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you are an obsession....You're my obsession.. Who do you want me to be . to make you sleep with me.


(It's a song I'm not actually coming onto you.....although)



but seriously you don't understand how annoying they can be and yes i know exactly what one is. OK maybe not from your area But i know what a knacker/scumbag is from mine.



they are horrible to some of my friends but i don't know why I never had any trouble from them.


I agree, there fucking *****.


And they are all mostly homophobes (from my area anyway)

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Your proud of who you are in better terms!






Lies! I know what they are and what they do. I was assulted by one for christ sake.

They are the bane of society.


(Is bane the right word to use?)

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Is it sad that i was watching all the top rated Youtube videos all afternoon?


I love the clash between idiots and real people in the comments to this.


And I hate the guy in it, but at least what he says is true.


(I do hate whiney voiced people though. And his hair is so annoying. I just wanna cut it off for him)

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CHavs are bastards I know and homophobic S.O.B's but still everyone talks about them alot it's like you can't go into a thread without chav being used...


Anyway what about Emo's I have a gay emo admirer he is such a bastard...


Anyway Metroid you can cum anywhere on me....

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Anyway what about Emo's I have a gay emo admirer he is such a bastard...


He is a bastard because he is a gay emo admirer or he is a gay emo admirer and also a bastard?


Anyway. I like emos. They've done me no harm. (not that chavs have done me any harm, just saying)

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CHavs are bastards I know and homophobic S.O.B's but still everyone talks about them alot it's like you can't go into a thread without chav being used...


Anyway what about Emo's I have a gay emo admirer he is such a bastard...


Anyway Metroid you can cum anywhere on me....


ok no more chav discussion... im sorry:heart:


For point 2 there: Don't judge us all on that. Some are attension seeking assholes who arent actually gay mostly.


for point 3: i plan to:)

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He is a bastard because he is a gay emo admirer or he is a gay emo admirer and also a bastard?


Anyway. I like emos. They've done me no harm. (not that chavs have done me any harm, just saying)


He is just using his Sexuality as an excuse for everything...He opens up convos and goes..


"Hi Sexy"


And when I'm completely fine he goes "Your not thinking of coming out of the cloest are you"


Randomly suggests I'm "Wanking" over Gay Porn


And claims to my friends that he's madly in love with me..


It's really awkward because he was a good friend of mine and I had no problem with him coming out (As Suprised As I was)


But he has turned Emo and cries about me and everything...


And He says I don't talk to him because of his sexuality, it's actually because he is a fake

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He is a bastard because he is a gay emo admirer or he is a gay emo admirer and also a bastard?


Anyway. I like emos. They've done me no harm. (not that chavs have done me any harm, just saying)


Emo's, and I mean full blown emo's I can't stand. The constant moaning about life just get's on my nerves.


He is just using his Sexuality as an excuse for everything...He opens up convos and goes..


"Hi Sexy"


And when I'm completely fine he goes "Your not thinking of coming out of the cloest are you"


Randomly suggests I'm "Wanking" over Gay Porn


And claims to my friends that he's madly in love with me..


It's really awkward because he was a good friend of mine and I had no problem with him coming out (As Suprised As I was)


But he has turned Emo and cries about me and everything...


And He says I don't talk to him because of his sexuality, it's actually because he is a fake


I know exactly how you feel there.

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I have had a few chavs talk to me on msn and say to me have you ever though about doing stuff with other lads.


They are curious at least.


....no that sound like they are being thick,tested you or makng a laugh of you but if they are friends of yours then maybe they are but... it's against their religion to come out at all costs.


He is just using his Sexuality as an excuse for everything...He opens up convos and goes..


"Hi Sexy"


And when I'm completely fine he goes "Your not thinking of coming out of the cloest are you"


Randomly suggests I'm "Wanking" over Gay Porn


And claims to my friends that he's madly in love with me..


It's really awkward because he was a good friend of mine and I had no problem with him coming out (As Suprised As I was)


But he has turned Emo and cries about me and everything...


And He says I don't talk to him because of his sexuality, it's actually because he is a fake



you're right that is sad.. i should really stop doing that too:)

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Emo's, and I mean full blown emo's I can't stand. The constant moaning about life just get's on my nerves.




I know exactly how you feel there.


I actually like Emo's, not the full blown ones as you say, they scare me, but the ones with the good fashion sense and nice hair I like.


And I have yet to come across a threatening Emo...

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I know exactly how you feel there.


I mean I don't mind gay discussion and would talk about another man blowing off another man but the way he comes across it's like I would try to get into a girl. Which is pretty un-comfortable because it's sometimes very deep.


I've told him once and many a time I am straight and being gay has never crossed my mind and I am confident in my Sexuality.


I just ignore him now because it's come ridiculous...


Plus he smells of bad Body Odor....:heh:

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....no that sound like they are being thick,tested you or makng a laugh of you but if they are friends of yours then maybe they are but... it's against their religion to come out at all costs.


Haha! Don't worry, I would never, my school is so homophobic..


And I think they are being genuine because most of them sed to me is I say anything to anyone I would be dead :)



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Haha! Don't worry, I would never, my school is so homophobic..


And I think they are being genuine because most of them sed to me is I say anything to anyone I would be dead :)




threats eh? yep it was a chav alright but ya be careful of them. There are some really nice guys there though.

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Ant just have a word wit him in private.


mcj, it's good to hear you're finally gonna stop calling Ant a chav! ;)




but seriously you should talk to him on his own.... At least try but he does sound like the type who is deeply confused.



and motion:.....Cmon i only said it once or twice

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