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Mobius/Moebius Syndrome


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Ok, this has got to be the most bizarre syndrome ever.

Basically you can't move your facial muscles... So that means: no propper chewing, sloppy talking, you can't blink or expresse any type of emotions with your face, basically, your face is totally or parcially useless. I stumbled across this disease just this night... and I investigated:




And here's a video from youtube that might help you get the point:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhIC6aqq7KA&mode=related&search= Ignore what they say, just look at the little girl. As you can plainly see, she only hsa one facial expression. And the worst part about this is that they are NOT retarded and have a fully functional brain, capable of everything. It must feel like a prison.


This is indeed a strange disease. This type of thing only makes you feel grateful for being born fully functional (or almost fully functional in my case, since I am partially retarded : peace: lol).

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