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Aye, short hair is better. Also looks too boy band ish.


there tends to be gays who are slit in tastes. There is like guys like me who want their guys to be exactly like straight guys(rugby players etc) then there is the ones who like metro crap(eg people who fancy david beckham for instance might be a bad example though)


Thats what i have noticed


One can never have too much hair ;)


You can't even see my face anymore... that suggests haircut But im scared of the barbers for some reason.

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Marcus Horan??


You have to realise, not all blokes fancy pretty boy backs with perfect six packs and surfers bodies. If I wanted a girly bloke I'd fancy a girl and be straight... hence the reason I fancy beefy brutes (mostly)

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there tends to be gays who are slit in tastes. There is like guys like me who want their guys to be exactly like straight guys(rugby players etc) then there is the ones who like metro crap(eg people who fancy david beckham for instance might be a bad example though)


Thats what i have noticed


It's either ones who like long blonde hair or short black hair. Oh and becks, yuck.

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I prefer longer hair, but it can vary or whatever.


Generally I like anyone who will get down and dirty :p


And now I am going to bed. (alone :p)


lol that picture of the rugby player makes him look constipated and upset.

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I just checked, the peter petreilli guy on heroes is not bad looking at all, better than that other guy anyway.




......hmmm na Doesnt do anything for me.. not sure why though. can anybody else tell me why? Ha


I prefer longer hair, but it can vary or whatever.


Generally I like anyone who will get down and dirty :p


And now I am going to bed. (alone :p)


lol that picture of the rugby player makes him look constipated and upset.


aww goodnightxxx

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what him?


yes i certainly would there i think:awesome:


If he wasn't pulling such a retarded face... He's nice though.


Also better one of Greg:




Shame about the red face in that picture, but I fall for the smile.

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there tends to be gays who are slit in tastes. There is like guys like me who want their guys to be exactly like straight guys(rugby players etc) then there is the ones who like metro crap(eg people who fancy david beckham for instance might be a bad example though)


Thats what i have noticed




You can't even see my face anymore... that suggests haircut But im scared of the barbers for some reason.


If you want a long hair style, go to a real hair salon.


I have long-ish hair (for a guy), and have no intention of getting it shorter, so I just go to a proper hairdresser.

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Sexuality, we all have one (even if it's asexulaity), so lets talk about it.


I'm not trying to be exclusionary but lets try and keep this LGBT and LGBT curious only to make a more focussed discussion and we may get something good out of it as opposed to what happened last time something like this happened.


So here goes. Lets hear your coming out stories/ moments of confusion/grand epiphany when you realised which side of the fence you stood on etc.


Your personal dilemmas and moments of confusion. Maybe get some advice from a few other members of the boards?


Do true Bisexuals exist? Is it just a preference for whatever you fancy determined by the person themselves or some would say taking the 'easy route' out of picking a sexuality? Have any bisexuals been lambasted by the gay or lesbian communities for this preference?


Lets keep this clean and image free and as the icon Hilary Clinton said, Lets start the conversation.


isn't it funny looking back at the first post of this thread... did any of his bold points not happen over and over again.

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If you want a long hair style, go to a real hair salon.


I have long-ish hair (for a guy), and have no intention of getting it shorter, so I just go to a proper hairdresser.


I don't want to get it shorter... That's a good tip actually. what do you say to them though... i want to keep my hair long but maybe style it a bit?



I'm a question talker.

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