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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Give us an SMB3 feel! MKDS had a little bit of that, but I still want more. SMB3 is my favorite game in the series.


See, Super Mario World was my favourite. Absolutely brilliant game :yay:


When I think of the classic feel, I reckon it would be great if Yoshi's level was in the style of Yoshi's Island with crayon/pastel designs in the background and track.


Also, maybe not a good idea but just thought of it now: A Paper Mario influenced item where perhaps there is a shortcut that can only be got through by transforming into a little paper aeroplane or something. (actually, thinking about it, I don't really like the idea!)


Most important thing for me though is the classic feel. You all know what I mean.


Also, players should be rewarded by their performance. Obviously you unlock things by winning each Grand Prix, but extra rewards should be present for those players who win every race, giving an incentive to play through GPs again.

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Don't think a pit-stop would benefit MarioKart, but keep making suggestions :heh: Tell us what you would like to see with this pit-stop idea. Would it be interactive? What would cause you to need to make a stop?


Another thing I would like to see is a 'random cup' which maybe you unlock after beating all the cups. Pretty simple idea, just a Grand Prix set-up of 5 tracks which are randomly selected from any of the other cups.


And this was probably already suggested but I'd like to have a VS option which allows you to select which weapons you want to be avaiable in the race, if any at all.


As well as this, I would like to be able to create a multiplayer tournament where you can mix and match races with battle mode. For example, 5 stages:


Stage 1: Race

Stage 2: Battle

Stage 3: Race

Stage 4: Battle

Stage 5: (Randomly Selected) Race


(You get the idea)


Perhaps there could also be varying race types aswell, such as your standard race or a slalom through gates/ checkpoints.


And, here's an over the top suggestion: How would people feel if simple tricks were brought into the game? Like hopping the kart and doing a 360 Spin (which could maybe deflect shells back at the person who fired it who could in turn deflect it back again?) I think this is a bit too much, but I like to hear what people think anyway.

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In my opinion, we need to get back to Mario Kart on the SNES. On that weapons helped, but they didn't allow a crap player to beat a great player. They would make it a lot more interesting when two great players were battling for pole position, but they didn't level the playing field and reduce the game to luck.


I loved Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash, but racing took second place to items in multiplayer. In Mario Kart (SNES) I could lap a poor player by the end of the race, that is unheard of in the other two home console games.


As for speed, Mario Kart needs speed,but it needs fun more, if you want speed get F-ZERO.


As for pit stops and simulation style tuning etc, that would ruin it. If you want F1, buy an F1 game.


I say back to the series' roots!

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A built-in tournament feaure like SSBM has would be nice for online. Would make me winning the staff championships even easier that it was on the DS version. :)


That's a great idea.


Also, maybe not a good idea but just thought of it now: A Paper Mario influenced item where perhaps there is a shortcut that can only be got through by transforming into a little paper aeroplane or something. (actually, thinking about it, I don't really like the idea!)


I like this idea a lot. Why don't u like it?

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In my opinion, we need to get back to Mario Kart on the SNES. On that weapons helped, but they didn't allow a crap player to beat a great player. They would make it a lot more interesting when two great players were battling for pole position, but they didn't level the playing field and reduce the game to luck.


Yeah, that is a serious problem. In DD, my friend would always win with a stack of items on the last lap, despite me being way better than him. In the end I took to "accidentally" crashing or going off course, staying just behind him enough to get the good weapons and storm ahead at the end.


Thats not how you play a racing game :/

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Don't think a pit-stop would benefit MarioKart, but keep making suggestions :heh: Tell us what you would like to see with this pit-stop idea. Would it be interactive? What would cause you to need to make a stop?


Another thing I would like to see is a 'random cup' which maybe you unlock after beating all the cups. Pretty simple idea, just a Grand Prix set-up of 5 tracks which are randomly selected from any of the other cups.


And this was probably already suggested but I'd like to have a VS option which allows you to select which weapons you want to be avaiable in the race, if any at all.


As well as this, I would like to be able to create a multiplayer tournament where you can mix and match races with battle mode. For example, 5 stages:


Stage 1: Race

Stage 2: Battle

Stage 3: Race

Stage 4: Battle

Stage 5: (Randomly Selected) Race


(You get the idea)


Perhaps there could also be varying race types aswell, such as your standard race or a slalom through gates/ checkpoints.


And, here's an over the top suggestion: How would people feel if simple tricks were brought into the game? Like hopping the kart and doing a 360 Spin (which could maybe deflect shells back at the person who fired it who could in turn deflect it back again?) I think this is a bit too much, but I like to hear what people think anyway.


If this pit-stop idea was included, it would possibly be simillar to battle mode, where one you are hit upon three times, you are out of the race. To prevent this from happening you have to go into a pit-stop to be 'fixed'.


Random cup would rule, and it's about time we get to choose what item we want in VS. The blue shell can get a tad annoying sometimes!


The varying races you mentioned will appear in the challenges section, which hopefully we shall recive, after its first apperance in the DS version.


Not sure about the 360spin idea. Seems a bit of a gimmik. Isn't dodging shells a skill in Mario Kart? I would welcome back the way you dodged banana skins from the 64 version tho :)

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I would like to see another good round of retro tracks to race like the DS version, i would definitely like to see excite truck controls as well as an option to just use normal controls but only if you want to throw a shell etc you would throw the nunchuck forward or backwards in order to choose which direction your attack goes.


I am quite sure that Nintendo will fetch us another great quality game in this series whatever the controls or features!

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Also, maybe not a good idea but just thought of it now: A Paper Mario influenced item where perhaps there is a shortcut that can only be got through by transforming into a little paper aeroplane or something. (actually, thinking about it, I don't really like the idea!)


I like this idea a lot. Why don't u like it?


I'm not sure, it could work I guess but as I have said in many of my previous posts in this thread- I would really like to get the series (and Mario in general) back to it's roots and to bring back that classic feel. Everything seems to have got a bit too 'wacky' now. I want to hear some classic Mario tunes playing in the background, familiar sound effects. Heck, even when the game starts up I want to hear that fantastic Nintendo chime (you know the one.. and if you don't, go stick in Mario Tennis on the N64..)


Bring back Ghost Valley too, with it's holes in the track and stuff. Fantastic tracks in Super Mario Kart..

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I'd like to see the return of some massive tracks such as Rainbow Road and Wario Stadium, along those lines. The tracks were too small in Double Dash...


If this pit-stop idea was included, it would possibly be simillar to battle mode, where one you are hit upon three times, you are out of the race. To prevent this from happening you have to go into a pit-stop to be 'fixed'.


Yes I was thinking something along those lines. You'd have a damage meter and each projectile that makes contact with your cart has a varying degree of damage. E.g. A banana peel would yield less damage, but a star, thunderbolt or blue shell would yield greater damage. While it doesn't necessarily affect your speed, it does make you more vulnerable and makes it riskier to ride out the rest of the race, thus adding that extra degree of challenge. Imagine coming first the entire race, 1st place finish is for the championship, you have limited damage allowance left, and right at the finish line, you are attacked and you retire 1mm from the finish line thus losing the entire cup! As soon as the damage meter goes down to nothing, you are goner, you retire the race and your player makes a classic nintendo one liner remark witha close up of your cart smoking and a pissed off look on your characters face. You finish depending on how many other players retired. Assume two other racers were eliminated and then you. Assuming they still have 8 racers per race, you'd finish 6th in this particular instance.

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I'm not sure, it could work I guess but as I have said in many of my previous posts in this thread- I would really like to get the series (and Mario in general) back to it's roots and to bring back that classic feel. Everything seems to have got a bit too 'wacky' now. I want to hear some classic Mario tunes playing in the background, familiar sound effects. Heck, even when the game starts up I want to hear that fantastic Nintendo chime (you know the one.. and if you don't, go stick in Mario Tennis on the N64..)


I agree. I want something that looks like it came from previous mario games. Get some tracks that look like SMB1, 2, 3, World. Get some retro tunes and SFX in there.


In my opinion, we need to get back to Mario Kart on the SNES. On that weapons helped, but they didn't allow a crap player to beat a great player. They would make it a lot more interesting when two great players were battling for pole position, but they didn't level the playing field and reduce the game to luck.


I loved Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash, but racing took second place to items in multiplayer. In Mario Kart (SNES) I could lap a poor player by the end of the race, that is unheard of in the other two home console games.


As for speed, Mario Kart needs speed,but it needs fun more, if you want speed get F-ZERO.


As i said before - we need options. I want to be able to play my mate who doesnt have the game and have a good contest/laugh, but i also want to be able to crank down the items when im playing someone who has the game too. its no fun beating the sh!t out of a novice (for you and the novice), and its no fun having a race against a good player reduced to an item lottery. Give us a slider where we can state the ability of each player (ie. if crap, they get great items, if good, regular items etc), or just give us the options Strikers-style to turn items off etc


I think we need excitetruck-style craziness (the craziness experience in one player, when fast trucks are all over the place crashing and smashing) which involves lots of opponents lots of contact on corners and lots of speed.

If they let us change the settings for races more than they have before, the game could be much more flexible and please more people. You want loads of items - not probs, you want no items and a hardcore race - no probs... just let us choose and we can all have the race we want.

And again... this better be online.

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I'd like to see the return of some massive tracks such as Rainbow Road and Wario Stadium, along those lines. The tracks were too small in Double Dash...




Yes I was thinking something along those lines. You'd have a damage meter and each projectile that makes contact with your cart has a varying degree of damage. E.g. A banana peel would yield less damage, but a star, thunderbolt or blue shell would yield greater damage. While it doesn't necessarily affect your speed, it does make you more vulnerable and makes it riskier to ride out the rest of the race, thus adding that extra degree of challenge. Imagine coming first the entire race, 1st place finish is for the championship, you have limited damage allowance left, and right at the finish line, you are attacked and you retire 1mm from the finish line thus losing the entire cup! As soon as the damage meter goes down to nothing, you are goner, you retire the race and your player makes a classic nintendo one liner remark witha close up of your cart smoking and a pissed off look on your characters face. You finish depending on how many other players retired. Assume two other racers were eliminated and then you. Assuming they still have 8 racers per race, you'd finish 6th in this particular instance.


I was thinking this sounds like it might be a good idea, and got to thinking maybe you wouldn't need to stop when pitting in. I.e Lakatu can swing by and give you an extra balloon, but then I got to thinking that this idea could be stepping on F-Zero's shoes a little too much, don't ya think?

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MK's biggest problem is longevity. Its far too easy to see everything the game has to offer in a few days, if not hours... so more tracks and cups are a necessity. 6 cups, four tracks each.... and I can't see why MK can't do an 'excite' and require a little more than placing in the top 3 or 4 to progress.


I think you could easily pop a story in the game - or at least explain why the racers are racing. Motivation, perhaps one character has to rank above a rival - Mario MUST beat Bowser, etc. Each character could then have a cinematic ending, providing a reason to continue to play.


Controls... lets do something radical. Steering with the nunchuk control stick, while flicking the wiimote will fire off your weapons. A is hop, powerslide by tilting the wiimote and nunchuk. B perhaps a taunt and item stop.


I'd also like to see less cheaty weapons. Why not have 3 coloured blocks... a selection of 4 weapons per colour Red are POWERFUL but heavy items (and slow you down greatly), Yellow are medium in both weight and power, and slow you down only a little. Greens have no effect on your speed but are less powerful. This would help stop gamers, holding back on tripple red shells from 8th place.

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This game also needs a Free Run Mode!

Where you can just drive the tracks at your leasure without a stupid clock or anything!


Time Trail was a free run mode. There was a clock, but it doesn't run against you and it doesn't run out of time, so you could basically go anywhere you want. The only problem I had with Time Trail was that stupid damn Lakitu telling me I'm going the wrong way. If I want to go backwards, by God, let me go backwards!

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