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Yes, but there's no need to treat being gay as your entire personality as some people seem to. Its riciculous. Surely they can either just tell someone their gay when the time asks, or just not say anything and carry on being generally normal?


I mean someone being gay shouldn't have any affect on their personality really should it? I mean in the sense of acting overly camp etc.


Exaclty. And yeah Metroid, I see what you mean but again there are other ways than making yourself a conspicuous target. For a start, a guy making a show of himself based on his sexuality just says "hey guys look at me!". It just seems desperate and cheap. Hang on wait?! Are these the gay equivalent of the straight girl, DOGS, that make it blatantly obvious that not only are they desperate but also a flea infested pit of STDs?


On top of this, it reinforces (what I see to be quite an old fashioned view) that camp = gay. I have friends (and had this happen to me before too) where people tell you that your gay. Straight and gay people tell you. Its retarded and childish!


But yeah sorry if I seem like I'm bashing the good folk out there. I think the English language is prone to generalisation.

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Speaking of dressing the part, on saturday night paramount comedy rescreened the South Park "metrosexual" queer eye episode (as well as the one about Stan's dog & Big Gay Al, and the one about Mr Garrison trying to get himself fired for being "too gay" at school, where Mr Slave is introduced... south park gay tribute night or something?)


Wasn't there a code in the 70's/80's about having a red or white napkin in your pocket? Don't know any details of this...

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Exaclty. And yeah Metroid, I see what you mean but again there are other ways than making yourself a conspicuous target. For a start, a guy making a show of himself based on his sexuality just says "hey guys look at me!". It just seems desperate and cheap. Hang on wait?! Are these the gay equivalent of the straight girl, DOGS, that make it blatantly obvious that not only are they desperate but also a flea infested pit of STDs?


On top of this, it reinforces (what I see to be quite an old fashioned view) that camp = gay. I have friends (and had this happen to me before too) where people tell you that your gay. Straight and gay people tell you. Its retarded and childish!


But yeah sorry if I seem like I'm bashing the good folk out there. I think the English language is prone to generalisation.



I know what you mean though. Camp does not equal gay....Can't really think of much to argue with here so i'll say that ia gree with you totally.

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Facts first re: the deliriously inventive rock & roll movie musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch: The unit of measure in the title refers to the stub of flesh left after a botched operation meant to transform Hansel, a uniquely dreamy boy living in 1960s East Germany, into Hedwig, who sacrifices his penis to escape communism as the wife of an American GI. What with one soap opera crisis and another, Hedwig finds herself living in Kansas, singing crummy gigs with her ''internationally ignored'' band (called, neatly, the Angry Inch) and stalking her former lover and protégé, Tommy Gnosis (Michael Pitt, bless him for his teen-faced earnestness), who has stolen her songs, broken her heart, and become the rock star she was meant to be.


Love, fame, self-acceptance, fabulous wigs — Hedwig achieves everything Moulin Rouge aspires to with far less effort. John Cameron Mitchell directs and stars in the riotous, loving, and only occasionally pathos-milking film adaptation of his own acclaimed Off Broadway play, with great up-your-ante music and lyrics by Stephen Trask. And Mitchell has done the damn difficult thing of giving a staged work a look that honors the original medium while recognizing that movies are a whole other shebang. (Emily Hubley's lilting animations enhance the carnival.) Among the fine costars, Miriam Shor, with a pasted-on beard, stands out as Yitzhak, Hedwig's underappreciated husband.


copy and paste jobie-but basically it's a god damn awesome thought provoking funny rock n roll musical.


God you're such a queen Takeo lmao.


(I kid, I kid)


This is my only problem with the gay community. You are just homosexual, there's nothing different about you. Gay people choose to dress, talk and act differently which is a result of the social group influencing itself. Thats fine but when people start dressing like that to label themselves as gay, thats when i draw the line. Why does the gay community feel the need to makes itself conspicuous then at the same time complain that everyone treats them differently.


To me, i think that a guy hitting on a guy should be the same as a guy hitting on a girl. The question shouldnt be "are they straight or not?" it should be "do they like me?" Solves problems.


I trust you mean, SOME members of the gay community do all that right?

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I know what you mean though. Camp does not equal gay....Can't really think of much to argue with here so i'll say that ia gree with you totally.


My problem is when people assume gay always = camp. Pisses me right off.


Hey you GET ON MSN!


Yes sir. *bows in that submissive, passive, slave* sense...



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I got felt up by a gay Spanish lad, he tried to kiss me which was abit weird but anyway...


congratz? happened to me too, it was unwanted but i didn't mind it, he gave me a hickey too but i said "thats too far"

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