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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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Yaay! Finished it a few hours ago and i'm surprised that the bits i cried at weren't people dying, but the happy bits. . . . how odd.


The book was really good, very very dark and laking a little bit of humor but then that was needed since this is the last book. Some god damn amazing set pieces in this book that had better be represented in it's full glory in the film version.

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Finished this last night, and was really impressed - definitely one of the best books in the series, maybe even the best.


I had been concerned that taking Harry out of Hogwarts would have ruined it, but it was a breath of fresh air. I thought the pacing of the book was spot on - there were none of the long sections where nothing much happened that artificially extended the last two books. In fact, the only part I found boring was the Ministry chapter - the rest was either action-packed or gripping backstory. All the deaths were maybe a bit too much (especially e.g. Colin, Crabbe), but I suppose it was like saying, 'In war, random people do just die'. I'm really glad it ended in Hogwarts, too. The battle scene was spectacular, and if they stick to the book when they make the film, it'll make the finale of Pirate of the Caribbean 3 look tame.


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REALLY don't like the American cover.



Oh and just been reminded.


Doby dying made me cry, his death and hedwigs were the only one to get me teary eyed. I can't believe doby died! fuck sake :'( Made me happy when kretcher rallied the hogwarts elves. Was really happy with the last few pages, the weird 19 years later thing was needed else i'd just be screwing if i didn't know what happened, and if they had kids, and if the world got back to normal etc etc


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REALLY don't like the American cover.


I'm not keen on the cover we have here in the UK. Harry looks like a geek, and I can't seem to place the image shown, to the the particular point in the story.


I seem to dislike the books that I think have great covers (Goblet and Half Blood Prince) and love the ones with weak covers (Order and Hallows).

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I'm not keen on the cover we have here in the UK. Harry looks like a geek, and I can't seem to place the image shown, to the the particular point in the story.


I seem to dislike the books that I think have great covers (Goblet and Half Blood Prince) and love the ones with weak covers (Order and Hallows).


The load of them fall out of the gringots vault on the constantly duplicating loot that burned their skin, and notice in the middle the goblin with the sword


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The load of them fall out of the gringots vault on the constantly duplicating loot that burned their skin, and notice in the middle the goblin with the sword


Ohhhh i didn't see it was the goblins ear i thought it was ron holding it.

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I just finished, and i thought it was awesome. (Going to wrap it up now and give it to my sister as a bday present.)


Can anyone clarify this for me though:


Where the hell did Longbottom get the griffindor sword from, i thought the goblin ran off with it...."]


He pulled it out the hat, like Harry did in the CoS



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On Chapter 17 I think.


One where Harry goes back to his parents home and gets attacked and wand snaps.Pretty good.



After reading almost half of the book,I kinda wanna read all the other ones first then continue it.I really dunno why,maybe to read the other books one last time before I finish the entire series off cause and read the adventures one last time before the finale sort of thing.


Who knows what i'll do :heh:

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You can't resist the end!


I do hope you have read them all at least once sir! You'll probably read the entire series back to back next summer.


My friends read the book twice already-strange lad! lol

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Finally finished the book about 5 minutes ago. I thought that it was pretty good but it seemed like it just kept going on about nothing really, then at the end it was brought all together again and I was happy.:)


Well first thing, the ending just made me lol so much. Albus Severus, I can't believe in the end Harry and Ginny really got married and all that. My Aunt told me that, that was going to happen like after the second book came out!

:o Kudos to my Aunt I spose.


I'm really glad they had that bit with the pensive and Snape's memories, that revealed sooo much. I was very relieved that Snape was indeed good the entire time, even though it did not seem like that at all.


I'm kind of confused on how Harry survived the killing curse though... The whole "King Cross" chapter confused me really.


I think waaay to many good people died though. I'm kind of getting over Moody but still, and I absolutely don't think Lupin and wife should of died!


And final battle between Harry and Voldemort, a bit lame really.



Overall good book, and I hope theres another, but probably no chance of it. And if there is another made, I highly doubt it would be much good really.

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Twice already? Talk about fast.


I've read them a couple of times I think,well I have with Half Blood Prince and Order of The Pheonix :heh:


Be weird after reading it,that it's all over.I really hope they do the movie well though,i'm expecting nothing less than amazingly fantastic.


Maybe I wanna relive them one last time before it's over or maybe I want to try and prolong the ending subconciously or something.Feels so confusing :(

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Guest Stefkov

You have no idea how hard it is for me to not open these spoiler boxes.

I've really gotten into the HP mood after 10 chapters of OOTP.

And I really just want to get onto this one.


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You have no idea how hard it is for me to not open these spoiler boxes.

I've really gotten into the HP mood after 10 chapters of OOTP.

And I really just want to get onto this one.



I managed to avoid this thread today and yesterday as i new the spolier boxes would lure me into their secrective trap.

It must be worse for you if you have a long way to go. Have you still got to read half blood prince as well before you get onto the final book?



It feels great to have finished it i can back to resuming my normal activities i've pretty much only reading the book. :D

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Guest Stefkov

I've already read the Half Blood Prince, but when did that release?

That's how long it's been so I only remember Dumbledore dying.

(I don't see the need to spoiler that)

I've said before but my mum said she wanted to read this first, then my dad decided to read the HBP, so all I had was the OOTP. Which was good, I wasn't really gonna read it but now I'm glad.

I actually want to start from the start.

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Very disappointed with The Deathly Hallows. I found it very hard to read and I though that the

3Deathly Hallows thing was the most stupid thing in the whole HP series. Dumbledore still being alive even though he was dead? Harry dying and then being alive?? The whole of Hogwarts attacked with giants/spiders/centaurs/students/staff vs Death Eaters just seemed ridiculous.




I am sorely disappointed by this read. Although I am not the number 1 fan of the HP series, I have to admit I wasn't entralled, excited, sad or as gripped by this book as the previous volumes.


I hope that this is the end of them for good. God knows she could bring out another one...

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The 6th book is the only Harry Potter book I didn't read more than once, and it's the only one I really don't remember anything about.


I have read all the others at least twice except half blood prince and now Deathly Hallows. This book however i remember everything having only just reading it. But i don't think i'll forget it like Half Blood Pince.

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This book however i remember everything having only just reading it. But i don't think i'll forget it like Half Blood Pince.


Likewise. I think it's because there are so many shocking moments in the book, that they will stay in our mind's for a long time, unlike in it's predeccesor, where nothing hapened until the end! I have re-read HBP however, and found it much more enjoyable 2nd time round, so I do suggest you re-read it.


Will re-read this quite soon methinks, but will just ponder over some of the big events of the book for now :)



I found Wormtail's death a bit weak. There was much speculation that he would do something big as a life-debt for Harry, but I found his actions rather disapointing.


I love Mrs Weasley a lot more after she shouted "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH" and killed Bellatrix :)


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Dumbledore being alive when he was dead? What do you mean? If you're referring to the King's Cross chapter, he wasn't alive there; I just took it to be a dream/vision with Harry deciding whether or not to 'move on'. He didn't 'come back to life' because he never died; the Elder Wand couldn't be used to kill its master (who was Harry at that point), so it knocked him unconscious. And as for the Hogwart battle being ridiculous, I thought it was one of the most exciting scenes of the series, and it was great to have everyone involved in some way. The film will certainly never live up to the book there.




One of the most touching parts in the book:

'Here lies Dobby - a free elf'


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