit in the demo is abit God of War like in that you can see where you go. Shame about the framerate but no other game is like this. Its very epic yet it does small scale stuff so well. Definately next gen through and through.


I am quite far now i will probably finish tommorow i think. The game isnt that long but so far i have put in i think 7-8 hours already so it was better than i thought(some reviews were saying 5 hours). Plus i know i will replay parts. maybe even try hard mode. :smile: IMO this is a must have. Great game.

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Lol @ the weak point for massive damage scene!!!!




Really liked this game. Definately will play through the harder mode and unlock stuff. I would say about 9-10 hours for first play(if you play well and dont die much) and easily 10 hours+ on replayability. Its a very fun game.


I love the fact that i just played thorugh a game without any weak or time waste bits. Other developers should take note. Even God of war has some bits which are clearly there to pad the time played. HS doesnt do that and i appreciate that. Also the chapter system helps make you replay the exact parts you want!


I will post some more later. I wont do the really nice ones since they are spoiler as this game takes scenery seriously. :smile:




I finished game at about 9 -10 hours. Now going over it for medals.

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Completed it today! I enjoyed it all the way through. Great action, very very likeable characters and interesting story. I don't know if it was because of the motion capture, but just because the faces reacted realistic and the awesome voice cast, I actually felt for the characters.


Yeah i felt sad when Kai was with General Flying Fox. That bit was crazy. Also the end... :(


More Nariko please.


Gonna start Hell Mode soon. Been trying to get all 3 medals everywhere. Kai's parts are very addictive. Its fun shooting people in the bum just to see the animation. :heh:

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  • 3 months later...

I had a blast of this the other day and again today and it just leaves me with a feeling of meh.


I dont like the loading times on the game and the actual gameplay is pretty shallow. At least it looks nice though and the voice over work is outstanding.


Im about halfway through the game and I havent really played that much. Guess it is a short game :(

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I didn't actually like the demo, but I still decided to buy it when it came out and I was happy that I did. The full game makes sure you understand the combat much better and while short what I played was very enjoyable and certainly not a bad game at all. Certainly worth a play for anyone who is looking for a fun action game.


*Piledrivers someone in their nuts*

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I didn't actually like the demo, but I still decided to buy it when it came out and I was happy that I did. The full game makes sure you understand the combat much better and while short what I played was very enjoyable and certainly not a bad game at all. Certainly worth a play for anyone who is looking for a fun action game.


*Piledrivers someone in their nuts*


Is the full game much better then? Shortness has absolutely no bearing on how much I like a game, so that doesn't matter.

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