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Soul Calibur IV


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There is a new pretty awesome trailer on the marketplace...Take my advice download the Japanese version because the English voices are crap.


After seeing that new character Hilde in motion she looks quite cool!


Japanese voices FTW:yay: . I still play SC 2 with the japanese voices, the english ones are crap, especially Taki's.:heh:

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Japanese voices FTW:yay: . I still play SC 2 with the japanese voices, the english ones are crap, especially Taki's.:heh:


Before I watched the trailer just now I had never heard the English voice overs...they are truly awful.


One huge problem is the lip syncing is for the Japanese so its all wrong and it looks crap!

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My flatmate has a PS3, I havent bought any games for it (non take my fancy-but I havent really looked that hard) but Ill get this, I love soul calibur 2 on the gamecube and I hope this can better that.


on the soul calibur games


I have soul calibur for the dreamcast and do like it but find it a bit 'basic' and 'chunky' game play wise compared to SC2 on the cube which plays like a dream, I also have soul calibur 3 for PS2 and ive found that one to be lacking im not totally sure why, I guess it just feels less fluid gameplay wise and less balanced.


Graphics wise in SC3 they scaled down the polygons on the characters to (I beleve) have better looking fighting environments but this has not really worked in (IMO) a lot of the back stages have too much going on in them or feel to contrived and in a game like soul calibur your going to be looking more at charaters more than anything else (though maybe thats why the bigger boobies in SC4, lol).


Im no 'expert' at fighting games, but feel like I played enough calibur for decent opinion on it ;) .


Oh and asteroths back so sweeeeet!!!

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